The Quintessence of Noble Character — Virgo New Moon Astrology Report Sept 6, 2021

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Quintessence of Noble Character — Virgo New Moon Astrology Report Sept 6, 2021

The Quintessence of Noble Character — Virgo New Moon Astrology Report Sept 6, 2021

New Moon Astrology Report Sept 6, 2021

Sept 6 to Oct 6

• 15° Virgo New Moon is Monday, Sept 6, 5:52 PM PDT
• New Moon Theme: Sept 6 – Oct 6: Noble Character
• The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire Lunar cycle that follows. This creative momentum is for energizing your life’s purpose and personal growth, especially while adjusting to evolving circumstances.

Astrology Article —  The Quintessence of Noble Character

Our New Moon in Virgo  brings a new quality we’re calling the “nobility of quintessence.” This quality represents your ability to embody your pure essence and bring it into your everyday life.

The concept of quintessence we’ll be using in today’s article comes from the ancient philosophy of a spiritual consciousness or essence that permeates all of nature. This consciousness we call quintessence is the same intelligent essence that composes the celestial bodies. I like this traditional definition because of the spiritual connotation that connects personal astrology with the astrology of celestial bodies. 

Virgo is traditionally associated with nobility of character. This quality of the quintessence of noble character means that you can utilize this New Moon Virgo energy to embody the highest expression of both your essence and your character within your everyday life.

The Noble Side of the Virgo Archetype

When an individual is able to access the highest energies of the Virgo archetype they’re capable of embodying an extremely positive aspect of what it means to have personal character.
One of the higher qualities of Virgo is the display of character traits that are culturally held in high esteem, such as determination, discrimination, courage and commitment to personal mastery. When embodied, the combination of these highest Virgo qualities cultivates one’s noble character.
Virgo also has its shadow side, which includes being overly critical with a short-sided attention that focuses excessively on detail to the exclusion of what’s important in the bigger picture of life. Another shadow of Virgo comes through the traditional definition of nobility, which was focused on having a high rank of social status or being an aristocrat. Instead of embodying one’s highest character traits, the shadow side of nobility attempts to manipulate others to improve one’s social standing.
At the very core of the Virgo archetype is the desire to improve oneself so that one’s work in the world can have an a positive impact beyond the personal scope of one’s life. Virgo helps us expand our ability to live in service. 
In Virgo, the shadow of the concept of service is to be ‘sub-servient’ through a false sense of responsibility. As we expand into nobility of character, we cultivate an attitude of improving our life and the world around us. This includes thinking about how we can impact others in a positive way.
With our New Moon in Virgo you can improve the world you live in by embracing a noble attitude about your life, your circumstances, and your relationship to others. The Sabian archetype for our New Moon at 15° Virgo sheds some additional light.

ARCHETYPE — The quintessence of deeds done well.
COMMENTARY — Triumphant in the battlefield of past actions, the individual’s effort are crowned by the determination, discrimination, and courage that were required to be triumphant. This is the internal recognition of deeds that were done well and full of noble character. This embodiment of character transforms the individual, allowing for the emergence of a higher level of initiation, or the highest order of achievement within one’s cultural setting. This marks a transcendence of tradition through a more perfect embodiment of one’s deeds, through a cherished remembrance of past valor which takes precedence over the external reward.

It’s clear by looking at the Sabian that we have an opportunity to embrace the struggles of life which can also free us from our past karma. Through our struggles and challenges each of us is transformed through the character that is built during the process.
Determination, discrimination, and courage become the true reward as these become noble qualities of new character traits.

Astrology Pattern

Our chart pattern consists of a grand trine. It is also only a few degrees away from completing a Kite pattern. A grand trine encourages energies to work together in an attempt to create a greater quality of harmony. The almost-Kite pattern brings in an additional organization factor that feels energizing, compelling to align with it.  

Astrology ChartI want to emphasize that overall this is an action chart, meaning that the actions that are taken during this Lunar cycle could have a long-term and lasting effect.

This chart’s focus on activity, and specifically the quality of the personal actions you take, is being energized through Mars and its connection to all three of the outer, or transcendent planets. These outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are all positioned in powerful relationships to Mars which is also conjunct our New Moon in Virgo.

The New Moon is balsamic to Mars, indicating that this Lunar cycle is finalizing and solidifying planetary activity well into the future. The Sabian archetype for Mars is directly supporting our New Moon theme of noble character, which could have a lasting impact on the world.

ARCHETYPE: The social acknowledgment of a job well done and a destiny fulfilled.
COMMENTARY: The ability to carry any task to its final fulfillment. When one’s destiny is fulfilled it provides a lasting effect on the culture, as long as it meets the highest social needs of the community. This quality of recognition results in achieving a social immortality that extends beyond the immediate reward or a temporary acknowledgment.

The influence of Mars on our current New Moon is emphasizing the theme that one’s efforts and results will extend far beyond a single moment in time. This clearly indicates that this New Moon will not only have a lasting impact on the world, but that each of our independent actions can and will contribute to the outcome of world events. Each person’s actions have influence now. This influence of our actions is true both for positive and negative outcomes.

Our grand trine has the potential for a positive and powerful influence in combination with our New Moon. A deeper look into the influence of the transcendent planets will provide some additional insight.

Uranus – Grand Trine to the New Moon

Uranus is part of the grand trine, along with Pluto and New Moon. With Uranus sitting on one of four major zodiac power points at 15° Taurus, actions need to be courageous with the intent of establishing future stability. There is an indication that without assertive and confident action, any crisis could turn into a unmanageable storm.

The more you can work with creative change and unexpected events in your own life, the greater access to stability you will have.

Neptune – Opposed the New Moon and Mars

Neptune has a strong shadow of disillusionment, but it can also carry a strong spiritual consciousness, especially if the individual has sufficiently awakened to a higher order within the universe. This Neptunian experience of higher order can personally occur at multiple levels including physically, emotionally, or mentally.

For those who are individuating, this Neptunian influence can promote seeing the long-term effects of the short-sighted decisions currently being made by those who are in authority.

In the larger collective, this Neptune opposition indicates a degree of blindness (the Neptune shadow) to what is systematically occurring worldwide. With the Virgo New Moon in opposition to Neptune, there is a focus on what’s not really important in the bigger picture. As an example, we can see first-hand how what is currently happening in Australia is being ignored by the media, when in fact it may be the clearest indicator of what is about occur in the United States of America.

In Australia, individual rights have been completely removed from their entire societal structure. This includes removal of freedom of personal movement such as home quarantine, with whom one can associate, and what one is allowed to say. All these freedoms have been taken away by a militarized totalitarian government working against the people.

Pluto – Grand Trine to the New Moon

Pluto is the most powerful and slowest moving planet in the solar system. As Pluto transits the final degrees of Capricorn, we are experiencing the final activations of the Capricorn shadow, as well as the beginnings of a great awakening.

As the Aquarian awakening continues, we are expecting a shift in the collective that will lead to a great and powerful resistance to the new world order of totalitarianism. This is the effect that Pluto represents within the collective mindset.

Pluto is now energizing each of us as individuals to take action and resist the collective movement toward all forms of authoritarianism.  To help you access Pluto’s support against the collective’s push for control, you can cultivate feelings of appreciation for your cherished traditions of freedom and liberty.  These are qualities associated with Pluto’s current position at 25° Capricorn.

Astrological Impact

Our New Moon grand trine indicates a personal opportunity to make a real and lasting impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Opportunities for this level of noble action, born from the character of determination, discrimination, and courage, are significant as we begin to embody the values of Aquarian freedom in our world.
These new qualities of personal character will enable us to stand up for liberty for ourselves and others in a world where those in power are initiating unsustainable control over the people.
For the collective, this New Moon could very well represent a milestone, in which a shift in consciousness occurs and the tide turns away from the trajectory of world wide totalitarianism.
A lack of resistance to institutional control is part of the shadow side of our grand trine. This shadow of the trine will present as creating a superficial harmony through authoritarianism and compliance to external control.

Our hope is that this Lunar cycle will create the critical mass necessary for a substantial shift forward for humanity.


At this point in time our Lunar cycle is setting the stage for a great opportunity, both personally and collectively. Our New Moon in Virgo is providing each of us with the energy to embrace the highest and most noble qualities of character that will have a lasting effect in our world.
We are living in extraordinary times. As personal freedoms continue to erode, our New Moon provides a new quality of being, one in in which rising to the occasion can change history.  The astrology is reflecting the change that is on the horizon. What kind of world we want to live in could very well rest on the action each of us take now as individuals.
Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer

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  1. Pingback: The Neptune Effect and a Spiritual Mandate — Pisces Full Moon Astrology Report Sept 20, 2021 – Seattle Astrology

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