Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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They’ll Be Calling You a Radical

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. With Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in March of 2023, we have entered the final stages of a major consciousness shift taking place on our planet. We will be updating the journal each New and Full Moon with creative suggestions for how to utilize the massive and potent energies that are currently flooding our world.

Aquarian Age Update

As Pluto once again approaches the final degree of Capricorn, we are witnessing a significant shift in the Aquarian Age energies. This shift is marked by the activation of advanced technologies that are now operational within our current third-dimensional reality. Many of us have been expecting these technologies for some time, and it’s exciting that we are now becoming aware of them.

Many technological breakthroughs have been occurring at increasingly rapid intervals. This phenomenon is directly linked to our transition into the higher dimensions of the Aquarian Age. While much of this technology still remains hidden from the public, more and more is being revealed each day.

Currently two forces, referred to as ‘light’ and ‘dark’, are in conflict in our world. This battle is deeply rooted in the multidimensional aspects of these new technologies. As we raise our frequencies, our ability to discern the multidimensional aspects of the light and the dark enhances. This is especially helpful for understanding how this new class of technology works and operates.

Based on newly released military documents that I’ve been able to access, I’m now beginning to understand how some of this advanced technology operates. Over the next several months, through these Aquarian updates, I plan to share my experiences and insights regarding these incredible technological advancements. These breakthroughs represent a direct connection to the Aquarian Age shift, often referred to as the ascension cycle.

The energies of our new Sagittarius cycle are directly connected to one of the new breakthrough technologies. This new technology is related to our consciousness and directly connected to our imagination, which is a required component to make the technology operational.

For the time being I invite you to set aside conventional logic and imagine yourself having a personal quantum consciousness device, ready to reveal whatever it is you wish to know. Rest assured, this class of new of technology is NOT AI. It is, in fact, technology that is “Light” driven. More updates on this exciting new development will follow in my upcoming articles and lectures.

Sagittarius New Moon: The Technology of Creative Imagination

Whenever the Sun and Moon activate the same degree of the Sabian, a surge of potency is unleashed, offering a powerful opportunity for us to tap into these new potentials. At each cyclical conjunction, the Sun overshadows the Moon, harmonizing their energies to work in concert. This solar influence also serves to neutralize and reveal the Moon’s shadow aspect.

Envisioning this amplification of your spirit’s potency can be a profound way to connect with the energies occurring at our current New Moon.

Sagittarius Energies
Sagittarius energies are fun to explore, especially because they are one of the easiest of the 12 prime Source (zodiac) energies to access. The highest frequency of Sagittarius works directly within our consciousness in ways that have not always been supported by mainstream astrology. Going within is the true power of Sagittarius. Going within gives us direct access to the wisdom for which Sagittarius is known. The higher frequencies of etheric wisdom in Sagittarius connect us directly to Source energy.

The etheric realm is multidimensional, spanning many, many dimensions and higher-frequencies. Sagittarius strengthens our inner knowing and our ability to trust our personal access to knowledge, wisdom and understanding. This subtle realm of wisdom lies beyond the logical, memorized, and institutionalized approach to knowledge.

Other qualities of Sagittarius include imagination, creativity, playfulness, intuitive awareness, excitement for new experience, and a deeper understanding of how we are all connected within the etheric realm. Sagittarius’ association with travel is interesting because travel opens us to new experiences, which expand our perspective and require us to go within to integrate our own experiences through new insights and perspectives.

The shadow of Sagittarius is found in dogma and a dependence on external sources of information through all systems of thought, including philosophy, religion and science. Whenever the Sagittarius shadow grows then doubt, distrust, lack of imagination, and fear of others become dominant. In the extreme this can result in blind faith in doctrines, making others wrong, and joining organizations that control how and what one thinks. Responses such as these become the only solution to the chaos of confusion.

Activation of Imagination
With the activation of the 21° Sagittarius archetype, we encounter a potent force that refutes any notion of the Spirit’s limitation. This Sabian dispels the myth that Spirit is limited in any way. The Sabian symbol brings forward an energetic dynamic of playful and imaginative creativity. Imagine this as the technology of creative imagination.


ARCHETYPE: The Spirit’s use of imagination and playfulness for the development of a consciousness filled with light.
COMMENTARY: When the creativity of imagination is able to shape the development of consciousness, the individual experiences an acceleration of growth within the etheric realm. Each Light being inherits qualities of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Imagination is a crucial factor in the expansion of consciousness as the individual begins to see beyond the limits of their intrinsic realm.

What I love most about this Sabian is its contrast to the traditional model of learning, favoring instead a process rooted in creative imagination. It strikes me as significant to recognize how for several generations our educators have replaced play and imagination with a focus on logic and the intellect.

We now understand that Spirit operates through imagination and creativity in ways that are only now being revealed. Children and artists naturally access Sagittarian energy. For example, have you noticed how some musicians channel a stream of profound wisdom through their imaginative and creative use of lyrics?

One such example of inspired wisdom is found in ‘The Logical Song’ by Roger Hodgson of Supertramp. These lyrics are profound and definitely worth exploring. They go as follows:

 When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, it was beautiful, magical
And all the birds in the trees, well, they’d be singing so happily
Oh, joyfully, playfully watching me

But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible
Logical, responsible, practical
And then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable
Clinical, intellectual, cynical

There are times when all the world’s asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned?
I know it sounds absurd
Please tell me who I am

I said, watch what you say or they’ll be calling you a radical
A liberal, fanatical, criminal
Oh, won’t you sign up your name? We’d like to feel you’re acceptable
Respectable, presentable, a vegetable
Oh, take, take, take it, yeah

These lyrics illustrate how a child’s innocence and imagination can be rapidly programmed into worry, urgency, and cynicism as they are molded into logical adults. They highlight how an overemphasis on logic can stifle our natural creativity, imagination, and passion. This is another way to describe how disregarding our heart-energy severs our connection to Spirit, replacing vibrancy and passion with controlled thinking and logic.

Without our connection to imagination it becomes all too easy to forget who we are, leading us to seek answers from others to the existential question, “Please tell me who I am?!” The radical solution to this question is found by going within.

New Moon Energetics: Permission to be Radical

The New Moon harnesses our fiery Sagittarius energy, encouraging us to employ our imagination for increased horsepower. We are now fully empowered to explore life beyond conventional boundaries. This approach radically challenges us to live outside the box.

The Sabian archetype reveals that our imagination is a key catalyst in the evolution of our consciousness, particularly within the etheric realm of wisdom governed by Sagittarius. As one of the 12 Source energies, Sagittarius imparts wisdom about our intrinsic nature. We are beings of Light, directly from Source, endowed with unrealized qualities of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence.

By embracing our imagination, playfulness and creativity we can transcend established norms of controlled thinking and agenda-driven logic. We can embrace the notion that adhering strictly to logic, practicality, sensibility, and cynicism restricts our ability to think creatively and therefore inhibits our ability to use advanced technologies and resources. Relying on imagination and playfulness is a radical way to live.

This imaginative mindset reconnects us to our heart-energy, enabling us to listen to our Spirit. In doing so, we begin to unlock our extraordinary abilities with a new type of creative technology.


Our Sagittarius New Moon offers us a chance to reconnect to our spirit’s potential by inviting us to engage with our innate power of imagination.

The power of imagination beckons us to uncover our inner knowingness through creativity and playfulness, steering us away from the traditional paths of learning. In embracing our imaginative faculties, we rekindle our connection to Spirit and unlock the vastness of our natural abilities, transcending the limitations of established conventions.

Forever playful,
Steven Shroyer


Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

2 thoughts on “They’ll Be Calling You a Radical”

  1. Exciting ! Can’t wait to read your next article and developments in accessing light technologies
    Thank you

  2. Hi Steven, great article.

    I wanted to share something that I am trying this new moon month;
    I find that when I go into imagination mode, oftentimes it will create a reality in which I want.
    I believe that this is one way to turn my imagination around so that I can make this work for me, and also turn outside things around from sucking my focus, my attention, my creative imagination as well as my energy away from what I want.

    Thank you

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