Aquarian Age Update
Our solar activation in Capricorn can offer significant support for anyone who has experienced the challenges of misinformation and confusion regarding who and what to trust. We are at a point in our cosmic shift where it is important to ask ourselves whether or not we can trust the information we are receiving. Part of this shift includes how we incorporate a new level of trust in our lives.
Our Capricorn energies of the moment are focused on the solar principle of Light and its ability to expand our connection to inner knowing. As we learn to trust this esoteric, hidden function of Light we’re able to expand our natural ability to access direct knowledge and inner knowing.
Our internal knowledge center is located in our heart. Here we are able to distinguish between the data and memories we have stored in our brain and the direct knowledge we receive through our heart, directly from Source. This distinction may seem controversial at first glance, but as we continue to make our dimensional shift in the Aquarian Age, our direct access to knowledge will continue to expand in unexpected ways and become more natural and normal.
As we make this dimensional shift and our knowingness expands, so will our intuition. We have all experienced our intuitive capabilities at some point, but direct knowingness is a quantum leap from simple intuition. Knowingness involves the ability to use our intuitive perceptions through our hearts, versus our minds. As we learn to trust our new intuitive capacities, and we make the shift in learning to use our knowledge center, our awareness of the difference between our beliefs (head) and inner knowing (heart) will become more apparent.
we need to address the difference between belief in what we have learned in the past, and the quality of inner trust that comes with our direct knowingness from our hearts.
Learning to recognize the difference between a belief (information held in the mind) and inner knowing (present- moment awareness in the heart) is a key step in our current shift. As a mental process, a belief is an agreement to embrace facts, data, sensory input, and information (including memory) which has originated externally. A belief always exists outside the individual’s present moment awareness. In astrology, these belief systems are governed by the energy principles of Mercury and the moon.
Knowingness, on the other hand, is strictly an internal process of Spirit through our heart centers. Knowingness exists in the present moment and is completely opposite from belief. Instead of information that originates externally to oneself, the knowingness that stems from our knowledge center comes from our direct connection to Source, which is the source of all of our Light.
The Aquarian Age is more than a belief system. It has been dubbed by many progressive thinkers as the age of enlightenment, which is a term I’m not completely comfortable using. I experience the Aquarian Age as more akin to a cycle of ascension, or shift in consciousness. Oftentimes I’ll refer to the increase in consciousness as our ability to operate at a higher frequency. From my perspective, the names, the terms and the labels aren’t important. What is important is making a conscious shift from external beliefs to the trust that comes from our own knowledge center.
The Higher Frequencies of the Capricorn Energy
The energy signature of Capricorn generates the inner power that leads to a new level of collaboration. As a cardinal (generating) sign, Capricorn energy creates a type of a unified desire to combine efforts, skills, energies, and resources toward a more beautiful and sustainable world. We are now all able to directly access these highest frequencies of Capricorn.
High-frequency Capricorn qualities that are currently active include: Trust in Source energy, access to synchronicity, and mutually beneficial systems of transactions. These qualities lead to shared resources and collaborative guidelines that support sovereignty and personal privacy. This includes a financial system that isn’t built around debt or social control.
Our Sabian archetype is energized by our 10° Capricorn Sun. This Sabian highlights the higher frequency of trust as it elevates our understanding of our Spirit’s relationship to Source energy.
ARCHETYPE: The natural trust that occurs when Spirit recognizes itself within nature and all creatures.
COMMENTARY: Spirit naturally communes with everything within nature, even the wildest of creatures. When a person is able to radiate perfect peace energy, even wild animals are able to make a heart connection. As the frequency of our planet continues to increase, we can expect to commune and talk with everything that is conscious, including animals, water, trees, plants and all the elementals.
What I love about this amazing archetype is the way it includes the albatross.
The albatross is an incredible bird with a wingspan of over 12 feet and lifespan of 80+ years. Their superior flying dynamic allows them to travel over 100,000 miles in a single year. They mate for life and live in secluded areas. Their ability to smell for miles makes them unparalleled in hunting and self-sufficiency.
What stands out as significant in this archetype is that an albatross has no need to take food from a sailor, and would never do so without a level of absolute trust that goes way beyond any normal circumstance. Belief doesn’t play a factor in the albatross’s decision to trust the sailor. This archetype is all about a quality of trust that only be known though a direct connection to Source, operating as an expression of itself through nature.
Spirit, or Source energy, is continuously expressing itself, whether through an individual, animal, element, or other aspect of nature. This is a continuously expanding process. As the realization of our own Spirit and connection to Source takes hold within our consciousness, the more we are able to participate in this expansion.
As we journey deeper into the Aquarian Age, more of our mysterious qualities and capabilities will continue to emerge. Our internal compass of trust and the knowingness that comes with it will continue to expand. We are each in possession of extraordinary abilities. Our ability to trust in our own Spirit is just one of them.
As we move forward, what, how and whom to trust will become easier and easier. The more we are able to access a greater volume of our Light, the more we will expand our access to direct knowledge. Now that Pluto is in Aquarius, expect the unexpected and continue to trust your connection to Source. Remember always, your Spirit IS Source energy.
Happy New Year,
Steven Shroyer