The Vanishing Veil Reveals Forgotten Knowledge

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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June 4, 2023

Published on

Full Sagittarius Moon

Event Highlight



Elizabeth Schermer

The Vanishing Veil Reveals Forgotten Knowledge

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next phase of our entrance into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age every two weeks, through the energies of each New and Full Moon.

Aquarian Age Update

The recent synchronicities of support through our astrological energies are not coincidence or happenstance. These supportive energies demonstrate a coordinated approach to the evolutionary changes that are coming to our planet. In the past we have all referenced the “coming age of enlightenment.” That Age is here now. We are in the middle of the spiritual and physical transition to a new evolutionary way of being.

Uranus, the ruling planet of the Aquarian Age, has just entered another new degree in Taurus. Uranus is supporting our awakening and it’s now at 21° Taurus with the theme of “discernment.” (For the previous theme of “Perspective Without Limitation” see the recent Taurus New Moon article.) Discernment is an essential tool for determining what’s good and true for ourselves. We are each coming to the point where we are able to discern what’s real, and what’s not. This is why it’s now becoming harder and harder for others to lie to us or conceal the truth without us knowing.

Another exciting aspect of discernment is in the shifts that are occurring in our experience of time and space. Has our understanding of time been manipulated? This Full Moon has the potential of revealing aspects of reality that have been hidden from us all.

Sagittarius Full Moon

Theme: Knowledge Revealed

Our Full Moon in Sagittarius is spectacular in that it gives each of us the ability to transcend our limitations, including that of time and space. This represents a very significant shift within the framework of what we perceive as our reality.

When I consider a shift in our understanding of time and space, the first thing that comes to my mind is the possibility of telepathic communication, which means the ability to perceive reality and connect with knowledge beyond the limitations of our 3D world. We all have these abilities. Our Sagittarius Full Moon is activating these multidimensional capacities that we carry within.

Forgotten Knowledge Revealed

Our Full Moon is pointing to the real possibility of moving past our current perceptions of our physical limitations and our power to create. With such a big shift currently taking place, how can we take advantage of these extraordinary energies?

To answer this question, let’s jump right into one of my favorite Sabian archetypes, which happens to be the one that our Sun is currently activating at the Full Moon..

ARCHETYPE: The capacity to transcend the limitations of time and our understanding of the physical plane.
COMMENTARY: Transcending the limits of DNA, culture programming and education, our spirit begins to operate beyond the physical level of existence. When the veil of time and space is removed, our new understanding reveals a capacity to directly communicate with all of life through our spirit which bypasses both time and space.

Although it may be difficult to imagine a world where telepathy is a common occurrence, this actually is one of our given abilities. In higher frequencies we are all naturally telepathic and able to access infinite realms of knowledge and understanding. We have arrived at a transcendent point in our evolution where the limits of DNA, education, and perceptions of reality is all changing. It’s extremely exciting to realize just how quickly our reality is changing for the better.

It’s extremely exciting to realize just how quickly our reality is changing for the better. Along with these changes in our perceptive abilities, our understanding of planetary history is changing. It’s important to realize that much of what we have been told about the history of our planet has been distorted. This has been intentional to obscure our understanding of our unlimited potential and what’s possible in this new era.

Whoever controls our perception of the past, controls how we perceive the present. An example of this type of distortion can be found by looking at Egyptian history. Our Sabian archetype for our moon highlights the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx and points to an era of knowledge into which we are currently expanding.

ARCHETYPE: The enduing power of ancient knowledge and the hidden history of previous cycles.
COMMENTARY: When powerful types of knowledge are lost or hidden from future generations there is a veil of suppression that obstructs humanity’s progress. When knowledge and history are hidden or distorted, our reality becomes manipulated by those responsible. Each cyclic rise in consciousness and corresponding cycle of ascension reveals hidden knowledge that’s useful in our evolutionary development. Every individual must be willing to break through their own veil of forgotten knowledge in order to reveal this light.

As we continue to move deeper into the golden age of enlightenment, our true spiritual heritage will continue to be revealed.

Our shift into the Aquarian Age involves regaining our lost knowledge of technology, history, and our ability to transcend the limitations of time and space. It’s clear to me how the higher frequencies of our Full Moon are directly supporting the ongoing dissolution of the veil that obstructs our forgotten knowledge.

The Dissolving Power of Neptune

As a transcendent planet, in its highest frequencies Neptune enables us to transcend all forms of limitation by dissolving what no longer serves us.

Neptune’s power to dissolve exists at all frequencies. In order to work intentionally with Neptune’s energies, an individual must transcend the harmful shadow elements and habits that harm us and lower our frequency and perceptions of reality. One common example of Neptune’s low frequency shadow involves drug and alcohol abuse, which dissolves our connection to healthy decision making and self-worth.

In its positive aspects, Neptune strengthens our connection to higher frequency consciousness, especially the type of consciousness that can be organized and sorted within a higher order of perception.

When an individual releases dependence on outer authority and the need to look outside themselves for guidance, for example, then Neptune is helping them dissolve those habits that have kept them from trusting their inner guidance. And when an individual releases the need to criticize and judge themselves or others, Neptune is helping them dissolve false security through a sense of superiority and/or lack of self worth.

Neptune and Abundance

Neptune also helps us access a new sense of abundance by dissolving old beliefs of limitation and lack, including the belief that there aren’t enough resources for everyone. These energies are available to us now. The dissolving aspect of Neptune is releasing the feeling that we need to struggle for resources, and that we need to compete against each other for what we need for basic survival. As we step into higher frequencies we realize that we have the power to create whatever we need, both for ourselves and others.

Neptune is now providing additional confirmation that the Aquarian Age of prosperity is beginning to reveal itself through a new awareness of abundance. I suspect we will begin to start receiving the practical knowledge that the earth is much, much more plentiful than we have been led to believe.

Our Sabian for Neptune shows us how we are about to enter into a new era of abundance.E

ARCHETYPE: The full satisfaction and abundance that each individual needs for their growth.
COMMENTARY: When Source energy calls forth the instinctive urge for growth and abundance, nature and individuals respond in a variety of different ways. To the person who is able to embrace the variety and diversity of many types of need, abundance and satisfaction will be the natural result of their creation.

Neptune’s activation of this archetype is helping us dissolve our feelings of lack and all misperceptions of the abundance and well being that is available to us all.

We are witnessing and participating in the most extraordinary period of human history ever lived. The veil that’s been hiding our history, our planet’s abundance, our abilities to create, and the knowledge of both ancient and new technologies is quickly dissolving.


The veil that’s been hiding access to our knowledge is vanishing before our eyes. Our ideas about time and space are even changing. We are realizing that we are multidimensional beings with access to more knowledge than we have experienced in the past. 

We are rapidly expanding into higher frequencies of 5D consciousness and the Aquarian Age, we can expect old ideas of limitations, including lack of resources, to rapidly fall away and the true history of our planet and our abilities to be revealed.

Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

1 thought on “The Vanishing Veil Reveals Forgotten Knowledge”

  1. Pingback: Sagittarius Full Moon: The Lifting of the Veil – The Dendera Institute

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