Discovering New-Found Freedom in Self Expression — New Moon Astrology Aug 2016
The New Moon astrology for this month brings a new quality of energy that thrives on self-expression and the experience
The New Moon astrology for this month brings a new quality of energy that thrives on self-expression and the experience
Our Full Moon astrology holds good news. Since our last New Moon, energies have been consolidating to create feelings of
The New Moon astrology for this month establishes a new level of focus within each of us. During this next
Our Full Moon astrology for the next two weeks continues to focus on the planet Venus, personal freedom, and the
The New Moon astrology for this month is unusual and powerful. Venus is exactly conjunct the New Moon, and releasing
Our Full Moon astrology for the next two weeks is extremely dynamic and full of intensity. It’s this very intensity
The New Moon astrology for this month builds on last month’s “Shift in Power” to help keep you inspired with
Our Full Moon astrology is bringing our awareness beyond the “shift in power” which was initiated to weeks ago at
The New Moon astrology for this month points to a major shift in the power structures in the circumstances around
A Lunar Eclipse opens a portal that offers a unique activation stemming from the power of the Full Moon. The
The New Moon astrology for this month helps us prepare for the extremely powerful Lunar Eclipse that will occur on
This month’s Full Moon astrology brings a new awareness to what it means to live in harmony and to cooperate
The Reverse Engineering of Consciousness
Our current astrology projects are supporting the unveiling of the newly emerging Aquarian Age, also known as the Golden Age of Self-realization. During this shift to a higher frequency, both Light and dark forces are operating openly. The astrological shadow of the dark force is being exposed with the help of Uranus, Pluto and Aquarius.
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