The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. This week look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.
Choosing Your Path: A Clear Creative Choice
Steven’s astrology reading offers insight into the specific potentials of Cosmic support available to us at this time.
Recently, I had someone ask me why they are feeling so heavy and uninspired if there is so much creative energy available for us to tap into this month. The answer to this question is embedded in the Full Moon astrology chart, which clearly expresses this experience of contrast. There is still an abundance of creative energy available. At the same time, there is also a pattern of stability and integration. This stability, if we resist it, can feel like a thick layer of density and heaviness.
In the coming days, especially this week leading up to next week’s Last Quarter Moon, we are faced with one of two paths. On the one hand there is expansion, creativity, and inner freedom. On the other hand there is security, integration, and stability. The contrast is clear, and from the chart it appears that many of us will be predominantly in one or another of these patterns.
The Astrology Kite and the Grand Square
There are two contrasting experiences available this week. The Astrology Kite brings an experience of creative expansion, an inspired sense of destiny, and feeling of moving forward with inner freedom. At the same time the Grand Square, with a powerful Moon/Neptune conjunction opposite a Sun/Mercury conjunction, brings feelings of stability and the opportunity for integration. The sense of life without change will be very comfortable.
Both of the forms hold a shadow, or uncomfortable side. The Kite’s expansion can be unpredictable and lead to stress and instability. The Grand Square’s security can lead to heaviness and a feeling of density. Neither is “good” or “bad.” These are simply the normal patterns of depletion within the form.
Each of us will be making a choice (whether conscious or unconscious) at the Full Moon. The pattern with which we align will highly impact the two weeks to follow. We are choosing between aligning ourselves with either the Expansion of the Kite or the Stability of the Grand Square. Some will make this choice consciously, while others will be making this choice unconsciously, completely unaware they are even making a choice.
Making a Wise Choice and Living in Trust
Don’t automatically jump to the conclusion that there is only one good or correct choice to make. You can trust that both scenarios hold opportunities. In once sense, you may already know from your experiences of the past several days which of these patterns is most ideal for you right now.
If you are recovering from an illness, or traversing a difficult life circumstance, perhaps choosing stability, integration, and security (the Grand Square) is a wise choice. If this is your choice it’s prudent to remember that a certain level of uninspiring heaviness may be part of this package deal.
If creative expansion, inner freedom, and a chance for destiny to reveal itself is first on your list, then by all means make this (the Kite) your conscious choice. Just remember that this choice comes with rapid expansion, uncertainty, an element of stress, and possibly unpredictable outcomes.
Whatever path you choose this Full Moon, choose it with conscious intention. If you’re unclear about the most beneficial form then simply hold the clear intention to align with the highest and best of your own potentials. Your Inner Being and Source will respond!