Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Magic of Winter Solstice of 2012

The Magic of Winter Solstice of 2012

A Magical Solstice

I find it most fascinating that buried in the collective consciousness of the average person is the idea of the “end of the world.” This is somewhat accurate from an esoteric point of view. Allow me to explain this idea further.

This year’s Winter Solstice is occurring during a powerful and magical Uranus activation. This, coupled with the Sun conjunct Pluto, points to a cosmic situation leading to the end of current structures of power. This is the power that currently holds control through sanctioned organizations and existing power structures. By power, I mean the ability to establish, organize, and to initiate that which controls and brings to order. Power also refers to the energy to act and to accomplish new activity.

This year the Solstice is about the death of one great power, and the birth of a new great power, emerging for the first time. This is the power to create something meaningful and new, in closer alignment with Cosmic harmony.

Winter Solstice Chart Dec 20, 2012
Winter Solstice Dec 20

The Winter Solstice always represents a form of death. In this country, our preoccupation with death limits our understanding of what it means to end a cycle. With our Sun in a balsamic conjunction with Pluto on this year’s Winter Solstice (right before the exact conjunction), the ending of our current cycle is certain. Cosmic death is occurring in the most powerful and auspicious way possible. I am thankful that in our culture we have another symbol to help us understand what is occurring. That symbol is the birth of the Christ consciousness, which occurs every year in this season.

It’s important to realize that on the Winter Solstice both death and birth are happening simultaneously. As the death of one cycle occurs, the birth of another cycle begins. Life is eternal, with the promise that when one phase of life ends, a new phase of life begins. This is precisely what is occurring during the Solstice.

A Deeper Look into the Birth of Light

Uranus Moon Light

To fully understand the magic that is occurring on the Solstice, I would like to take a deeper look into the nature of light.

You and I live in a world where the balance of light is constantly shifting. In June, at the time of Summer Solstice, when the days are the longest, light predominates and the day-force is the strongest of the year. At the same time, the night-force is also the weakest. This is when a bit of cosmic magic occurs. At the moment of Summer Solstice, the night-force is awakened out of its slumber and it begins to build in strength. Over the following weeks and months, the night-force builds and builds until the time of Winter Solstice, when it is the strongest of the year.

Magically, on the Winter Solstice, the death of the night-force is foretold with the birth of the light. From Winter Solstice on, the awakened day-force will continue to build in strength, until the next Summer Solstice arrives.

Each year at Winter Solstice the Light re-awakens. And each year, a new quality of Light is born. This is the birth of the Christ consciousness. This is the light which will Light the world and guide our way. Winter Solstice each year brings the sacred birth of a new quality of illumination to Earth. We celebrate it, we rejoice, and we hold sacred this magic of Light. It is this yearly birth of Light which gives us hope and inspiration. We sense the glory which is to come when this Light comes into its full power of strength and illumination.

Feeling the Solstice Shift

Capricorn Light changes frequency on Dec 21, 2012The Winter Solstice, by its very nature, is perhaps to most powerful shifting point which occurs on a yearly basis. This year’s shift is amplified by an additional Moon-Uranus activation which is happening simultaneously with the Solstice.

The Moon represents your daily experience and adjustment to life. It’s a focal point of Cosmic integration of the changing flow of spiritual energies available to you. The Moon also gives you the ability to feel this amazing cosmic shift.

Every month the Moon experiences two activations. One is at New Moon, when it contacts the Sun and activates a new way to fulfill your purpose and potential. The other is when it contacts Uranus and activates your galactic purpose from beyond the solar system. Significantly, this year the Winter Solstice is occurring on this second of these two activations. The new phase conjunction (right after the exact conjunction) of the Moon and Uranus is the marker of a new era of time and progress.

On the Solstice you may have the feeling that something is different. It is important that you feel this on an emotional level. Without the ability to feel the shift, you may struggle with how to react. Astrologically, we are in a period of emotional rebirth, following the special activation which occurred at last month’s Full Moon. This rebirth is supporting a fundamental shift in our nature, to act and react consciously from a new emotional center. From the perspective of your new emotional center, you can feel that the past has served its role and it’s time to move on to bigger and better ways of living and being in harmony with the universe.

When you look outside on the Solstice, the Light you see and feel, the Light inspiring your actions and decisions, is not the same light as it was yesterday. This is the Light of a new era of fulfillment.

A New Era of Fulfillment

We are entering the era that we have dreamed of. A time to bring our visions to form. What was previously only an idea, what could only be dreamed of in the past, is now crystallizing. Our visions are becoming possible because of a new form of power.

The inspiration of the night-force will be fulfilled when a spiritual community of awakened people is able use the birth of Cosmic hope and Light to energize and start using this Light as a real and useful form of power. In the new era we will have the Power to “do,” and not just to dream. We will have the Power to act in the Light, not just talk about a world in the future. This new power becomes the force we will use to build the new world which was previously only a vision. The New Era of Fulfillment is arriving through the use of the power of Light, in action.

The Birth of a New Capricorn

The New Capricorn of the ZodiacEach year, on the Winter Solstice, the Sun moves into the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. Capricorn energies are those energies in which the earth, or anything with form, can hold and wield actual power. This year, with the help of Uranus, the birth of a new quality of Cosmic Light will begin to flow and energize through Capricorn, This is the birth of “The New Capricorn.”

In the past, the ability to claim, use, and embody power as an individual or a group has been directed by Capricorn in tandem with the planet Saturn. Saturn, ruler of form, structure, building, and laws has traditionally been considered the ruler of Capricorn, but that is about to change.

Some have predicted that the Earth’s poles will reverse on the Winter Solstice. This isn’t what is happening literally, but there is an important reversal in the flow of Cosmic energies. In the past, Cosmic energy tended to flow primarily outward, from Jupiter through Saturn and Uranus and the remaining outer planets, to the Galaxy.

Capricorn is an Earth sign. The New Capricorn embodies the transcendent quality of “Earth.” This can be seen in a crystal, which is the new symbol of the earth element of Capricorn. With this shift to the new era, Cosmic energy flows in two directions, like a crystal in which energy can flow in both directions at the same time. Cosmic flow now moves two ways, from galactic center to you, and also from you out to the Universe.

Because Capricorn energy can now flow in two directions, there will be a split in the world. Some will be able to move in both directions, others will be stuck in old forms. Those who struggle to feel the shift will declare, “The world didn’t end, nothing has changed, let’s continue along our previous path.” Saturn will be their ruler of power and power structures.

For others, who have cultivated subtleness and a new awareness, those who can feel more than the retail shopping spirit as an indicator of fulfillment, Uranus will be their new guide into a new understanding and expression of fulfillment.

Inspiration for Moving Forward

Uranus Symbol for the Planet

Uranus has the ability to show us what is beyond and just out of reach, guiding with a vision of the correct use of power. Uranus as the new ruler of Capricorn will show us the way to transform our world into the paradise we once only dreamed of. The use of power for the sake of power, and as a measure of success and control, will start to fade as the new ruler of Capricorn shifts the consciousness of more and more individuals.

As we enter the New Era of Fulfillment, we now have the ability to hold the inspiration of our spiritual ideals, and also build realities from them. The new Capricorn is about seizing power from those who abuse it and reclaiming it for the harmony of all. It’s is about being responsible for what we envision and then making the decisions and taking the actions which support it. Group responsibility and support will be especially powerful as we move forward.

Let us each feel this shift as deeply as possible. It’s a time for celebration and joy, a time for us to anchor the birth of this new Light.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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