Aquarian Age Update
With Pluto in Aquarius, favorable energies are aligning and highlighting an opportunity for a great worldwide shift in every aspect of our lives. Opportunity comes in many forms. In Greek mythology, Caerus (also known as Kairos) was the personification of opportunity, luck, and favorable moments. The myth of this golden-haired goddess of opportunity was centered around recognizing and seizing the moment of opportunity. Humanity has a unique opportunity during our current transition, to clearly see a new trajectory of opportunity into our new era, especially if we can seize this moment.
The energies of our current transition moment have created an extraordinary opportunity. This includes the opportunity for all of us to realize and clearly see how our current systems have been designed to control us and limit our opportunities and potential. It can be easy to see how these systems are directly thwarting us. It’s more difficult to recognize the ways that we are steered into making decisions based on a lack of information and limiting beliefs, such as systemic concepts of perpetual lack. We can recognize this particular limiting system of lack through the perpetuation of debt and the constant cultural push to acquire greater and greater wealth and resources which are, in most cases, just out of our reach.
Now that Pluto has landed permanently in Aquarius, we are all entering the next phase of our magnificent journey into a higher awareness. We now have the momentum we need to begin reshaping our world of prosperity, where resources and energy are not limited or restricted but available to all.
With Pluto fully activating Aquarius, it’s important to turn our attention away from all the polarizing cultural distractions, such as elections and the activities of the military industrial complex. These are examples of a larger globalist attempt to herd all unsuspecting people into conflict through endless ideologies, and ultimately a world controlled by AI.
Instead of focusing on the endless distractions that keep us focused away from our next phase of the Aquarian Age, we are all encouraged to see the bigger picture of what is truly occurring worldwide. This is a time to pay attention to what’s coming next, for the new creation that’s occurring worldwide is not what’s being represented through our popular culture and mainstream media. Let’s expand our understanding to see where we are in the grand scale of things so that we can capture the expanded opportunity that is being presented.
The End of the Old, the Beginning of the New
The Sabian for 1° Aquarius firmly sets our awareness to the fact that we are now clearly in a new era of reality. The old era is over and we are collectively making a frequency shift toward a positive timeline.
ARCHETYPE: The creative power inherent in all great human achievements that endures beyond what has become culturally and spiritually outdated.
COMMENTARY: The seeming permanence of institutions or ideologies must always come to an eventual end. At the end of an era, whether it’s an end of a project, the span of a person’s life, or an outdated status quo, there’s a birth of something new, and the beginning of a new era. Each ending becomes an opportunity for a new vision of the future to take hold and become a new reality.
We are in the process of ending a very long era of controlling energies and beginning a new era of opportunity. A key question you can ask yourself in this moment is, “Can I see the true opportunity within this moment, or am I only seeing the drama and distractions being presented by the status quo and energies of the past?”
In order to see beyond the drama and distractions being presented to us, it can be helpful to keep our Sagittarian focus on the expansion of the bigger picture of where we are in this worldwide shift in consciousness.
Positive Sagittarius Qualities: Humanity Meets High-frequency Opportunity
The positive qualities of Sagittarius that are currently active include: High-frequency wisdom, including the ability to see what is true and right. The capacity to see Source operating throughout nature and humanity, including feeling resonance with high-frequency groups of individualized people. Recognizing high-frequency opportunities, including a greater understanding of the direction of cultural trends, and the inspiration of new models for living through all creative endeavors.
These positive qualities of Sagittarius help us to recognize a true opportunity when it is presented. Our new moon Sabian archetype of 10° Sagittarius clearly outlines the importance of taking advantage of our current opportunities, especially when we are able to eliminate all the distractions and noise that blind us to what’s truly important.
ARCHETYPE: The ability to see true opportunity by recognizing and exposing cultural efforts to glamorize the appeal of wealth, ambition, and public standing.
COMMENTARY: Opportunities of fame and fortune are often represented as coveted cultural standards of success. The wise person, however, is able to see the more expanded reality that exists beyond the dramatization and theatrics of an entertaining presentation. The wisest of the wise know that true success is never measured by numbers, hierarchy, or prestige. The natural god and goddess within each of us is content with peace energy, including omnipresence, endless inspiration, multidimensionality, and limitless creative energy.
As our frequencies continue to increase we are beginning to see how the game of life has been rigged. One of the easiest ways to recognize this is the way we have been steered toward accepting a lack of resources as normal. Along with this normalization of lack, our culture is constantly emphasizing that we aren’t successful unless we are an influencer, famous, rich, or have some other form of social prestige.
These low-frequency distractions of superficial identity and success are hiding the Aquarian opportunity to break free from the status quo. Our true opportunity lies in seeing through all the drama, divisiveness, cultural expectations, and misplaced responsibility to the controlling mechanisms of the underlying systems that want to rule over you.
The Light cannot be ruled. Source energy has no master. As this realization of real freedom settles into our consciousness, we realize that we can begin living by new rules. This is true even if the new rules break the mold of the status quo. For those who are able to see that the old era is now completely over, this vision of a new reality is very inspiring.
Collectively, we now have an opportunity to release outdated rules that have been designed to keep us thinking in alignment with a system which is opposed to the Aquarian Age and the feeling of real freedom. The moment is ripe for this collective shift. Freedom is a high-frequency inspired choice each of us can make in every moment. I’m personally paying close attention to see what’s shifting, who’s supporting our shift toward freedom, and how our freedoms are being protected moving forward.
With Pluto’s final entrance into Aquarius, the old era of the Capricorn shadow of power and control has officially ended. This Aquarian event, combined with our Sagittarius new moon energies, has created an unusual opportunity. We can now see and understand the hidden mechanisms that have directly shaped our world through cultural systems of unnecessary limits and control.
We have an opportunity to collectively begin to make different choices. The Aquarian Age is full of the energies of freedom, prosperity, and limitless creativity. These will enable us to flourish, and support our intentions and desires for the world we choose to create. We are living in a new era, in which the revolution of new ideas and the freedom to pursue them will endure.