Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Power of the Spring Equinox

The Power of the Spring Equinox

The significance of the Spring, or Vernal, Equinox is in the balancing of the day-force with the night-force. This occurs twice a year in the spring and fall. At the equinox the length of daylight is equal to the night. What I find significant about the spring equinox is not necessarily that the days and nights are of equal length, but the idea that the day-force, which has been building in strength for 6 months, over takes and begins to dominate over the night-force.

The Power of Light

One of the important aspects of light is that it supports individualized growth. We can observe this in growth patterns within nature. Light provides a purpose for life. It allows life to grow, transform, and perpetuate. It is the individualizing function of the solar system. Light illuminates so that each person can see their own path in the world. Light allows for all the differences in the world to be supported, yet at the same time it transforms life into a unified cooperation, or eco-system, in order that life can perpetuate itself through the “seed.” The Sun, our source of light on Earth, is also the creative impulse for that which is new and emerging into form. The power of light working at the Spring Equinox is in the power of the new forms emerging, signified by the day-force once again moving to dominance.

The Astrology Chart – A Springtime Kite

Spring Equinox 2013This year’s Spring Equinox astrology chart feature a spectacular kite configuration. The backbone of the Kite features a Pluto/Moon opposition (activating personal awareness of higher-self) as it pulls in the higher structuring power of the Saturn/Neptune/Mercury connections within the Kite. This three planet connection allows for a new capacity to expand in the world through both the higher self and humanity as a whole. A powerful T-square activates a 4 planet stellium, bringing abundance as an integrating factor through both your higher-self connection and your personal relationships.

Kite configurations simultaneously incorporate three powerful capacities: a powerful new awareness, the ability to envision what can be done with the new awareness, and at the same time the organizational skill to bring it into form. The new awareness of our “Spring Equinox Kite” is a powerful new capacity to explore your personal connection to your higher self. This isn’t an overnight “Ah, I’m enlightened,” type of connection. Rather, it’s an unfolding opening of new avenues for learning how to work with and expand into your higher self. This spring your relationship with your higher self has the potential to shift from only being a higher guide to more of a partner with whom you can collaborate.

What Can You Expect this Spring Season?

I see the next three spring months as having a high potential for personal abundance. This new abundance will operate first at two internal levels. It will operate through your spiritual community as a generalized feeling of compassion and connection with humanity. You will experience abundance as an expansion of compassion and connection to humanity through your relationships within your community of support. This expanded compassion will in turn nurture your relationships.

The potential for abundance will also be operating at a personal level as you learn to connect as a more integrated partner with your higher-self. No longer will you be receiving “messages” from your higher self, you will experience a new level of collaboration with the more expanded aspects of your Self. To recap, you will experience the abundance of compassion and connection through your community of support. You will also feel a new sense of richness, joy, and connection through your own expanded relationship with your higher self.

Both of these types of abundance are internal, but there is good news for prosperity in the physical world as well. The type of material abundance indicated this spring stems from a fertility and receptiveness of awareness. Pay close attention to new possibilities in which which you can be a act as a pioneer, but only if you are completely willing to rise to the occasion, meaning the opportunity won’t just fall in your lap without a committed effort. For an extra level of manifesting support this spring, rely on your social circles, as complex relationships can contribute to your flow and expansion and easily translate into additional prosperity.


You have a new awareness of your higher self coming into form. If you can nurture this relationship to your higher self, as well as your relationships through your community of support, this spring can be an incredible time. Expect to have a feeling of abundance operating in your life which may also transfer into manifestation in the material world.

New Astrology Classes

A new astrology class is being offered called the Lunation Birthday. To my knowledge this is the first time this information has ever been presented in a classroom setting. In my opinion, your Lunation birthday is more important than you solar birthday because it is the clearest indicator of your personal path to success and fulfillment. This three week class will be offer once in April and once again in May.

No prior knowledge of astrology is required to attend this class. For more information and registration.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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