Aquarian Age Update
Our Libra Full Moon comes only 13 days after Pluto has entered Aquarius. To take advantage of this powerful transition, we must take some time to re-orient ourselves. Something definitely feels different. This is a good time to ask yourself: What is going on? What feels different? What’s happening?
Things have definitely changed in our world. This massive shift is occurring all around us. We can best understand this shift if we approach it from a multidimensional perspective. We are gaining access to new intuitive perceptions beyond the material world of our five senses. Becoming multidimensional means receiving an increased awareness of our innate capabilities, with far less limitations than we have been told we possess. This not only includes intuitive awareness, but less restrictions from the limits of time and space. You are not alone in this expansion. This new faculty of expanded awareness is being experienced by more and more individuals all the time.
Let’s take a look at these changes and explore the bigger picture of what’s taking place so that we can openly and joyfully meet the new Aquarian Age paradigm.
Perspectives of the Aries-Libra Polarity
The Aries/Libra polarity is one of the more difficult polarities to articulate because at the most basic level, Aries represents pure individuality while Libra represents expansion into collaboration.
On the surface, it’s hard to see how these two archetypes can successfully work together. However, the synergy of these opposing astrological signs is really quite beautiful. As they work together through a principle of harmony they increase our understanding of what is possible when we approach life from a more multidimensional perspective.
The Aries archetype fully embraces individuality, through a pioneering spirit, intuition, inspiration, and expansion into a new process of being. Aries, like all fire signs, is quite expressive. However, Aries can also be introspective and contemplative. This internal quality of awareness is especially true for those individuals who have been experiencing Aquarian activations through the planet Uranus.
The bottom line is that Aries is both outwardly and also internally creative, and uses that creativity to be self-initiating. The shadows of Aries include lack of will, fear, lack of courage, and/or – at the other extreme – aggression.
For the individual, the Libra archetype is centered first on an awareness of what’s happening around them, and then moves on to the bigger picture beyond a person’s immediate sphere. Libra is easily aware of what has changed and what’s different within one’s world. Libra’s energies are great for observing and creating perspectives that give the individual new insight into the people, culture, and world around them.
In Libra we learn to internally experience the world around us. Through healthy individuality boundaries are created so we can expand into a larger context and bigger picture of life without compromising our own integrity. The shadow of Libra is an unhealthy capitulation to external influences and outside agendas or values that don’t serve the individual’s best interest.
The Aries-Libra Polarity
When you work with the positive energies of the Aries/Libra polarity, you can learn to simultaneously experience both the personal and the larger realms. You can think of these different realms as energy fields, frequencies or dimensions to which you are connected or are a part of.
The two most basic realms of awareness consist of the individual’s immediate experience (Aries) and, at the same time, the larger context of life in which we are all connected (Libra). As we are able to expand into the full use of this polarity, we can start to feel our presence in multiple locations and frequencies simultaneously. This is a great time to practice feeling yourself operating in a wider range of frequencies, and without the limitation of time and space that we all have been conditioned to accept. In other words, we are beginning to feel our expansion into spiritual realms without limits.
From a strictly spiritual perspective, the Aries/Libra polarity focuses our awareness on the concept that I’m calling “multi-dimensionality,” meaning an expanding awareness of multiple frequencies of reality. We’re genetically designed to have these multidimensional capabilities, and I believe this special ability has been hidden from us all. The realization of this multidimensionality has much broader implications that I’ll only begin to touch on today.
From a practical standpoint, we can use the abilities of the Aries/Libra polarity to function at different frequencies simultaneously. For example, when you are holding a high frequency and you find yourself in an environment with a lower frequency, you can learn to observe and choose how you will participate without needing to lower your own vibration. In this way you increase your ability to participate in multiple dimensions and multiple situations.
The word “dimensions” isn’t the best term to use in this discussion. We’re trying to describe something in which the English language feels inadequate. I like the word ‘frequency’ better than ‘dimension’ to describe our awareness of multiple realities coexisting simultaneously, and without limits.
The point is this: in order to live multidimensionally we must embrace our ability to compartmentalize our experiences and choose intentionally when and how we will participate. This is the ability we receive from the Aries/Libra polarity. Make no mistake, to intentionally compartmentalize from a high frequency of awareness is not a disconnected state of being, but rather an experience of integration and focus, in which you are completely connected to Source energy.
Libra Full Moon: A Calm Mind to Notice What's Changed
When you are sitting quietly, and new realities come rushing to the forefront of your awareness, it’s becoming increasingly natural to observe the ways in which things are rapidly changing. During these periods of reflection it’s valuable to review the past and see just how much has changed over time.
The Sabian for 17° Libra highlights our realization of what we are experiencing that’s different.
ARCHETYPE: The capacity to gain a calm and objective understanding of our human experience through the realization of what has changed over a period of time.
COMMENTARY: When the ego-thinking portion of the mind retires, one is able to clearly see the storms and conflicts of the past, only to realize that the past no longer exists. The heart is able to reveal to us how much we have changed and evolved over a period of time. After seeing one’s life from a larger perspective with a calm mind, one is able to gain wisdom and inner serenity. When the present moment is observed with both joy and wisdom, one’s experience becomes that of peace energy.
This archetype emphasizes the way in which the Full Moon is energizing our consciousness in an unexpected way. From the qualities of a calm mind, not only is our perspective greatly increased. The new perspective is allowing us to harness multidimensional abilities to function simultaneously in multiple realities or frequencies of experience, all the way from the personal to the galactic.
Aries Sun: Managing Intensity
A quick observation of our astrology chart shows our Moon on the opposite side of the chart from all the other planets, which are clustered together in a tight bowl arrangement. In astrological terms, we call this a singleton chart. For more on the significance of Pluto and Mars forming the outer rim of the bowl, see the recent Aries New Moon article, The Exuberance Of Entering A New World Era.
In our Full Moon chart, all of the planetary energies are being focused and channeled into the Libra Moon in a spectacular way. Remember that the Full Moon reflects the light of the Sun. It is the Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter that is activating our special abilities through the Libra archetype.
The Sabian for our Sun at 17° Aries suggests that what’s fueling our consciousness at this time is the spiritual compulsion to shine, regardless of the environment in which we find ourselves.
ARCHETYPE: The ability to transform the potency of one’s outward circumstances directly into the peace energy and poise of inner vitality and inner calm.
COMMENTARY: Inward withdrawal has an increased value when the biological compulsion to thrive is replaced with a spiritual compulsion to shine. When the mature individual uses their inner light to hold an increased frequency, their experience will be full of peace, calmness, and unseen vitality, regardless of outer circumstances. This process describes the active principle of Aries working within the heart center.
It’s quite clear to me that this archetype is energizing our ability to experience multiple dimensions at the same time, when each experience is simultaneously compartmentalized, yet completely integrated and overlapping.
This may be a stretch for some of us, especially when we don’t yet have any practical experience with this new dynamic. However, this increase of Solar energy, with the help of Jupiter’s conjunction with the Sun, is setting the stage for a re-focusing of our energies and a new ability. This ability can lead to an increased capacity to channel our inner light and bring higher frequencies into our everyday experiences.
What we see emphasized in the Aries Sabian for the Sun is the active principle of Aries working within the heart center. This ability to make decisions from the heart will be the new normal moving forward. This will especially be true once we collectively realize the mechanisms of control that are currently being used against humanity’s ascension into the Aquarian Age.
I believe this capacity to channel higher frequencies into our everyday experience is a new development that’s directly related to Pluto moving into Aquarius.
Aquarian Age Update: What has Changed
On March 23rd, with Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius, we experienced the most definitive Aquarian Age marker that has occurred so far. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778-1798. For the U.S., this time frame was a period of fighting for freedom against the ruling class, and the establishment of a new government with new rules against tyranny and corruption.
Despite many similarities, there is a stark difference between 1778 and our current movement of Pluto into Aquarius in 2023. Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius fully activates our shift into the Aquarian Age. Aquarius rules all forms of technology. It’s this emphasis on technology that is the primary factor of what has changed from Pluto’s last transit of Aquarius.
The way in which technology has been introduced to the world over the past 100 years was extremely methodical. Please keep in mind that the Aquarian Age is a world-wide transition from dark to light. From this point of view, technology has been used primarily for purposes of control.
When Pluto first entered Capricorn in Jan 2008, we saw an exponential increase in the controlling mechanisms of technology worldwide. Since 2008, we have witnessed the rise of artificial intelligence, to the point that the common person has not yet realized that AI is not only tracking everything we say and do, but is using worldwide data streams to censor and program all information.
Now for the good news.
Our transition from dark to light cannot be stopped. The graceful transition into our age of enlightenment is dependent on each of us. There are no outside sources of rescue coming to save humanity. The Aquarian Age will be established through a direct change in our own frequency. This worldwide frequency change is what is so exciting. Our physical planet is also changing its frequency and we, along with our planet, are rising to the occasion.
It is becoming crystal clear by looking closely at the new astrological influences that we are in the process of transitioning to the higher frequencies held within our heart centers. In practical terms, moving forward this is a very easy transition.
More and more we are learning to live from higher frequencies. As a collective, when we make decisions from our inspiration and our highest excitement we cannot be controlled by technology, or AI or any forces of limitation. Simply put, this new decision-making process emphasized with our Full Moon solves our immediate problems by drastically raising our Aquarian Age frequency.
We each have the capacity to experience a new level of internal calmness as our inward attention allows us to focus on what inspires each of us. These processes, described through the Aries/Libra polarity, are working together to create the higher frequency harmonics we’ll need to continue to evolve and completely step into our new Aquarian Age.
Using what inspires each of us, while at the same time staying present to the bigger picture of our awareness, allows us to begin living more multi-dimensionally. Our consciousness is extremely powerful and fully capable of seeing and living in overlapping frequencies. This is an exciting time. We can expect all of our capabilities and faculties to continue increasing during the months to come.
Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer
Schedule your personal astrology reading with Steven and find out exactly how our new astrological energies can be actualized and maximized as you continue to move deeper into the Aquarian Age. Your reading will include insights into Pluto’s location in your chart and how you can directly experience your own multi-dimensional shift.
Natal Chart Readings
Learn how your particular individuality functions with your creative power. Learn how to access your highest potential and zest for what inspires you.
Solar Return Readings
Every year is different from the last. Learn what energies are available in the present moment to energize your shift into the Aquarian Age.
Progressed Chart Readings – Very Timely Now!
A progressed astrology reading focuses on your personal evolution and the spiritual aspects of living in the Aquarian Age. This is an incredibly valuable reading.
Schedule Your Reading Today.
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