Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Poetry of Life is in Constant Motion

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age energies at each New and Full Moon.

Aquarian Age Update

With the increased positive Aquarian Age momentum we are also experiencing increased institutional backlash to the Aquarian shift. This backlash is occurring within every aspect of life. Whether it’s the squeeze on your finances, or shortages and resources that seem to be magically drying up, or ways the new technocracy is forcing new levels of propaganda and censorship into your daily life, we are all feeling it.

Even though we can see our freedoms steadily being swallowed up, it is important not to despair. Nothing can stop the beauty, prosperity, and harmony that is swelling up like a tidal wave heading our way. With the Full Moon in Pisces, we are reminded not to lose sight of the bigger picture and keep our focus on what’s important (See recent article: Keeping your Focus on What’s Important.)

The Aquarian Age is many things to many people, but what ties it all together is dynamic participation. This is not a static process, nor is this a time to sit back and watch from the sidelines as everyone else participates.

Being called to participate in a new world feels like pure music. This is the poetry of life that allows us to dance with everything we are creating. In the same way that beauty and inner meaning are hidden within the aesthetics of poetry, so beauty and inspiration are hidden within each moment of life.

Personally, I feel quite elated and excited as I watch our new era unfolding. I’m also fully aware that it’s not ‘business as usual’. With enormous contrast comes enormous opportunity. We are living through the most exciting turning point in human history.

When spirit urges each of us to create, then it’s time to create exactly what we desire. Nothing more, nothing less. A deeper understanding of how to best use contrast will help us be at the right place at the right moment.

The Pisces Full Moon: Poetry in Motion

Contrast is one of the greatest teachers in all of life. It’s especially helpful in defining our experience and understanding of who we are and who we’re not. There’s a tremendous amount of misinformation distorting our own history and our abilities. We are all amazing beings who are collectively transitioning into a new era of human history. It’s easy for us to imagine that humanity is at a turning point, one which simply cannot be ignored.

Our perceptions of contrast are always being activated at the Full Moon. This experience teaches us that contrast isn’t a static event. In fact, the realization of contrast is a dynamic process that expands our own multidimensional perceptions. Today, the contrast of opposites through our current Virgo-Pisces polarity, allows us to expand our perceptions of how to best participate. This is supported with the planetary geometry of a double-tailed Kite that we’ll be discussing later.

The Virgo-Pisces Polarity

Inspiring qualities of Virgo include personal mastery, training, refinement, commitment to excellence, authenticity, and working with the flow of spirit. The Virgo shadow includes victimization through lack of personal sovereignty, manipulation through need to control outcome, and becoming stuck in unimportant details.

Inspiring qualities of Pisces include the power of creative flow, expansion into larger processes of life, greater responsibility to humanity, and collaboration through shared visions. The Pisces shadow includes overwhelm, feeling insignificant, lack of vitality, and institutionalized bureaucracy.

This polarity is being activated by two powerful archetypes that are emphasizing the healthily contrast between Virgo and Pisces. Together they illuminate a type of knowledge that feels more like poetry than science. A deeper look at these two polarity points also exposes the shadow elements that can unwittingly hold us back from our highest potential.

The first archetype of our Sun in Virgo reinforces our latest New Moon theme of Life-Force Awareness. Now we’re expanding this awareness of our life-force to an even higher frequency. We can see here within the Sabian how our awareness is expanded and integrated at a higher frequency, enabling us to use our life-force with greater skill and creativity.

ARCHETYPE: Integrating one’s youthful capacity for expressing vitality as one’s capabilities increase.
COMMENTARY: The stage of initiation when one begins training their own life-force for something greater. Mastery can only truly be expressed when one’s heart is fully engaged in activity that has been inspired by creativity. The number five emphasizes the transforming aspect of being fully present, engaged, and working within one’s own spirit to directly access one’s natural ability to use consciousness and life-force.

This archetype reminds us that the knowing we carry within us through the vitality of our life-force is directly connected to our creativity beyond time and space. We are remembering that we are spirit, and more than our physical bodies.

Each of us has a very long history of being born here over and over again, and each time we wake up with amnesia. It’s important to keep listening to our spirit and not anything outside of ourselves. Learning to rely on our spirit helps us focus on re-remembering who we are, and what capabilities we have previously developed.

The Virgo “initiation” lies in engaging our spirit to use our life force, creativity and vitality. The shadow of this archetype lies in not recognizing the source of the true flow of our creativity. For example, the outcome of an activity isn’t the perfect dance. The outcome is the experience of letting spirit flow through you as you’re dancing.

Our second archetype in Pisces is creating contrast through the awareness of the bigger picture of who we are, to help us better understand our current situation. In this way, we can creatively participate in current opportunities and challenges that we face today at this turning point of our new era.

ARCHETYPE: A call to participate in the expansion of humanity as a turning point approaches.
COMMENTARY: When spirit calls us to participate, we do not hesitate. Sitting on the sidelines of life was never the great intention of prime creation. Crises may come and go, but spirit is always active and creatively working for a greater harmony through every turning point. When one is inspired by spirit to listen, to participate, or to act, they know that whatever situation arises they will be able to respond with great joy and excitement.

The picture of a girl blowing a bugle reminds us of the importance of asking who is summoning us and why are we being summoned? In the archetype it is spirit who is calling us to participate, not an outside force. Participation with humanity at this level is truly a creative endeavor.

The combined archetypes show us the power of creativity in action. When we learn (Virgo) to feel the flow of spirit, we are able to expand into larger realms of participation (Pisces).

The shadow of the polarity lies in responding to the call to participate without truly knowing who or what we are. Being summoned and told what to do, or how to participate shouldn’t be high on anybody’s list of things to do. On the other hand, creative participation from our highest inspiration can always be first on our list of things to do. Wouldn’t you agree?

The Value of Contrast and Recognizing Shadow

In order to fully work with the current Virgo Pisces polarity we must fully remember who and what we are. Within the archetype of Virgo, the training and mastering of creative energy (Virgo) goes into contributing to something larger and bigger (Pisces). The larger turning point of humanity (Pisces) requires individual participation, with the desire to make the world a better place (Virgo).

Each turning point in a person’s life is a big deal, however it need not be a crisis or something to fear. The contrast created within the desire to go in a different direction can be a powerful teacher, provided we listen to spirit. This is in sharp contrast to being told how to participate or respond, which is never in our best interest.

The powerful shadow that this polarity reveals, directly points to how we have constantly been told to believe those in authority over us. We are constantly told to trust the experts, because ‘they’ know what’s best for everyone.

The shadow of deferring our inspiration and creative choices to external authority is in direct violation of what personal sovereignty represents. The very idea of being summoned to support the global systems of control over humanity is repugnant to every fiber of our amazing spirit.

Contrast is a powerful teacher that shows us to creatively use our life-force to create the music and poetry of our life. Humanity is working together to collectively shift how we creatively participate in our current turning point. No longer will we find inspiration in being told by someone else what to do or how to participate. Those days are over and a new world is quickly unfolding.

The Double-tailed Kite: Multiple Choices in a New Era

A double-tailed Kite is a rare event that describes how one or more opportunities or choices are possible. Our Kite is reinforcing our ability to make choices that fully support our highest excitement. With Neptune in the upper crown position, there’s an added emphasis on moving forward aligned with what’s most exciting to your spirit.

The Neptune shadow is straight forward. When choices are obscured, limited, controlled, or manipulated, the Neptune shadow of illusion is active. With a split tail, we have more choices and less limits. To illustrate the powerful dynamic we’ll take a closer look at Mars as the slower moving tail planet.

ARCHETYPE: The ever-present possibility of beginning again as a higher manifestation of the previous cycle while embracing a new foundation of values and perspective.
COMMENTARY: The process of personal transfiguration is signified by the dawning revelation of a brand new day. The ability to function at a higher planetary level enables one to transcend the past and participate in their highest dharmic role as a creative innovator. The activation or initiation of a new dawn requires a creative release of energy that transcends what had come before.

The dynamics of a Mars activation, including our ability to transcend the past, requires a creative release of energy. The past is gone and the new day reveals that everything has changed. Our evolving Kite energy is moving us forward, without fear and without hesitation.

This archetype at 3° Libra is a favorite of mine. In the tail position it reminds us how quickly things can change and just how powerful our choices in the moment can be. The dawning revelation of a new choice, or turning point, is great encouragement for us all. Our creativity lies in the ability to choose in the moment and not to depend on the past, which is gone. We can only move forward, which is one of the great lessons astrology teaches us all.


Our energies are activating our capacity for choosing what our hearts desire most. We are moving forward like poetry in motion. When we authentically participate we can see a beautiful world unfolding. Choosing to participate in the ways we desire the most is the only way forward.

We have reached a turning point in which each of has been summoned, not by outside forces, but by our own spirit that’s continuously loving us, and supporting our highest excitement.

In Excitement and Peace Energy,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

2 thoughts on “The Poetry of Life is in Constant Motion”

  1. Pingback: Remembering the Dance – The Dendera Institute

  2. Pingback: Nobility of Spirit: An Artist’s Perspective — Virgo New Moon Sept 14, 2023 – Seattle Astrology

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