Witnessing Contrast Facilitates New Decisions

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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June 16, 2023

Published on

New Gemini Moon

Event Highlight



Elizabeth Schermer

Witnessing Contrast Facilitates New Decisions

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age through the energies of each New and Full Moon.

Aquarian Age Update

The big news is that Pluto has left Aquarius and once again moved back into Capricorn, and now sits at the powerful 30th degree. As we dive into what this means for the Aquarian Age, let’s review this powerful archetype.

ARCHETYPE: The power of a small group of people taking control over crucial decisions affecting larger populations.
COMMENTARY: Planetary, spiritual, and evolutionary guidance is the natural right of each individual and not that of a select or secret group of elites making decisions for individuals. The spiritual energies that reside within each of us provide all the inner guidance needed to live a fulfilled life. This innate power to assume self-responsibility for our own lives cannot be assumed by others. Without the inner guidance of spirit, all types of leadership deteriorate into self-interest and darkness.

Things are about to change in our 3D world, both in respect to how we view our world and how we view ourselves. The retrograde motion of Pluto features Pluto moving back into the final degrees of Capricorn where it will remain until January 22, 2024. During this time when Pluto is “revisiting” Capricorn, we can expect all the shadow elements of the dark to be on full display.

Pluto’s recent entry into Aquarius broke a very important barrier within our consciousness. We have new multidimensional abilities. For the first time we were able to tangibly see and feel the end of the previous era. When this occurred the Aquarian Age was activated at a whole new level. There is no going back. Pluto’s return to Capricorn will enable us over the next several months to clearly see the contrast between the light and the dark, as we witness the final dismantling of the old power structures of control.

Gemini New Moon

Theme: Navigating Contrast

Our Gemini New Moon is supporting each of us in our ability to see and experience contrast between dark and light from a new vantage point. This new awareness and perspective enables us to see beyond our limiting programming and make completely different decisions that support our personal transformation into the next era of human evolution.

Gemini is known for its ability to see contrast and then learn from it. Gemini is also full of creativity, inspiration and curiosity, with a keen ability to discover and explore what we’re personally excited about.

It is through Gemini that we experience a greater understanding of duality in order to develop our consciousness. We experience duality through the spectrum of opposites, such as pleasure/pain, good/bad, affluence/poverty, peace/war, love and fear.

The most basic expression of duality is simply within the contrast of light and dark. Light refers to Source energy, and dark refers to the absence of light. In short, this contrast between the light and the dark describes what’s really going on in our world. The current degree of extreme contrast illustrates the way in which we’re experiencing a spiritual battle between the light and the dark. It’s that simple.

Our Gemini moon is super significant in that it offers us new abilities to perceive both the dark and the light working out in the open for all to observe. Have you begun to notice the increasing contrast in politics, finances, religion, education, and ethical standards? This exposure is a necessary element of the dismantling of the old and obsolete.

Navigating Contrast

Seeing the extremes of duality in your personal circumstances is the first step in seeing how the light is operating to enable you to act from your personal preference. Contrast is your new tool to navigate your personal circumstances with greater efficiency and awareness.

One area in which contrast plays an important role in the Aquarian Age can be experienced through a greater understanding of our own cultural programming. When our values and planetary history have been handed down from generation to generation, we tend to accept this transfer of information as fact. When we blindly accept what we’ve been taught through textbooks, religious figureheads, political parties and even Hollywood movies we have been culturally programmed.

Our Sabian archetype for the Gemini Moon at 27° Gemini sheds some light on the importance of living in one’s heart in balance with nature.

ARCHETYPE: The emergence of contrast that’s generated when an individual participates in life with their creative nature fully intact.
COMMENTARY: The “gypsy” represents the intuitively guided individual who is heart-centered and living in balance with nature. “Emerging from the forest” represents an entrance into the realm of cultural programming and intellectual elite. These artificial realms of programming stand in complete contrast to one’s spiritual nature. Each individual must learn how to participate and collaborate without forgetting their heart-centered connection to Source energy. There is a sense of total freedom (gypsy) when participating in an untainted and unprogrammed way.

This archetype illustrates the sharp contrast between living life as an intuitively guided individual who is heart-centered, versus a life encumbered by cultural programming. In our modern culture it’s been difficult to see the level of programming within which we have all been raised and accepted as normal. The good news is that our ability to see what’s real is strengthening. It’s not only becoming harder and more difficult for the programmers to lie to us, but it’s now much easier to see all of the ways in which we have been programmed in the past.

My own personal account offers an example. I was inspired to pursue a medical career. After eight years of higher education I attained the cultural achievement of becoming a licensed physician. Over the next few years as my consciousness expanded I realized that I had been lied to about how our bodies actually operate. I had to accept the fact that I had been completely deceived by cultural programming. It was only then that I could make a different set of decisions in my life and move in a different direction.

The previous personal example of the limitations within our educational system is just the tip of the iceberg. Our religions have done even greater harm through the cultural programming that we are all born unworthy and powerless and need to look outside of ourselves for our authority. Through all of our cultural institutions we have been misled about where our true power lies.

We have been conditioned to follow rules and regulations designed to govern how we feel and what we think. Over generations these cultural programs have become a powerful prison that has forced good people to continue looking outside themselves for guidance and direction. In truth, the solutions have been within us the entire time.

A New Quality of Being

Once we are able to see more clearly how the dark and light are operating through the 3D experiences of duality, we begin to open up our access to living with a new decision making process. This happens through our own inward journey in which each of us discovers that something has changed internally and we have access to a new type of guidance. This occurs when we begin to transcend old patterns of reliance on cultural norms.

The Sabian archetype for Jupiter gives us a practical tool for effectively moving past our cultural conditioning and programming.

ARCHETYPE: A conscious and unbiased new direction arises to meet the occasion, when the traditional past meets the creative potential of the future.
COMMENTARY: When the past clings to obsolete traditions it often stifles the present moment with inertia. Within each creative moment there lies a “new factor” in which the universal wisdom of Spirit has the power to energize a completely new spiritual direction. As we move into the future we transcend our current situation by revealing which old patterns are obsolete. What emerges is a new quality of being.

This archetype points to moving into the future through the opportunity within each moment, and acknowledges the creative need to manage (Jupiter) each new factor that gives us direct access to Source energy.

By using our hearts and inner guidance we are now able to recognize which old patterns are obsolete so we can gracefully move into the future. Moving forward, our choices will not be limited to past knowledge or information that has been conditioned and programmed. Rather, it is our new quality of being that’s moving us forward into this exciting new era.

This Gemini New Moon is clearly revealing a new path forward. It’s up to each of us to use our expanded awareness in order to observe the increase in contrast that enables us to see how the dark and light are operating. With this knowledge it will be much easier to make decisions from our hearts as we move together in new directions toward the future that we’re co-creating.

Understanding the Duality Trap

A quick review of some planetary history brought forth by Zecharia Sitchin’s translation of the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian scrolls will be helpful in understanding the collapse of the dark. Sitchin writes about the Anunnaki, a race of beings who have been on Earth for eons and predate humans. The Anunnaki are the ones talked about in the Old Testament as “the Sons of God who mated with the daughters of men.”

The dark faction of this race has been responsible for manipulating the human genome to keep light beings like you and me imprisoned as a slave race. Instead of shackles, they engineered the human brain to forget who we are and erased our memories with each rebirth. They also engineered our brains to be powerful computers so that we spend our lives in the programmed reality of our minds rather than our hearts. This was designed to keep us as light beings away from our source of power, which is the conscious quantum field of our heart center.

We are beginning to understand how the dark has been controlling our access to our light. It has been through covert cultural programming over time that our abilities have been limited. As we expand our multidimensional abilities, we are able more and more to experience the extreme contrast between the dark and the light. This is necessary to facilitate our transition out of the limitations of our 3D programmed reality and into 5D consciousness.

Things are moving so very quickly now that new decisions must be made at an accelerated rate, even if we feel not quite ready. The new levels of contrast that each of us are beginning to witness are encouraging us to make new decisions, not from our programmable brains, but through the Source energy and light held within our heart centers.

It is true that there is a secret group of elites making decisions for us. This is the shadow aspect of 30° Capricorn that is being revealed. These self-appointed leaders aren’t congruent with the direction that the Aquarian Age is headed, based on sovereignty, prosperity, and individual liberty with a direct connection to the quantum-conscious field of Source energy.

Moving forward, the increasing levels of contrast we’ll be witnessing in the 3D world will inspire each of us to make completely different types of decisions. Our new decision making processes will enable us to directly access new creative paradigms and begin to eliminate the increasing levels of control and perceived lack of resources we are currently experiencing.

The highest expression of Capricorn frequency lies within the power to energize our inspired roles in the world as we collaborate with other like-minded beings who also live at a high frequency. With spirit collaborating with spirit we become unstoppable. This level of collaboration is a reflection of the power behind the expression, “Where we go one, we go all.”


This Gemini Moon is expanding our ability to perceive contrast between the light and the dark. This is directly helping each of us see the world around us in a different way and with a new quality of being. As we begin to see how our cultural programming has not been aligned with our light, we are becoming inspired to make completely different types of decisions.

We are always moving forward and never backwards. Contrast helps us to see our blind spots, while identifying our greatest inspiration and at the same time revealing what old patterns are obsolete.

Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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