Accessing Your Upper Chambers of Consciousness: Full Moon Astrology for June 12, 2014

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Accessing Your Upper Chambers of Consciousness: Full Moon Astrology for June 12, 2014

Accessing Your Upper Chambers of Consciousness: Full Moon Astrology for June 12, 2014

  • Article Window: June 12 to June 27
  • The Full Moon is Thursday, June 12, 9:11 PM PDT
  • Sun is 23° Gemini, Moon is 23° Sagittarius
  • Current New Moon Theme (thru June 27): Dynamic Stability and Inner Poise
  • Next New Moon June 27

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Full Moon Over Discovery Bay 2014

Full Moon Astrology Article: Accessing Your Upper Chambers of Consciousness

We all desire, and at times actively seek, higher states of consciousness. Our June Full Moon brings the opportunity for you to expand into these new areas of awareness seldom accessed. Creative integration and the flow of Spirit are two important aspects which occur within these higher regions of consciousness, or upper chambers of the mind.

Creativity and the flow of Spirit are just two of the aspects that are being directly activated by the Full Moon. These Full Moon energies are perfectly aligned to facilitate your greater access to those areas of consciousness which so often elude you.

The Gift of the Unexpected

As you begin to experience activity in these regions of your psyche, and anticipate the opportunities for expanded awareness over the coming two weeks, pay extra attention to how you react to unfamiliar situations.

It’s through the unexpected you’ll first begin to access these higher states of consciousness. Unfamiliar or even shocking experiences are your new friends during the next two weeks. It is through the unexpected that you forget, at least for a moment, what is normal, natural, and expected. In this moment you access what lies beyond your normal comfort zone.

The hidden opportunity in the unfamiliar lies in the way in which you embrace the unexpected.

This is true especially if you’re able see the unexpected without the label of “good or bad.” By embracing the unexpected you align with the creative flow of life and spirit that are the constantly moving energies within the upper chambers of your psyche.

One way to embrace the unexpected is by tending to the spirit in which you embrace transitions during the next two weeks. Transitions represent your ability to go with the flow of spirit. Holding awareness of the possibility of a new stage of development is crucial in your readiness. You will begin to notice a shift if you are able to readily accept transitions in your life with grace and ease.

Think baby steps and small increments. Assimilation and integration are key ideas in this process. Your opportunity is to become more aware of the flow of spirit. Experiencing this flow and activity will increase your capacity for intuition and your feeling of connection to psychic realms previously cut off from your consciousness. You’ll begin to experience a new flow of spirit within your own “upper chambers.”

Astrology Patterns

Full Moon Astrology Chart for June 2014There are several notable patterns in our Full Moon Chart.

First pattern: There is a trine/sextile square involving Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, and Saturn. This pattern is energizing a dynamic type of activity which becomes effective through intentional integration.

In their respective positions in the zodiac, Saturn structures life to radiate spirit, Pluto supports the will to transcend, Jupiter provides stability as new perspectives unfold, and Venus releases old concepts of “good and bad” which have become anchored as possessive values. Working together, they provide an expanding and dynamic activity capable of connecting you with spirit through new realms that have the potential of transcending your everyday perceptions.

Second pattern: The Sun, Mercury, and ‘part of fortune’ are grouped together in a conjunction which is in opposition to the Moon. Together, the processes of spiritual growth (Sun), taking pleasure in mature reactions (part of fortune), and adapting to new situations (Mercury) are embraced with a new illumination (Full Moon).

Third pattern: Mars and Uranus are in opposition, indicating your capacity for reacting to the unexpected. This may create a “need to react,” but you have a choice on the reaction you choose with the help of two key trines. I find these two trines particularly interesting. Both trines create relationships with the Sun and Moon in a very unique way. Uranus connects the Moon, and Mars connects the Sun. These two connections activate the Full Moon (Sun/Moon opposition) and bring together the integrative function of the upper areas of consciousness in a special way.

In Summary

It’s when these three distinct patterns all come together that something special happens. In short, dynamic activity (sextile/trine square) and illumination is taking place in the upper regions of consciousness (Mar/Uranus trine Sun and Moon.)

In the coming days, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a new type of awareness (Full Moon) by incorporating a positive perspective when confronting new situations or the unexpected. Set your intention to experience the flow and creative aspect of spirit within whatever is unfolding and changing around you.

This is the perfect opportunity to experience new awareness, especially by intentionally embracing transitions and choosing to approach unexpected circumstances with ease and grace. The dynamic stability and inner poise initiated with the May 28th New Moon, creates a strong foundation beneath this dynamic awareness you have access to during the Full Moon phase.

May the light of our expanding consciousness shine bright.

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful month,

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