This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age through the energies of each New and Full Moon.
Aquarian Age Update
Our current astrology suggests that the new higher frequencies of Light that are coming to our planet are accelerating more quickly than any of us could have previously imagined. As I write this issue of the journal I’m humbled by the changes that are occurring worldwide, as well as what’s happening within my own consciousness.
As a result of this phenomenon of increased acceleration, each of us can now release unnecessary limitation, expand our awareness and move as quickly as we desire, in any direction and in any capacity.
Another important aspect of this rapid acceleration of Aquarian energies involves the intentional release of information that has been previously hidden. This revelation of new information is what we mean by disclosure, and it will continue to happen very quickly, especially while Pluto remains in Capricorn.
Our Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon polarity is bringing new light to the Aquarian Age principles of disclosure and the revealing of what’s been hidden from humanity. As we move forward, every aspect of the old world will continue to crumble to give way for the Aquarian Age.
Using insights from astrology we can better understand these new energies. We can sort the energies, organize them, and explore the best way to navigate through the massive changes that are beginning to occur. It’s my greatest inspiration to share these insights during this crucial transition.
Capricorn Full Moon
Theme: Hidden Aspects of Life – Exploring the Unfamiliar and Unknown
Our Capricorn Full Moon is expanding our awareness of how all life on our planet is synced together with our planet’s spirit. Discovering previously unknown aspects of how life operates on our planet is a major stepping stone in our transition into our new era.
As a collective, our abilities and our consciousness are expanding. Through this process we are also discovering what’s been hidden or distorted in our world. The disclosure of what’s been hidden is a natural Aquarian Age phenomenon that’s supported by Uranus and its ability to awaken what has been dormant in the past.
We now have the potential to awaken to a deeper understanding of how we as individuals can work together in a greater harmony with the spirit of the planet.
Working intentionally with the spirit of the earth isn’t a new concept by any means. The indigenous cultures of our continent have been aware of this principle for a very long time. What’s new is our ability to make a consciousness connection to the earth’s spirit.
The Cancer-Capricorn Polarity
Cancer nurtures your spirit and your inner light. As your selfhood expands, your individualized connection to spirit helps you expand into greater realms, from immediate family to community and the world.
Capricorn supports the power of collaboration, including your ability to collaborate with other heart-centered spiritual beings. We are also very aware of Capricorn’s shadow, which involves control through institutionalized power. This shadow is what is currently being exposed. Another important shadow of Capricorn involves another means of control, through the hijacking of Cancer’s heart connections by the creation of emotional cords.
When the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is working in complete harmony, Cancer’s individuality gives us the inner strength we need to be independent of the institutionalized power of Capricorn’s shadow. In this way, Capricorn’s shadows of emotional cording and interpersonal dramas give way to an environment of collaboration and peace energy.
As we explore this polarity through the lens of the Full Moon, keep in mind that as we evolve into a 5D planet our everyday experiences will be quite different from those of our current world. One major difference we’ll experience as the acceleration continues will be ongoing revelations of what’s been hidden and our own hidden potential.
The Cancer Sun: Revealing Your Own Hidden Potential
Our Sabian for our Sun reveals how our hidden potentials are being disclosed. We are all born with amazing gifts and capacities that may have been hidden, but they’re revealed to us now so we can begin exploring what’s possible.
ARCHETYPE: The hidden potential that emerges when Source energy is channeled through a life dedicated with a spiritual focus.
COMMENTARY: The latent worth of each individual is revealed through the development of one’s spiritual nature. Individualized character is nurtured by intuitive awareness as well as one’s ability to see the energetic whole of every situation. The revelation of potential is highlighted even further when one’s intuition expands to transcend the limited constraints of time and space, through a deeper holistic perception of all spiritual realms.
We are learning that our potential is much greater than any of us have ever understood. We are learning that the quantum field is a conscious aspect of Source energy. As we expand our awareness, we have a natural ability to use the quantum field. This includes intuition and working beyond our limiting perceptions of time and space in order to directly interact with the hidden aspects of Source energy.
Exploring and revealing the unknown allows us to question everything we thought that we knew. When using Source energy to access your personal inspiration, you are directly connecting with your own hidden potential. Speaking for myself, I’m personally able to experience my own consciousness operating in ways that I had never considered, even a year ago.
The Capricorn Moon: Access to New Realms of Awareness
The Sabian archetype for our moon at 12° Capricorn indicates that we are now ready to explore hidden and unfamiliar realms, including those to which we haven’t previously had access.
ARCHETYPE: The ability to explore the unfamiliar and the unknown results in the discovery of the underlying principles and processes that are silently working for the benefit of humanity.
COMMENTARY: The acquisition of knowledge serves the greater purpose of revealing a deeper working relationship between nature and humanity. The unnatural concentration of information and resources creates a power imbalance that can be restored through the exploration of alternatives that support humanity’s natural function of harmony and opportunity. The fully conscious individual explores and experiences our amazing world in order to learn that the point of power is in the moment.
Humanity is now ready to explore little-known aspects of life. When information and resources are hidden an imbalance in power occurs in the dynamic between those who hold the secrets and those who do not.
Two significant areas of hidden information include both history and technology. For example, quantum communication technology and zero-point energy systems have been around on our planet for a long time.
These technologies are connected to the evolving spirit of our planet. The suppression of these advancements is one of the reasons that humanity has struggled. In addition, the technology we do have access to has been distorted to limit us from working directly with the spirit of our planet. This all explains why there is such a concerted effort to continue to censor and protect these secrets.
Insights into Developing our True Power
Earlier I talked about how the Full Moon Cancer-Capricorn polarity is empowering our independent consciousness, versus the limitations of collective control. We’re perceiving new understandings of imposed limits to our reality. At the same time we’re expanding and collaborating in new areas we were unaware of, or even imagined were possible.
We are currently in the dismantling phase of our transition into becoming a 5D planet. This dismantling phase is being supported by Pluto’s return to Capricorn, which continues until Pluto returns to Aquarius 1° on January 22nd, 2024. During this time we can expect the shadow of Pluto in Capricorn’s control systems to be exposed, through the revelations of what’s been hidden and distorted. This is starting now with the current structures of institutionalized power.
Using a spiritual perspective, the Full Moon polarity gives us insight into accessing our true power using Source energy. Our true power is found within our hearts, through our intuition, excitement, joy, and passion. When we create using Source energy, we are in sync with the spirit of the planet as well as our own spirit of Source.
We typically don’t think of expanded intuition as a type of quantum technology, however as we start exploring the hidden realms of our world our expanding intuition will be supported by the conscious quantum realm.
Working together, the Cancer-Capricorn polarity gives us the best of both worlds. Cancer can easily access the power of spirit, working creatively though our individualized power and unique personality. Capricorn can help us access the power of collaboration, with both the planetary spirit and the collective spirit of humanity.
What we are seeing globally is paralleling the energies of our Capricorn Full Moon very closely. As disclosure continues to occur, we’re learning to explore beyond what we thought was possible. Now is the time to explore the unfamiliar and the unknown. New revelations about our own hidden potentials are readily available for everyone.
I believe we are about to see greater amounts of disclosure taking place. This will be especially true in the areas of sustainable energy, as well as our planet’s true history, and the reasons behind humanity’s unnecessary struggles. As disclosure increases, we will likely be both shocked with the revelations and excited with the new possibilities.
Now that we have a better understanding of the quantum field and its connection to Source energy, the biggest disclosure may well come from within ourselves.
Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer
Financial Transition Update
Are you prepared for the coming financial shift?
We are all watching the changes in our world in real-time. There’s still a lot of misinformation regarding what’s about to take place, however accurate information is becoming more readily available. It’s becoming more and more difficult for those in positions of power to lie to us.
One of the most significant shifts underway is the transition into the new global financial system. It’s important to know that this positive shift to a new system has nothing to do with the central bank digital currency (CBDC).
Having a strategy to protect your wealth during this transition is a wise move. I’m using the wallet system. The wallet instantly converts cash to gold or silver. You can also convert your precious metals back to cash in a click. In the near future you’ll also receive a debt card that will enable you to purchase directly from your private precious metals vault. For those interested, I am happy to speak with you and share how you, too, can have access to the secure wallet as a way to protect yourself during the transition.
Sound Money Wallet (two options)
1) ($199/yr NO perks) (in Beta)
2) Become a Sponsored Membership ($199/yr Multiple perks)
Email: (for sponsorship)
My website,, highlights many of these changes. Please do your own research and follow your intuition.
You can reach me here to schedule a phone call to learn more: