Knowing What, How and Whom to Trust
Capricorn New Moon
Our solar activation in Capricorn can offer significant support for anyone who has experienced the challenges
Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.
Capricorn New Moon
Our solar activation in Capricorn can offer significant support for anyone who has experienced the challenges
Sagittarius New Moon
With Pluto in Aquarius, favorable energies are aligning and highlighting an opportunity for a great worldwide
Taurus Full Moon
We are on the precipices of a great change with Pluto only days away from reaching
Aries Full Moon
New energies are coming to the forefront of our world, including unexpected twists and turns of
Libra New Moon
Pluto’s journey through the last degrees of Capricorn continues to exert it’s collection control in the
Virgo New moon
Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn which has activated a very powerful collective shadow of control,
The Reverse Engineering of Consciousness
Our current astrology projects are supporting the unveiling of the newly emerging Aquarian Age, also known as the Golden Age of Self-realization. During this shift to a higher frequency, both Light and dark forces are operating openly. The astrological shadow of the dark force is being exposed with the help of Uranus, Pluto and Aquarius.
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