New Moon Astrology for May 28, 2014
- The New Moon is Wednesday, May 28, 11:40 am PDT
- Sun is 8° Gemini, Moon is 8° Gemini
- New Moon Theme (thru June 26): Inner Stability and Dynamic Poise
- Next Full Moon is Thursday, June 12
Current Lunar Cycle
The New Moon releases a wave of new potential and sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow the energy of this New Moon theme to guide you and help you adjust to changing circumstances. Each week of this month’s Lunar Cycle will offer new tools and momentum for energizing your life purpose.
Astrology Article: Inner Stability and Dynamic Poise
This month there is the potential for disruptive energies. These may be experienced as disruptive power struggles, imbalances in the work place, conflicts with authority, or simply society not supporting your sense of fairness. It’s important to know that these potential disruptions present an opportunity this month. By accessing the opportunities disruptions in your life can be easily harmonized and used to empower your own sense of inner poise and stability.
Regardless of the specific way you might experience an imbalance during the coming Lunar month (ending on the next New Moon, June 26th), it’s important to realize that any conflict is supporting a stronger sense of individuality. This is opposed to a reactionary response resulting in desire for revolution or aggression within relationships or circumstances.
To harmonize any disruptive energies that may occur, first start by holding curiosity for the situation instead of reacting without forethought. It is important to realize that your greatest opportunity comes from exercising self-control and poise in spite of any urge you may have to be confrontational.
The second thing to consider is to engage your mind before your emotions. Mercury in the last degree of Gemini is able to see the situation for what it is and to see the big picture or pattern.
Your opportunity with the New Moon stems from realizing your personal connection with Earth, grounding in and holding on to the bigger picture. If conflict happens to appear in your life unexpectedly, relief will come from your ability to nurture your own sense of self while you hold the intention that everything must play its part, even the imbalances and disruptive energies. The result will be greater inner stability and a deeper sense of order in your life.
Astrology Patterns: Excellence, Stability, and Integration
This New Moon astrology chart holds a significant pattern of dynamic poise. Mars plays an important role in this New Moon Chart because whenever any planet is located at 10° in a zodiac sign it signifies the possibility for personal transformation. Mars in Libra helps tie the patterns of the whole chart together, and it does so with a new level of cooperation (Libra), poise and self-control (Mars trine New Moon, and opposing Uranus).
Because there are two powerful oppositions in our astrology pattern, it is worth mentioning the magic of oppositions in a chart. Consciousness has accelerated since the ending of the Mayan calendar in 2012. As a result, a new paradigm in astrology is to observe oppositions with the outer planets in a more conscious and positive light, rather than as a source of conflict as they were traditionally interpreted. With any opposition, the shadow quality manifests as conflict, but only if a greater perspective is not uncovered and embraced. Similar to the illumination that comes with the Full Moon (in opposition to the Sun), each opposition holds the possibility for realizations and new perspectives to emerge.
From this new perspective Mars, with the insight of Uranus is able to act with forethought and self-control, rather than impulsiveness, especially if the bigger picture of the self (Uranus in Aries) is appreciated (Libra) and held in perspective (Pluto in Capricorn).
Another significant aspect of the oppositions relates to the Grand Cross formation, which we experienced for several weeks. As you can see from the chart, it now appears as a T-square. The stability of the Grand Cross is now changing into a more inner framework. The stability is still there, but it is more internalized and will require some extra work on your part to activate. The internalization and extra work can be seen in the complex relationships of Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune and their Jupiter/Mercury trine. Mercury in its position is stressing the need for excellence with a desire for establishing higher standards in one’s life.
If you can release the tendency to respond to disruption with old patterns, the two oppositions in the current chart offer new possibilities. One opposition brings together a new level of integration (Jupiter) with a larger historical perspective (Pluto in Capricorn). In the other, poised action (Libra) has the insight from beyond (Uranus) to guide experience (Mars) toward individuality and freedom (Uranus). When fully embraced, these oppositions become power tools that you can use to harmonize energies and establish inner stability.
In Summary
Remember, the energies delivered to you with the New Moon are activating your own deeper desire to experience your unique Selfhood. The energies of this astrology pattern put the focus on solutions and responding to life’s challenges with poise, a larger perspective, and the ideal that living with higher standard for yourself could be the key for finding solutions to challenges. By stepping back and looking at conflict from the bigger picture, seeing new levels of excellence within, you’ll meet conflict with poise rather than impulsive or even aggressive reaction.
New Moon Tarot Video
By Elizabeth Schermer. Visit Elizabeth’s website for a complete explanation of the tarot reading.
[youtube url=”″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″ showinfo=”0″]
In Closing
It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful month,