Full Moon Astrology Report
Oct 1 to Oct 16
• Aries Full Moon is Thursday, Oct 1, 2:05 PM PDT
• Current Full Moon Theme (Oct 1 to Oct 16): The Conquest of Illusion
• The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago.
Astrology Article — A Time to Stand for What Inspires You
Our Full Moon In Aries brings an air of inspiration to our Libra energies. This Moon is full of courage, inspiration, hope, and healing. The key for each of us is to feel the shift, and then take inspired action, based on our own inner authority.
Aries’ pioneering spirit is rooted in action that comes from something deeper. Taking off in your own direction or taking an unpopular stand requires the courage found in Aries’ pioneering spirit. It is the Aries element of “Fire” that inspires you to take action from the depths of your soul.
The Full Moon brings a greater awareness to the Virgo New Moon energies that occurred two weeks ago. (See previous New Moon article, The Conquest of Illusion.) This increased awareness we’re now receiving at the Full Moon is enhanced by our Sun moving into the sign of Libra.
The archetype of Libra is centered in a greater sense of participation. With our new understanding of working through “illusion” (Virgo New Moon), Libra participation requires each of us to initiate some form of activity. We can call this a process of engagement. Libra’s quality of being directly engaged in life is supported by our Full Moon in Aries. This quality of activity must be based on something real and inspiring.
What inspires each of us is unique and requires courage. Inspiration isn’t fully effective without the courage to be engaged. The pioneering courage of Aries is always rooted in the deepest depths of your being. This supports Libra’s new expansion into a greater experience of participation in life.
During the remaining two weeks of this Lunar cycle focus on taking inspired action that represents a greater level of participation on your part. Within Libra, the bigger picture of life begins to emerge through practical ways to help you get more involved. Make sure your inspiration is rooted in what’s best for you, and not simply an illusion of what others think is best for you.
This is the time to stand for something that’s personally inspiring for you. Once you feel that alignment, then take your action from an inner place of courage and strength.
Astrology Pattern
We have a T-square astrology pattern, with our historic Capricorn conjunctions forming squares to both our Sun and Moon as well as a square between the historic conjunction and Mars.
Mars is also in Aries and is only separated from the Full Moon by 15°. If you look at our Full Moon chart you’ll see that our Moon will pass over (transit) Mars in just over 24 hours following the Full Moon. Because of the strength of this pattern we can consider this a conjunction. (Many astrologers would not consider this a conjunction due to its wide orb, but because of the influence of our historic Capricorn conjunctions, squaring both the Full Moon and Mars, I would consider this an exception to that rule.)
With the Full Moon and Mars both activating the intensity of Aries energies, and Mars being the ruler of Aries, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of taking positive action in your life at this time.
Aries is a fire sign and contains emotional energies that need a physical outlet. This is why inspiration is so important during this Full Moon period, because inspiration is able to directly access your emotions and Mars supports taking action on what inspires you.
The Moon and Mars in Aries complement the Libra Sun because not only do we have inspiration, but Libra gives us a bigger picture of how to apply that inspiration.
Our Full Moon is also conjunct Chiron. In this particular pattern, Chiron’s influence will add a type of inner guidance that is focused on your own healing. Chiron will support you using your healing guidance as additional motivation for inspired action.
The final configuration we need to discuss is our historic Capricorn conjunction about which I have previously written extensively. This historic conjunction is still front and center in the overall pattern of our current Full Moon chart with squares to the Sun and Moon and Mars.
With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto making a historic conjunction we have worldwide conflict in a fight for power and control. With the dismantling of these systems, we have the equal opportunity for the rising of new individualized authority.
The shadow of this 500-year conjunction is the power of empire-building operating through Capricorn’s shadow. On a personal level, Capricorn is full of inner strength and personal authority. At the collective level, we see the shadow side of Marxism and oppression on full display worldwide. On this individual level, we see the rise of resistance to control over our lives and the revelation of what’s been suppressed.
With our current Full Moon in Aries we collectively have the power to harness this Capricorn power and make a personal stand from inner strength and personal authority.
This is a time for inspired action toward our future as we transcend our historic shadow trends.
We can all feel a change in the air with the inspirational nature of our Aries Full Moon. This Moon is full of courage, inspiration, hope, and healing. The key for each of us is to feel the shift, and then take inspired action, based on our own inner authority.
Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer