A Significant Expansion: Full Moon Eclipse Astrology Jan 31, 2018
The Lunar eclipse, generally speaking, has a much greater significance on our consciousness than is commonly appreciated. From my astrological
The Lunar eclipse, generally speaking, has a much greater significance on our consciousness than is commonly appreciated. From my astrological
Our New Moon astrology presents a powerful Capricorn archetype that’s intended to develop a new capacity for personal power. This
Our New Year Full Moon astrology presents a beautiful and powerful Kite pattern with which to usher in the new
Our Sagittarius New Moon astrology is filled with good news for those who feel inspired to have a greater clarity
Our Gemini Full Moon astrology has positioned the Moon in the Full phase of the Lunar cycle, building to a
Our Scorpio New Moon astrology provides us with new opportunities to experience greater levels of authentic in all of our
Our Taurus Full Moon astrology brings each of us a practical ability to participate and function in the world in
Our Libra New Moon astrology is introducing a new capacity to make a difference in the world. This new capacity
Our Aries Full Moon Astrology centers around taking inspired action that’s aligned to what you hold within as dear and
Our Virgo New Moon astrology brings a calming quality of energy, but this calm will only be available to those
This year’s Pisces Full Moon follows a powerful Solar eclipse. As we move forward from the eclipse, the Full Moon’s
The total Solar Eclipse of 2017 happens during the Leo New Moon. In addition to the normal effects of the
The Reverse Engineering of Consciousness
Our current astrology projects are supporting the unveiling of the newly emerging Aquarian Age, also known as the Golden Age of Self-realization. During this shift to a higher frequency, both Light and dark forces are operating openly. The astrological shadow of the dark force is being exposed with the help of Uranus, Pluto and Aquarius.
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