Aquarian Age Update
The Aquarian Age is now fully active, and we are collectively in the process of ushering in a new Golden Age. These are pretty big words, especially considering the challenging events that transpired during Pluto’s recently completed transit through Capricorn. In whatever capacity you are able to see and feel our newly emerging reality, rest assured that our world has now surpassed the necessary threshold in order for the Golden Age to become unstoppable. In the entire history of this planet, we have never made it this far in the ascension of consciousness. What lies ahead is extremely exciting.
A New Framework for Consciousness
Now that we are on the other side of this great shift, the single most important thing to focus on is consciousness itself. When we speak of consciousness, I’m specifically referring to the Light of Source energy and our ability to use it.
In the past, we have explored how astrology has provided a framework that enables us to talk about this great shift and how the highest forms of consciousness have become more accessible. Now that we’ve passed into a new threshold, our ability to participate with the Light is now fully active.
Our conversation in astrology now needs to shift into how we can use astrological information to facilitate our most expedient transition into our new positive Golden Age timeline. What we are all looking for are practical ways and methods to use our Source Light to enhance our lives and provide solutions. Through this process it’s important that we learn how to use our new capabilities so we can quicken the process.
One important way that we can use astrology to quicken our process of transition is to recognize the way dark codes have been embedded within astrological concepts to steer us in the wrong direction.
One important aspect of increasing our Light is to increase our frequency of discernment and recognition of misdirection. For example, one practical aspect within astrology is to identify and reverse specific codes that have been embedded within astrology over the past 2000 years. These codes are specifically designed to steer the well-intentioned seeker of truth away from the truth of their own Being and our true capabilities. This is done by instilling limiting codes and amplifying misdirection.
Once we’re aware that these codes exist, and we’re able to recognize the misdirection we can begin unwinding them. This is an exciting new direction for astrology I call “reversing the astrological codes.”
Revealing the Untapped Wisdom of Astrology
Astrology is very useful for identifying the interactions between the light and the dark within our reality. The shadow, or dark energies, of Aquarius are definitely at play now at the beginning of the Golden Age.
Aquarius rules Information which can be a double edged sword. Information can easily be manipulated. Without the use of our knowledge center in our heart it’s very difficult to perceive what is real and what’s not. At its strongest, the Aquarian shadow seeks to limit freewill through compromised information that may only be partially correct, and steer us in the wrong direction. This is especially true in the field of astrology.
Along with these influences of the Aquarian shadow, my understanding is that the field of astrology is about to undergo a new popularity and resurgence of acceptance. Before we get too excited about this revival, I’d like to present a cautionary perspective.
With the advent of increased AI, the opportunity for misinformation is extraordinary. In terms of astrology, what if we were to take all the astrological data, articles, and books from the past 100 years and feed it into an AI (artificial intelligence) master quantum computer? In this way everyone’s birth data could be correlated against all known events, spread across newspapers, magazines and social media. The AI program could take all that information and give it a sorting directive to organize all of this data into a composite and instant reading, exactly tailored to a specific individual. The apparent accuracy of past events could lead to the assumption that fate, karma, identity, timelines, and unchangeable birth characteristics are all true even if they’re not.
The result of this approach to astrology would create a new class of astrological zealot with a very predictable outcome of mind control. In the extreme, no choice or decision would be made without first consulting one’s astrological program. In this scenario a new type of AI religion is born in which the illusion of personal freewill is organized around past patterns of data that are AI controlled.
The true wisdom of astrology lies in freeing us from our past so we can access the Light of our Being in the present moment. The wisdom of astrology is not about predicting one’s future, or telling someone what decisions to make. It’s not about putting someone on a timeline with a predictable outcome. Nor is it about revealing a person’s fate, destiny, karma, or identity.
Once we understand the true wisdom of astrology, this untapped wisdom enables us to expose all of the cultural, ancestral and family programming that keeps us attached to the past and out of peace energy. Once we’re freed from the programmed codes that suppress our Light we can more fully connect to our true power as a Being of Light.
The Transformation of Identity Beyond Predictive Programming
Our current Solar Sabian highlights this issue of expanding consciousness through our awareness of who and what we are. This includes both a warning against false constructs, and the pure inspiration to see our own essence in a brand new way.
ARCHETYPE: The need to see the true essence of oneself, beyond any form of cultural or societal identification.
COMMENTARY: Projecting one’s persona onto the outer screen of reality creates a false construct of personal identity. Once the process of individuation is complete, the individual is able to experience their essence and clear themselves of any cultural expectations associated with acceptability or labels.
This Sabian holds a very abstract and advanced concept, but don’t let its complexity become overwhelming. The main take-away here is how our concept of identity versus experience as a Being of Light is rapidly expanding. We are expanding away from the influence of superficial identity, external expectations, and cultural and family of origin dynamics.
From a spiritual standpoint, identity is the most difficult belief system to speak about and understand. This includes the beliefs about identity that are embedded within astrology, which has been influenced by pop-psychology and its relentless insistence that identity is everything.
As a being of Light we are able to transcend all forms of external identification, because we rely on our own essence to identify ourselves. The true essence of a person lives beyond all cultural and social labeling. Our essence lives free of all external ideologies, dogma, and categorization. In this way we transform ourselves into a creative Being who lives beyond time and space.
Individual consciousness is rapidly changing. This includes how we see ourselves and the need for identity. This is a moment to simply consider that there is much more to the story of identity and the truth of who you are than you have previously been told.
In Closing
As we make the transition into the Aquarian Golden Age, our understanding of astrology and its usefulness is changing. I’m inspired to share my own expansion of Light, and the ways these new insights are influencing my understanding of how to use astrology .
I fully recognize that the expansion of our consciousness and our new-found abilities to live fully in the present moment may soon make the study of astrology unnecessary and obsolete. With this recognition in mind, I’m curious as to the usefulness or direction of these articles and the current version of the Aquarian Age Journal.
I am curious to hear whether you find this information helpful, useful or inspirational as you make your own transition into the Golden Age. I would love to hear from you. Please drop me a quick email and tell me what you’re inspired about, whether you are finding these articles useful, and what types of topics or information are most helpful.
I look forward to hearing from you!
With Much Love,
Steven Shroyer