Winter Solstice New Moon: Awakening the Solstice Light

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Winter Solstice New Moon: Awakening the Solstice Light

Winter Solstice New Moon: Awakening the Solstice Light

Article Window: Dec 21 to Jan 20
• The New Moon is Sunday, Dec 21, 5:36 PM PST
• The Full Moon is Sunday, Jan 4
• Sun is 1° Capricorn, Moon is 1° Capricorn
• Current New Moon Theme (thru Jan 20): Personal Empowerment

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a wave of new potential and sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow the energy of this New Moon theme to guide you and help you adjust to changing circumstances. Each week of this month’s Lunar Cycle will offer new tools and momentum for energizing your life purpose.

Winter Solstice occurs when the Sun enters Capricorn. This is a major shift, where the Sun reaches its northern-most destination in the sky and begins its annual journey southward. This shift is most strongly experienced in terms of light, as the length of daylight begins to increase and the hope of spring and the rebirth of nature first begins to take hold.

Winter Solstice 2014

Astrology Article: Awakening the Solstice Light

This week we anticipate Winter Solstice, the annual gift of light, and perhaps the most inspiring turning point of the astrological calendar.

Since the Summer Solstice on June 21, each day has been progressively shorter. Over the past six months, as the day-force has withdrawn, the magnificent night-force has gained in strength. This week the night-force reaches it pinnacle in the days and hours before the winter solstice arrives.

Then, as if magic were in the air, the light is once again re-awakened and along with the light the hopes, the dreams, and the magic of rebirth are re-ignited as well.

I refer to this experience as ‘magic’ because we can feel it, but we can’t see it. This magic is the great Mystery of the Christmas spirit revealed within Nature. The birth of the light brings the hope of something better to come. This is the light of Christ-consciousness re-awakening. If we can claim it as our own, the light has the power to heal us and even bring humankind together in love with the promise of what that light can bring to the world.

The Season of Empowerment

The Winter Solstice is marked by the shortest day of the year. The actual moment of Solstice is also marked by the time that the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn. It is Capricorn’s energy that fuels this birth of light.

Capricorn is an earth sign, and its energies are extremely powerful, holding a tremendous amount of spiritual potential. This energy is spiritual in the sense that the night-force is still operating at almost full strength, but there’s a hidden power which has been awakened. This is the power of pure light and love functioning in the physical realm.

The light is present in the same way that the dormant seeds awakening in the ground feel the energizing promise of spring. By its very nature, Capricorn understands this power. When this power is claimed at the individual level, then Capricornian energy will find a way to express and organize this power in the physical world.

With power comes responsibility. Capricorn brings both empowerment and the responsibility that goes along with it. It is necessary that these two aspects be balanced. All too often, the sense of taking responsibility over-shadows one’s claim to their personal power. In other words, overwhelming responsibility can limit one’s capacity for personal empowerment.

The solstice light balances these qualities of empowerment and responsibility through Capricorn’s excellent capacity to work within the earth realm. Usefulness, management, and community are all terms describing Capricornian energy, bringing this balance into the world in a practical way.

The other secret of Capricorn is hope in a better tomorrow. Without hope, Capricornian responsibility and sense of power can become self-destructive and cynical. The unique combination of astrological energies at this year’s Winter Solstice is directly emphasizing this hope of new opportunity.

This year’s astrology chart illustrates the opportunities available to us. New hope arrives through a well-positioned Jupiter and Uranus (see below). In addition, the chart also shows the opportunity for abundance and prosperity.

Individual financial success is strongly indicated, provided that the combination of hope, responsibility, and practicality are able to work for the betterment of the larger good. The ‘larger good’ can most easily be understood by extending your actions to include those you care most about.

As your sense of self expands, the larger good also expands. You understand that what benefits the Whole is also what most benefits your individual Self. Once this form of selflessness is embraced, prosperity is the end result (Venus in Capricorn).

These next winter months hold the promise of opportunities for financial expansion, along with the sense of optimism that everything will work out in a positive way. The path for success this winter lies in claiming your power, acting in alignment with the larger good, and then seeing and feeling a bright future for yourself.

Astrology Pattern

Winter Solstice Astrology Chart- 2014Capricorn energy is always present at the Winter Solstice, but in this year’s chart that energetic potential is amplified. This is illustrated by the fact that this year at Solstice there are five planets in Capricorn. This stellium delivers an increased sense of empowerment, responsibility, and hope.

The Sun and Moon are at 1° Capricorn (the chart only looks like they’re in Sagittarius). The Sun and Moon together (New Moon) on the 1st degree of Capricorn strongly emphasize your ability to personally claim this power as self-empowerment. This extra dose of momentum is gained from the start of the new Lunar cycle coinciding with the Solstice.

With Pluto at 13° it is time to claim that personal power as the end result of intentional action, hard work, and doing the right thing. (Sun/Moon are balsamic to Pluto.)

Venus represents the end result of your hard work and this can easily be experienced as a new level of prosperity. The Sabian symbol for our New Moon supports this very idea.


With the Sun and Moon falling on the powerful first degree of Capricorn, a new cycle of prosperity and hope can be seen as a definite possibility for things to come. Jupiter trine the New Moon brings leadership, once the Capricornian power is claimed and integrated.

Jupiter trine Uranus in Aries also inspires a deep sense of hope and the inspiration to access your empowered self to move forward in life with light and the freedom to realize more of your potential than you have in the past.

The traditional tidings of “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All” are emphasized in this chart. Prosperity and personal success in all your endeavors is the overwhelming theme for moving forward.


This year’s Winter Solstice is full of magic, hope, and prosperity. With our New Moon falling directly on the Solstice there is a sense that the next six months will be full of light, empowered living, and a bright future. Your holiday season may feel more alive and full of hope. This is a time to feel a new sense of empowerment as you lay claim to an inspired future.

Peace and blessings to all.

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful month,

Winter Solstice New Moon Tarot Video

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