New Growth from Appreciation and Happiness – New Moon Astrology April 2014

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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New Growth from Appreciation and Happiness – New Moon Astrology April 2014

New Growth from Appreciation and Happiness – New Moon Astrology April 2014

New Moon Astrology for April 28, 2014

  • Article Window: April 28 to May 28
  • The New Moon was Monday, April 28, 11:14 PM PDT
  • Sun is 9° Taurus, Moon is 9° Taurus (Solar Eclipse)
  • New Moon Theme (thru the May 28 New Moon): New Growth from Appreciation and Happiness
  • The April 15 New Moon Eclipse Portal stays open until May 11, 2014
  • Full Moon is Wednesday, May14

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a wave of new potential and sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow the energy of this New Moon theme to guide you and help you adjust to changing circumstances. Each week of this month’s Lunar Cycle will offer new tools and momentum for energizing your life purpose.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. During a Solar Eclipse the Moon blocks the Sun’s energy, light, and significance. Instead, there’s a boosting of the frequency of earth energy and life through growth and abundance. From an astrological viewpoint, the solar eclipse amplifies whatever of Lunar energies are currently active.

Taurus New Moon 2014

Growing with Appreciation and Inner Happiness

The New Moon brings a new manifesting wave of energy and one of the year’s most powerful growth cycles. This new cycle is activating the Taurus urge for growth, resources, and abundance. In the coming month, you can set the intention to experience an influx of warmth, inner beauty, and compassion to help get you through any dark times or challenges you may be experiencing.

The New Moon energies are combining with the Lunar eclipse two weeks ago, which brought a gift of individuality capable of helping you operate at a new level and expanding your sense of self.

This energy behind the April 15 eclipse is active until May 11th and is still having very powerful effect on everyone. Any tension, stress, or difficulties you may be experiencing are most likely a direct response to these new energies.

The Gift of Contrast

The eclipse gift of individuality may have introduced a “new factor” or experience into your life. This may appear as something different and unexpected that you must now integrate. Be aware that you may experience this new factor as a challenge.

Because of the intensity of this new impulse or factor introduced at the eclipse, many people aren’t prepared to take on the responsibility of the eclipse gift. Fortunately, the New Moon is providing a shift and a positive boost.

If you are experiencing difficulty in any area of your life, especially through circumstances that emerged in the past couple of weeks, you’ll be happy to hear that the New Moon is offering a shift. I recommend a two-step process to take advantage of the Taurus New Moon.

  • First, remind yourself is that you are in a powerful eclipse cycle.
  • Second, feel the new impulses from this new cycle of intense growth and opportunity.

Opportunities in the Taurus Moon

Taurus offers the opportunity for new growth through a process of struggle to overcome inertia and then to expand and blossom.

This new cycle of growth is offering the opportunity to work with any current challenge specifically through the feeling of appreciation for what you have, and your faith in the new process of growth just beginning.

Life is full of naturally occurring ups and downs. A low point of a cycle can be completely transformed by the remembrance of the high points in life. Because struggle is a natural component of a cycle, it’s important to recognize that struggle is only a phase. You didn’t get to where you are now without overcoming countless obstacles and various crises. Life without the appreciation of the joy and blessings that follow the tough times is ultimately non-productive.

Finding Time to Celebrate

One way to access appreciation this week is by connecting with friends. The astrological energies are aligned and encouraging you to gather with close friends or family to celebrate and appreciate all that is good and beautiful. This is necessary to keep life fresh and renewed.

The warmth of togetherness, the inner beauty you and each of your friends holds, is an example of the compassion that can flow from acknowledging both the lows and the highs of life. Celebration with friends and family is often saved for the holidays, but sometimes the astrological energies say “Celebrate now!” This is one of those times.

Whether you are experiencing a low point or a high point at this New Moon phase, my recommendation is to find a way to celebrate. Immediately after the New Moon (anytime in the next 7 days, up to the first quarter moon on May 7) plan a dinner party, a celebration, or a get together to appreciate the goodness in life. You’ll find an important boost of inner happiness, maybe just when you need it the most.

Astrology Patterns of Significance

Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart 2014The planets at the New Moon are beautifully aligned.

There is still the energy of the Grand Cross to help you create a useful framework for expanding and building something solid in your life. However, the Grand Cross is no longer being directly activated by the Sun or Moon as it was two weeks ago at the Lunar Eclipse. Instead of directly interacting with the New Moon, the Grand Cross is now stabilizing the Eclipse gift. The purpose of this is to support a new level of individuality to blossom with new growth during the Taurus growth phase. This growth is triggered by the New Moon.

The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are conjunct in Taurus, and are all activating Saturn with a powerful opposition. Saturn is the ruler of all structures and form. In Scorpio, Saturn builds relationships through fellowship and faith in the process of becoming more than we are. Saturn in this pattern, structures a new types of inner freedom out of the depths of self-renewal and regeneration (two themes of Scorpio). The ability to experience hope and faith in even one’s darkest hour is a theme empowered within the depths of Scorpio. It’s the Universe’s way of giving you boost.

The conjunction of Sun, Moon, and Mercury are amplifying the relevant themes of Taurus, including expressing what’s real and tangible, as well as acquiring new personal resources. Taurus is fertile and potent, and as a result its growth is expressive and self-reliant. Being an earth sign, Taurus is also motivated with gathering. Personal resources can be anything you accumulate, own, or possess. With Taurus your resources become a form of personal expression.

All of these themes are supporting the Grand Cross by expanding your individuality through inner freedom and the appreciation for what you have and possess. Appreciation also flows from the realization of what you have had to overcome to move forward. Think of this as the experience of living with grace.


You’re starting a new cycle of growth. The planetary energies are aligning to provide specific help and assistance. Success will come from embracing the new impulse to accumulate the wealth (Taurus) of individuality (Grand Cross) and the inner freedom (Saturn) that flows from appreciation (New Moon conjunct Mercury).

New Moon Tarot Video

By Elizabeth Schermer.  Visit Elizabeth’s website for a complete explanation of the tarot reading.

[youtube url=”” rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″]

In Closing

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful month,
Steven Shroyer

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