Discerning the Reality of Cultural Programming

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

Discerning the Reality of Cultural Programming

Discerning the Reality of Cultural Programming

Aquarian Age Update

Pluto’s journey through the last degrees of Capricorn continues to exert its collective cultural control in the world. This brings our attention and focus to a final attempt to use the current Capricorn shadow energies to co-opt our freedoms in every way imaginable. In approximately seven weeks, on Nov 20th, Pluto will reach 1° Aquarius and we can anticipate a huge energy shift toward our new era. We’ll be writing about these coming shifts in the weeks to come.

Libra New Moon: The Reality of Cultural Programming

The amount of cultural programming we live with is often overlooked, mainly because it’s so prevalent and pervasive that we don’t recognize it as something new. Our institutions often celebrate that we now live in the Information Age, however many of us haven’t considered whether or not the influx of more and more data is beneficial, or harmful to us.

Our Sabian image for 11° Libra creates a picture of an educational system in which there is a hierarchy of information. In this archetype we see a professor who is looking down on his students, representing those who haven’t mastered what the system has determined as relevant.


ARCHETYPE: The challenge of the transmission of knowledge within the framework of institutionalized thinking.
COMMENTARY: When cultural information centers its focus on what to think and how to think, the problems associated with cultural programming become very apparent. The transmission of real knowledge is able to bypass the brain and the thinking apparatus all together. Source and your Spirit has complete access to all knowledge, which is alive and conscious and exists outside of time and space. This understanding gives way to the direct transfer of knowledge and eliminates the need to be programmed through our current educational systems.

This Sabian draws a distinction between real knowledge and codified information or dogma. Knowledge, as presented in the context of this Sabian, directly bypasses the mind which we can understand through the thinking process, or mind-energy. Interestingly, we also now associate with moon energy with cultural programming. Real knowledge, in contrast, is part of Source energy which is found in our heart-center. This type of knowledge doesn’t judge, quantify, or have identity. It exists in the present moment outside of time and space.

Information in this context of mind energy, comes from the past, as it has already happened and exists only as a memory, or a type of ghost data. This type of information can also be used to judge, condemn, criticize, and measure. As a result, it programs the thinking process to rely only on the memories and data from the past.

When we rely on information and data that’s from the past, it supports a standardized conclusion as it correlates against other past memories for a circular type of reference that continuously reinforces itself. An extreme example of this is when we’re taught that time is real and it’s measured in this way, and in theses units, and we accept this as true. Then, anything we hear that references time is automatically reinforced in this circular type of repetition, never considering if time may actually be an illusion.

The controlled outcome of standardized conclusions results in the type of cultural programming that has taken place over decades about money, freedom, spirituality, ascension, the Aquarian age, alien entities, advanced technology, and the list goes on and on. Remember, your Spirit is only right now, in the moment. It’s the difference between the living Source energy of Spirit in the present moment, and memories that exists in the past.

We are quickly moving into a new era of real knowledge, not controlled information. Our new Aquarian era is re-educating each of us in how our Spirits operate in order to free us from what has shaped and controlled our reality in the past.

Our undeniable desire for freedom can only be felt in our heart-center. It isn’t an academic or intellectual concept to logically debate and analyze. Freedom is a feeling that we know. Freedom is something to be felt and experienced. The experience of this type of freedom is beyond the confines of mind-energy and can be found through your highest excitement and inspiration.


We are currently experiencing a major shift in our consciousness as we move deeper and deeper into our Aquarian Age of freedom. Please remember that our current challenges are only a temporary situation due to a great deal of resistance and inertia within the transition we are experiencing. The cultural programming that has existed for decades is waning like a setting sun. We are now beginning to feel and understand the experience of real knowledge as our spirits navigate this new paradigm.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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