The Development of Personal Character: New Moon July 4th, 2016

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Development of Personal Character: New Moon July 4th, 2016

The Development of Personal Character: New Moon July 4th, 2016

The Development of Personal Character: New Moon July 4th, 2016

  • Article Window: July 4 to Aug 2
  • The New Moon is July 4, 2016 4:01am PDT
  • Sun is 13° Cancer, Moon is 13° Cancer
  • New Moon Theme (July 4 to Aug 2): Personal Character
  • Next Full Moon is July 19, 2016

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar Cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.


Astrology Article: The Development of Personal Character

The New Moon astrology for this month establishes a new level of focus within each of us. During this next Lunar cycle expect to develop your will power to new heights. Whether your focus in life right now is learning new skills or developing and integrating previously learned skills, this is the time to bring a powerful integrating energy into your life in the form of increased focus.

What is Will Power

For something so powerful, I find it surprising that “will power” is talked about so little. From an astrological perspective, “will power” and “character” are both related through the second quadrant of the zodiac. This second quadrant is ruled by the zodiac signs; Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.

The second quadrant is also the quadrant of creative power which begins with Cancer’s ability to establish a center of focus. Cancer has the ability to integrate this center of focus into feelings of determination and commitment. It’s the decision to move forward in life with a specific focus and commitment that’s commonly referred to as “will power.”

The energy of Leo, a fire element, is able to energize or “burn” whatever has been concentrated, established, and focused through the sign of Cancer. This release of creative energy and creative power of Leo needs the focusing power of one’s will (Cancer) to sustain the creative process of Leo.

The last sign of the second quadrant is Virgo, an earth element. Cancer provides the focus, Leo releases what has been focused, and Virgo analyzes the results. The analytical capacity of Virgo isn’t Virgo’s most important function. Virgo learns, refines, and makes adjustments where analysis is just a tool.

The end result of this creative process is the building of “character” and is considered Virgo’s crown jewel. For without the “will power” and the “creative release” of one’s individualized center, the end results won’t reflect any true refinement of one’s center of being.

This New Moon starts a month-long process of refinement resulting in the development of personal character. Pay close attention to any lack of focus during the first week of this lunar cycle for this represents only a starting point of your personal will power and focus. This month is about learning and integrating greater focus to build into character needed for future greatness.

Astrology Pattern

New Moon Astrology Chart for July 2016With two planets, and the Sun and Moon all in Cancer, there is definite emphasis on establishing who we are in the world in terms of what’s our focus in life, and how are we using our will power to concentrate our energies for success.

When looking at the overall astrology pattern, it’s important to see the entire context of the chart. With this in mind, our two oppositions reflect the transformative aspect of learning and places the emphasis on the outcome of what’s being integrated. This is especially significant when we consider how powerfully the oppositions are connected through multiple trines and sextiles.

In the astrology chart, I’ve circled Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo. The North Node represents the most positive direction the energies are flowing and emphasizes the end result of the lunar cycle ending in the development of personal character.

Jupiter represents both the need, and the extra support available for integrating, harmonizing, and managing an expansion into a more authentic state of being.

Lastly, Neptune plays the specific role of transforming difficult circumstances or experiences into an increase of refinement and character.

As we look forward to the next Full Moon, expect these developing energies to become useful for personal inner guidance. Happy New Moon.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

2 thoughts on “The Development of Personal Character: New Moon July 4th, 2016”

  1. Great post…This will surely helpful to everyone for increase development in character and improve inner soul power.

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