Aquarian Age Update
As of September 1, Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn. As we’ve been describing in recent articles, with its final return to Capricorn, Pluto’s transformative energies have activated new potentials for focus and clarity. This has also triggered Capricorn’s shadow, which includes the very powerful collective shadows of control, manipulation, and an unhealthy desire for power. The good news is that this attempt to gain collective power and control is only a temporary situation. On Nov 20th, Pluto will return to Aquarius and will not return to Capricorn again during our lifetime.
Once our new Aquarian energies are fully activated by Pluto’s final entrance in Aquarius on Nov 20, we can expect a dramatic forward shift toward a more positive direction. In the meantime, each of us has an opportunity to use these energies, with their potential to cause havoc in the world, in a completely different way.
For those of us who have already awakened to these new energies, it will be important to pay close attention to what and how the mysteries of life are being revealed in an accelerated manner. We will all be beginning to notice how things that were kept secret and hidden in the past are now steadily coming to light.
This journal article will focus on the positive energies of our current cycle. I will be highlighting the frequency split between the Light and the dark, through the energies of the Virgo new moon as well as the corresponding Kite pattern with Venus in opposition to Neptune.
This Kite pattern is emphasizing how people in lower frequencies may struggle with the discrimination (Virgo) needed to feel the impact of potential propaganda that may be heading our direction the next several months. On a positive note, there’s great opportunity to harness a high-frequency type of intelligence with the discrimination to know how to use it.
Virgo New Moon: The Unveiling of What Was Once Hidden
For me personally, when the Sun enters Virgo it’s a special time of the year. I can feel Virgo’s subtle energy signature operating just below the surface of our organic world. Virgo holds an extraordinarily unique energy, in that it has the ability to masterfully distribute its genius through the depths of nature. Virgo’s earth energy is highly structured, meaning it is able to hold the intelligence of nature as a quality of innovation and a highly refined sense of purpose and skill. For these reasons, Virgo has always been instrumental in supporting the awakening process of our Spirit.
Active Virgo qualities include: Awakening to higher frequencies through: Discrimination, patience, a deep love of nature, higher-frequency intelligence and new abilities that enable us to increase our skills in all endeavors.
Shadow qualities include: Impatience, self-deception, and a reliance on mind-energy. Other qualities include a form of laziness related to follow-through with what you know is best for you, and susceptibility to propaganda and external types of control including routines, habits and responsibility to outside systems of control.
At this time, a new quality of Virgo’s intelligence is now active and available for us to tap into. With the recent influx and ongoing increase of Source energy Light, we are now presented with a new type of intelligence. This new quality is associated with Virgo’s ability to expand our understanding of new information and embrace a new frequency in which we can see beyond what was previously known.
Our Sabian for 12° Virgo introduces a new quality of intelligence. Although we haven’t recently talked about this, many of you will instantly recognize it.
ARCHETYPE: The eagerness of one’s imagination to unveil the mysteries of life and all of nature.
COMMENTARY: The disciplined mind is capable of transcending the outer layer of reality to unveil the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. The natural duality of our world is exposed by the intelligence of the Light within. Nature has its own intelligence, which in time, lays bare the secrets of all that’s hidden.
The Sabian new moon is quite profound, especially when combined with our Kite pattern. We’ll first look at how we can access high frequency intelligence, and then discuss its practical application through our Kite. Both the Sabian and Kite have the ability to help us see beyond surface appearances and experience life in new ways that were once hidden.
Our Virgo Sabian reveals the contrast between the intelligence that is trapped within mind-energy and a new quality of intelligence that is born within the Light. In this particular context, it may be useful to review how to recognize the frequency of the Light of Source in contrast to mind-energy. The frequencies of Source Light include: Creativity, imagination, the desire for freedom, the aversion to being controlled, the power behind the intelligence of Nature, the recognition of Light within, and the intelligence that Source energy uses to organize and power the entire universe.
In contrast, mind-energy doesn’t access or recognize the Light we hold within. It only has access to the past, including all of the memories that are now only shadows in the present. Once the present moment is gone, it no longer exists to Source. Mind-energy, however, always lives in the past and becomes dominant when the focus is no longer in the moment where Spirit and Source energy reside. This dependence on the past is why mind-energy is highly susceptible to programming and distortions.
With our new qualities of Light-driven intelligence, our ability to discriminate between Light and dark frequencies becomes very apparent. This ability to discern between the Light and dark is a necessary aspect of our spiritual evolution. This form of high frequency intelligence strengthens inner knowing and organizes our ability to understand what’s true for each of us.
When we don’t have access to this higher form of intelligence, it becomes very difficult to tell truth from falsehood, including the ability to identify subtle forms of misinformation and propaganda that permeate and distort our perceptions of reality.
The Kite Pattern of Discrimination
A Kite pattern is a unique energetic formation of planets within an astrology chart. The Kite pattern reveals a special ability that is indicated within the overall theme of the Kite. Our new moon Kite features a prominent opposition between Neptune and Venus, indicating a theme of discrimination. This theme is further reinforced by our new moon theme of unveiling the reality that’s right before us.
The backbone or spine of the Kite indicates the most important dynamic within the Kite’s theme. With our current opposition between Neptune and Venus, this Kite will be experienced very differently depending on a person’s frequency.
Within a high frequency awareness, this Kite will provide an extraordinary ability to see what’s truly in front of us, through the Light that resides within creation (Virgo). In high frequencies the Kite’s quality of discrimination will also help us discern fantasy, misdirection, manipulation, falsehoods and propaganda.
However, in a low frequency reality, or within someone who is experiencing a high degree of mind-energy, it will be difficult to discern Light from dark. Due to Pluto’s activation in Capricorn, the shadow activation of the Neptune-Venus opposition will tend to amplify the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, including qualities of chaos, blind belief, and a general lack of discernment.
The triple combination of our Virgo new moon, along with the Kite and Pluto’s return to Capricorn brings a lot of new energy to our awareness. With Pluto transiting Capricorn, and the new energies of a Sun and moon conjunction, the positive energies will reveal themselves. Imagine the Kite flying high in the energies of Aquarian freedom. We now have the intelligence and discrimination we need to see what’s been hidden.
This Virgo new moon is at the very beginning of Pluto’s reverse transit back into Capricorn. We are entering a period of time in which it will be difficult on the surface to distinguish what is real and what is not. It will be increasingly important to use our new qualities of intelligence to look beneath the surface and accurately determine what is our true reality.
Pluto’s return to Capricorn brings a big shadow and also reveals to us that any effort to gain absolute control of the world will not be successful. The momentum of Light and positive change is on our side. We now have access to the quality of intelligence we need to navigate the next several months of potential challenges. As we traverse challenges, there will be energetic help just below the surface of what we are able to see. This is a time to go within, find your Source of inner Light, and with it the intelligence that powers the universe.
Steven Shroyer
1 thought on “Unveiling the Mysteries of What’s Coming Next”
Loving your work! Thanks so much for sharing! Coming from one of your previous posts about kites- still not understanding the 6 stages of Jupiter development. Where they come from, how to apply it, and where to find more information.