When Life Becomes too Intense, Create Some Fun

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Legacy Lunar Journal

When Life Becomes too Intense, Create Some Fun

When Life Becomes too Intense, Create Some Fun

Our Virgo Full Moon energies are potentially quite volatile. Unchecked, this type of intensity could push an unsuspecting person over the emotional edge. This current volatility is related to the developing astrological energies that we’ve been experiencing over the past ten years.

The pattern involves an escalation of positive high frequency Aquarian energy that is fundamentally changing everything we know. With the current pattern of volatility, if you feel that circumstances in your life are currently reaching a boiling point, there’s an opportunity to take immediate action. This article explores creative ways to mitigate all forms of intensity and create a positive outcome.

The Virgo-Pisces Polarity: Mastery of Big Energies

At the Virgo Full Moon we are able to realize how we can harmonize the big energies of life. The intensity of Pisces (Sun) often leads to overwhelm, precisely because of the bigness of the energies.

Virgo is an integral part of harmonizing the energies of Pisces which can be big and difficult to deal with. Virgo balances Pisces through practical aspects of character development, healthy boundaries and management of the vital energies of life.

Virgo’s willingness to pursue excellence builds the personal character needed to develop skill. Virgo’s skill is instrumental in helping us learn to master the bigness of Pisces. In practical ways you can think of Virgo as supporting the eternal process of self improvement. In Virgo, through the practice of skill, we move on to experience what we call excellence and mastery. In the most general sense, the Virgo archetype begins its process of mastery as the apprentice, only later through hard work and refinement to become the master craftsman.

Pisces has a willingness to embrace larger and larger energies and realities, including Source energy itself. As an basic archetype, Pisces is expansive in an attempt to move beyond all types of boundaries. This quality of holding vastness speaks to Pisces’ hidden strength of love for humanity that allows us to move beyond past limitations and access powerful feelings of creative potential.

When the expansion of Pisces connects us to Source energy, then inner strength is activated. This personal Source connection becomes a creative experience and is a great way to harness all of Pisces’ positive qualities.

These two archetypes of Virgo and Pisces work together beautifully to support our own processes of expansion and mastery. This is especially true when we can transcend the shadow elements that interfere with their combined magic. The shadows of Virgo include self criticism and sabotaging of all types of improvement, personal or collective. The shadow of Pisces includes feeling small and insignificant, losing our direct connection to Source.

One of my favorite qualities of working with Virgo and Pisces together is the way that this particular polarity is able to help us channel big energies into improving any circumstance for the better, all the while expanding our ability to see the bigger picture of life.

At the Virgo Full Moon, Pisces’ intuitive vastness and bigger picture draws upon Virgo’s ability to set healthy boundaries. As they work together, we can receive the experience of engaging in a larger reality, even if, on the surface, the larger reality is hidden through its vastness.

The Virgo Full Moon: Unstoppable Momentum

At the Virgo Full Moon we are experiencing a quality of powerful momentum that cannot be stopped or contained. As an earth element, Virgo’s mastery comes through our ability to manage momentum through processes of improvement, including the balancing of energies.

The Sabian archetype for 17° Virgo expresses the new momentum through our connection to Gaia and the intelligence of Nature. The archetype shows us how a re-balancing of vital energies is currently taking place.

ARCHETYPE: The unstoppable energy of Nature and the unseen movement of vital energies.
COMMENTARY: The ongoing need for balance is a fundamental process that occurs throughout nature, even within the depths of our planet. A volcanic eruption is an equalizing event that occurs when a large scale release is required. When subjective knowledge, or vital energies become locked within the body, a cathartic purge or eruption must occur to harmonize and re-balance our connection to the depths of our being.

It’s important to remember that the symbol of a volcano isn’t about a fear-based event. Rather, it indicates the awareness of a positive movement of unstoppable momentum forward.

Personally, each of us is experiencing a re-balancing of our vital energies, with the opportunity for massive momentum to move forward in life. Virgo is able to channel these big energies of new momentum with a high degree of skill to help you offset any uncertainty or fear of change.

These energies and processes of new momentum may be occurring just under the surface of our awareness, but the unstoppable power can be felt. Changes can be instantaneous and the hidden nature of a shift, whether personal or collective, may occur in an instant.

Using this archetype for our Full Moon, we can put the intensity of current events and other synchronicities into a larger perspective. What’s occurring worldwide is directly connected to the new Aquarian Age momentum operating at a scale simply too large and too vast for us to fully comprehend.

The consciousness of the planet and everyone on it is rapidly changing. Nature itself, as well as individual consciousness, is undergoing a massive energetic shift.

The Pisces Sun: Peak Experiences Offer a New Beginning

Our Pisces Sun allows us to feel big energies and big change through our connection to Source energy. Although these energies are difficult to describe, they can be felt and we need not be overwhelmed by their bigness or intensity.

Our Sabian archetype for 17° Pisces describes this intensity in the context of a peak experience and a feeling of rebirth.

ARCHETYPE: The capacity inherent in every socio-cultural event to unite the members of a community in a celebration of renewal.
COMMENTARY: The feeling of rebirth is one of the most time-honored experiences of self-renewal. On a collective level, the seasonal change of winter to spring triggers a peak experience that has an individualizing impact. The cultural celebration of Easter represents these deep feelings of rebirth and renewal at both the personal and collective level. Each peak experience awakens the individual to a new realization or rebirth, and also enables them to question whether their culture’s ideals are in alignment with their new experience of expanded consciousness.

Our Full Moon in Virgo draws its power and light from the Sun’s ability to energize our consciousness. With our 17° Pisces Sun, the polarity with Virgo is activated in a very big way. From the perspective of peak experience and new momentum, each moment of clarity, each experience of seeing the larger picture of reality, can become a kind of peak experience and a new beginning.

During the remainder of this lunar cycle you can focus on your connection to the deep knowing that is attempting emerge from below the surface. Whether your experience is a large-scale purge, or a more subtle re-balancing of the vital energies of consciousness, Ultimately you’ll have the opportunity to experience a more intimate connection to the vital energies of our planet.

Humanity and the consciousness of Nature itself are both making an Aquarian Age shift. The more this re-balancing process is needed, the more we can expect cathartic events and peak experiences of rebirth to occur.

A Mars T-Square Solution to Intensity: The Power of Fun

Our Mars T-square to the Full Moon highlights how you can use the power of creative play to mitigate any intensity you are experiencing in your life. A T-square represents a natural solution to harmonizing an astrological opposition. With Mars square to both the Sun and Moon it is operating as a solution, or release valve, to the intensity held in our current chart.

We’ve already discussed the raw power of our Virgo Full Moon. The Mars T-square shows that the organic solution to any of the intensity you are feeling is really quite simple. Be creative, have some fun, and find your joy.

Our Sabian archetype for Mars at 22° Gemini is spot on.

ARCHETYPE: The wholesome enjoyment of organic processes of life and the excitement of festive and joyful moments.
COMMENTARY: The harmony and natural rhythm of healthy fun and organic social interactions. Biological and organic instincts are woven together and act like a grounding pole for creativity, which originates from Source energy. The expression of creative joy is a high-frequency activity that is in perfect alignment with the bio-energetics and synchronicities of the planet.

The expression of creative joy is a high-frequency solution to our current Full Moon intensity. In the context of this Lunar cycle, you are encouraged now to engage in wholesome fun and creative activities in order to generate and express your own type of peak experience.

Celebrating the flow of life will assist you in harmonizing these powerful Full Moon energies, so you can use the new momentum to create ease and grace in your life as things continue to change and evolve.

The powerful image of the volcanic eruption need not be unsettling. The shadow element of our Full Moon is the fear of change and the trepidation of powerful energies disrupting the status quo. The momentum of change is carrying us forward. This a time to focus on celebration and creatively having some fun. Instead of worry or anxiety over what may or may not happening, focus on releasing and re-balancing your vital energies and your inner knowing.


Personally and collectively, we are in the middle of larger circumstances that are changing the face of the status quo. The polarity that’s being created between our Sun and Moon is attempting to harmonize deep energies that are not easily accessible to our immediate awareness.

The solution to this re-balancing is two-fold. First, understand that any purge or eruption that you experience is nature’s way of helping you access your healthy vital energies. This is an attempt to balance your shift into the Aquarian Age. Secondly, take advantage of your own creativity as a solution to any activations of intensity or fear. Creatively use your imagination to find your joy and you can harness these energies for positive change. Have some fun!

Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer

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1 thought on “When Life Becomes too Intense, Create Some Fun”

  1. Pingback: Full Moon Update: The Momentum of New Creation – The Dendera Institute

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