Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

The New Aquarian Era of Hope

The New Aquarian Era of Hope

Aquarian Age Update

Humanity has never before encountered the pervasive and high-frequency energies now coming to the forefront of our awareness. These traits are closely associated with Piscean qualities and they seamlessly complement the Aquarian shift in energies. What we are beginning to see is that the rules of life and nature are undergoing fundamental shifts. These changes make it imperative to acknowledge and nurture this high-frequency energy and light, in all forms and contexts in which it appears.

Within this transformative landscape, each zodiac sign maintains a unique relationship with our Aquarian energies. Pisces, which rules the realm of the hidden, grants us access to important insights for a deeper understanding of these Aquarian shifts. The energies of Aquarius and the Aquarian Age introduce an entirely new set of rules, signifying not merely the crumbling of old systems but the emergence of distinctly different energies.

These new frequencies have no connection to the past. The most apparent source and strength of these new frequencies of light can be found in our young children, who easily embody the energies of a new era of hope and potential for the future of the Aquarian Age. It is essential that we protect and nurture their light, allowing them to sustain and develop these elevated frequencies.

What’s hidden within the deeper energies of our shift in frequency is a natural sense of responsibility to our children. This is born not from a social contract with institutional overtones of control but from a profound personal compassion for the next generation. This higher frequency of compassion functions as a hidden element within the role of lineage, where ancestral energies can either transmit high-frequency wisdom or devolve into genetic programming.

The exploration of genetics and cultural programming within an astrological framework is a relatively new phenomenon, with few astrologers daring to venture into this uncharted territory. As we delve deeper into the Aquarian Age, characterized by expanded knowledge, these subjects are expected to gain mainstream attention and become topics of open discussion.

Pisces and the Structuring of Consciousness

Pisces is a difficult energy to articulate, primarily because it embodies both vastness and subtlety in its influence. The magnitude of Pisces is often hidden in its pervasiveness, making it a complex sign to comprehend. As a potent water sign, Pisces has the unique capacity to embody a structured and energetic pattern of wholeness, along with the structures of consciousness concealed within its adaptable essence.

A particularly fascinating aspect of Pisces’ relationship with the structures of consciousness is its link to DNA. The water element inherent in Pisces functions as a medium of consciousness that encapsulates energetic patterns such as DNA. This encompasses all patterns of wholeness within our DNA, as well as the shadows of cultural beliefs, genetics and epigenetics, and the continuity of historical timelines, including ancestral patterns that repeat through generations.

The energies of our Pisces New Moon can help us access the full spectrum of these vast potentials, and unveil a nuanced connection to the formation of our consciousness. As we’ll see this is providing a bridge that spans from the ancestral past to the future. This ancestral link is central to our biological expression and sheds light on how ancestral energies can both support and program us in hidden ways.

The qualities of Pisces that are currently being amplified include: Expansion into higher frequencies, hopefulness for the future, compassion toward the innocent, and a loving and caring approach toward releasing personal limitations and restrictions. They also include: observing large-scale trends as they consolidate into reality, questioning social norms, and seeing the limitations held within established belief systems.

A significant aspect of Pisces is the way it enables us to see how shadow operates. Pisces helps our evolving consciousness perceive the widespread shadow elements that are embedded across all facets of our existence, astrology included. This unveiling is an important part of Aquarian energies. With this newfound understanding of how pervasive the shadow has become, it is crucial in the field of astrology to dispel the numerous misconceptions that have crept into modern astrological thinking.

Shadow elements of Pisces include: Hopelessness, a reliance on belief or blind faith, an attachment to the past, and the inability to see the shadows held within culture. It also includes arrogance, through belief systems including science and religion, as well as arrogance through cultural status and position, including divisions within generations.

Belief vs. Inner Knowing

Exploring these Pisces energies helps to illuminate the pivotal distinction between belief and knowing. This distinction can be difficult to describe, mainly because it’s a radical departure from our status quo understanding of the mental process.

We can define ‘belief’ as the mind energy that creates our perceptions of reality, based primarily on memory and what we have taught in the past. This is opposed to inner ‘knowing’, which occurs in the present moment and uses heart energy rather than the mind. Knowing offers a more authentic and intuitive understanding of reality, and opens our awareness to the direct wisdom of living knowledge.

This distinction between beliefs and knowing reveals how our beliefs can be a shadow quality of mind energy. Beliefs can create judgments and distorted logic that can eclipse factual accuracy, allowing false convictions to shape our perceptions. This notion might at first seem unconventional, however it helps us understand how we have all been affected by programming. In short, the heart cannot be deceived in the way the mind can be tricked or misled.

In contrast to belief, inner knowing is not rooted in mental constructs, but in the connection to one’s spirit, which is centered in the heart. While beliefs are based on what we have learned in the past, inner knowing occurs in the present moment. This is why it offers a more authentic and intuitive understanding of reality. We can describe this state of heart-centered knowing as a conscious gateway that opens our awareness to the wisdom of living knowledge. Access to truth through inner knowing marks a significant departure from the limited confines of mere belief.

Pisces New Moon: A New Era of Hope

Our Sabian archetype for 21° Pisces beautifully expresses how we can all use our knowingness to feel the optimism and hope in the future of humanity, as we continue to shift into a higher frequency reality.


ARCHETYPE: Ancestral energies give way to the innocence and compassionate nurturing of a new era of hope.
COMMENTARY: When a grandparent shares their wisdom they pave the way for a new era of hope, by facilitating the release of ancestral and karmic limitations. Through the light of their inner knowing, the wise elder protects the child and helps their spirit to unfold naturally, unshackled by the past. Retaining the innocence and purity of a child represents the light of inner knowing that operates within us all, unrestricted by subtle cultural programming and the limitations passed down from previous generations. With guidance, the younger generation can break free of the past and transcend the ancestral constraints embedded in their DNA, forging a path of limitless potential.

This Sabian underscores a potent aspect of Pisces which is the quality of hope. This quality extends beyond merely anticipating favorable outcomes. When it rises from the heart, hopefulness enables us to clearly feel our connection to future aspirations, with confidence in our ability to realize them. At its highest frequency, hope manifests in the creative power of the present moment, transforming future aspirations into a tangible guide for immediate actions, attitudes, and choices that happen in the now.

Our new era of hope also has an important ancestral component on which this Sabian expands. Ancestral energies are one of the prime energies that make up our lives. We carry them within our DNA as well as our cultural consciousness. Ancestral energies include all forms of genetics, memory, timelines, and family heritage. Hidden within these different forms of lineage are all of the shadows and traumas of programming that have been handed down from generation to generation.

In this Sabian, the ancestral energies represented by the grandparent have a very positive tone, indicating an awakened consciousness. Once awakened, our consciousness is able to see the shadow nature of programming that has taken place subtly over a period of time. With awareness, the wisdom and nurturing energies of the elder can clearly recognize the differences between the light of spirit in the present moment and the limitations of programming from the past.

This Sabian underscores how important it is to protect and support the natural light within children, since it is children who most clearly reveal this light that lives within us all. As adults, one of our most important responsibilities is to recognize our own limitations, while we nurture and support the next generation.

From the expansive Piscean understanding of humanity, our children are deemed even more precious, as we recognize that their prized innocence stems from embodying the most pure prime creation light at birth.

As children develop, the interplay of genetics, ancestral energies, and societal influences rapidly intensify and interfere with their ability to maintain their natural frequencies of light. One significant developmental threshold occurs around age 10-11, when the child’s connection to innocence can narrow significantly. In astrological terms this correlates to the Gibbous phase (135° – 180°) of the 29-year natal Saturn cycle, when the shadow aspects of Saturn’s external systems of authority and control
can override the child’s developing consciousness. This scenario serves as just one example that highlights the imperative to continually support our children and protect them throughout their childhood and adolescence.

As we become conscious of the constraints that lineage energies impose on our consciousness, they assume a more profound role. When we awaken to the limitations placed on humanity through our DNA and other lineage traits, they can serve a higher purpose.

The more we awaken to both the shadow and light that is held within our ancestral energies, the more we can recognize how to nurture and restore the birth of pure light held within us all. There is great hope in each moment. This enables us to leave the limits of the past and make choices that connect us to the future and our new era, which will be championed by our children and the generations to come.


Our New Moon energies underscore the transformative role of the elder, whose wisdom and nurturing presence are pivotal in safeguarding and fostering a child’s innate light and hopefulness. This ability to nurture our young, as well as the light we hold within, is integral to the awakening of our new era.

This wisdom of inner knowing, coupled with an awakened awareness of the consciousness of lineage and ancestral energies, guides us in transcending our inherited limitations. In this way we are able to nurture the purest potential and hope that is revealed within the light of our spirits and humanity’s future generations.

With Great Hope,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

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