The Rising of a New Aquarian Continent of Consciousness

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

The Rising of a New Aquarian Continent of Consciousness

The Rising of a New Aquarian Continent of Consciousness

Aquarian Age Update

Imagine how shocking it would be if a new continent suddenly rose out of the ocean. This unexpected event would undoubtedly change our worldview. In the Aquarian Age of new possibilities, no one truly knows how the particulars will emerge and unfold. What we do know is that consciousness is on the rise. Although many are unaware of what is taking place worldwide, those of us who know that we are light beings are aware of the changes that are happening on a grand scale.

From a neutral standpoint, it is quite interesting to watch how our current systems of control are faltering. These are the systems that control and manage all types of restrictions in our lives including what information we receive, the availability of our resources, and cultural norms of behavior. As these systems are breaking down they are also becoming more intolerable, especially to those of us who are aware of the bigger picture of the Aquarian Age.

As consciousness continues to rise we are coming to a quick realization to expect the unexpected (current Uranus conjunct Sun/moon). As we experience these changes taking place, it’s becoming easier to observe that others are making decisions for us that we would not choose to make on our own behalf. As we move forward, Spirit is taking a more prominent role, as if a new continent of consciousness were emerging in an unexpected way.

New Taurus Energies: The Rising of Consciousness

The energies of Taurus bring life into the processes of nature. Taurus enables us to experience the joy of seeing tangible results in this creation process. In order for creation to occur, the consciousness of Spirit must infuse itself into what’s being created. In fact, spirit integration is crucial for success within every aspect of Taurus energy.

The power of consciousness within the earth element is that it is able to manifest in physical form. This is the beauty of Taurus. The beauty of Taurus in the physical realm is because consciousness has the ability to inhabit form. Venus rules Taurus. Venus also rules beauty. Beauty (Venus) within Taurus is only possible because consciousness brings physicality to life within the earth element.

The rising of consciousness is only possible when Spirit is allowed to fully express itself through nature and our physical bodies. As consciousness rises, there is an ocean of possibilities just waiting for each of us. In Taurus it’s important that we focus on what we really want. In order for the creation process to emerge in a meaningful way, out of all the potentials available we must learn to focus on the excitement and inspiration that rises from our heart center.

Active Qualities of Taurus

Taurus loves to be in the moment. This aspect of love (Venus) leads to qualities of connecting with the spirit of the planet, feeling energized by nature, and seeing the love, beauty, and magnificence of everything that has vitality and life. Taurus intuitively understands that the true power of nature comes from the planet’s Spirit, which animates our world with life, liberty, and the freedom to exist as a self-sufficient life-form.

The shadow of Taurus includes: Stubbornness that blocks the flow of nature; resisting Spirit’s desire to create; sensuality without consciousness and love; reliance on outside authority; and honoring any traditions that take away freedom and independence from the individual.

Setting Free Your Spontaneity

Spontaneity is a key component in allowing spirit to be free in the present moment. The rising of consciousness occurs when we set free our spirit to fully express itself in the material world. When spirit is energized by spontaneity, the direct result is an increase in consciousness.

The Sabian archetype for our New Moon energies at 19° Taurus directly shows us the connection between the ocean of possibilities and what our heart desires.


ARCHETYPE: The surge of new potentiality emerging out of the expanse of unlimited choice.
COMMENTARY: New states of consciousness rise from the pure potential of Spirit. This allows the Light to purify the mind through the letting go of unhealthy attachments and their resulting limitations. As a result, the personality of the ego and its identity no longer attempt to control the natural impulse of spontaneity that has originated in the heart center. This allows one’s infinite potential to release new life and new freedom out of the ocean of possibilities.

We all have the potential to create and to bring into form what emerges out of the expanse of unlimited choices. What stands in the way of this rising in consciousness is the energy of the mind, which is something that we have only recently discovered. Our nemesis, as we have been uncovering in recent articles, is how our mind-energy is able to disconnect us from the ocean of possibilities found in our heart center.

This rising of consciousness is a universal phenomenon. It is happening over our entire planet and can also be recognized within each of our heart centers. The Source light that is purifying our mind isn’t as straightforward as a simple elevation in frequency. What’s actually taking place is a bypassing of the mind altogether in favor of using heart energy. This shift leads to the activation of many new abilities through our access to the present moment.

Along with this shift from mind to heart, there is a second meaning of the rising of a new continent. This is an aspect of Spirit coming more into physical form through our ability to live in the eternal now. In Taurus, spirit loves to work in physicality, meaning spirit likes to be active and conscious in every element and in all organic forms.

This New Moon is harnessing nature’s spontaneity, which is a constant reminder to stay in the moment as consciousness continues to rise. Rising in consciousness occurs when we are able to move our thoughts into our hearts through inspiration and what excites us. Our potential is now unlimited.


A new form of consciousness is unfolding, much like a new landmass rising from the ocean, symbolizing a worldwide increase in awareness and spiritual evolution. Taurus energies encourage a deep connection to nature and spontaneity, promoting a life rooted in spirit and the present moment.

As this transformation progresses, we are urged to release the use of mind energy and embrace the boundless possibilities that arise from creating our world with heart-centered consciousness.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

1 thought on “The Rising of a New Aquarian Continent of Consciousness”

  1. Another possible Taurus shadow is feeling stuck, “slow moving” and uninspired in the moment.

    That’s why I think that connecting to breath and the sabian, a finger pointing to a line in an open book, is a sabian in the Taurus …. because the earth nature of Taurus can get “stuck and lost” without connection to spirit, that can direct it(your soul and consciousness) as to which direction to take next, that is truly inspiring and good for your next step.

    In other words, Taurus at times of feeling uninspired, looks to external authority when it feels too stuck in routine and in the earth. It seeks external ideas and inspiration when Taurus feels stuck in any way (a finger pointing to an open book) sabian.

    The solution I find as a Taurus has been breathing Leo heart /spirit and Aquarian ideas and archetypes into the form (Taurus) and with a devoted spirit capable of feeling spirit (Scorpio)

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