The Art of Connecting to Your Life Path: New Moon Astrology February 2014

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Art of Connecting to Your Life Path: New Moon Astrology February 2014

The Art of Connecting to Your Life Path: New Moon Astrology February 2014

  • Article Window: Feb 28 to Mar 30
  • New Moon was Friday, Feb 28 at 11:59 pm PST
  • Sun is 11° Pisces Moon is 11° Pisces
  • Lunar Month Theme (New Moon to New Moon): Connecting to Your Life Path
  • Next Full Moon is Sunday, Mar 16 at 10:08 am PST
  • Spring Equinox (Sun enters Aries) Mar 20 at 9:57 am PST

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a wave of new potential and sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow the energy of this New Moon theme to guide you and help you adjust to changing circumstances. Each week of this month’s Lunar Cycle will offer new tools and momentum for energizing your life purpose.

Astrology Article: The Art of Connecting to Your Life Path

Each person has a unique life path. This is the path we all travel which leads us to greater success and our future.  For some, it’s a challenge to get a clear glimpse of what the path fully entails. For others, their path is experienced as continually unfolding, layer after layer. For still others, they understand what their life path is, but have difficult connecting with it in a practical sense.

Regardless of the specifics, we all have a sense that there is something greater toward which we are traveling.

This New Moon in Pisces is bring an awareness of a new gift you can use to more deeply connect with your life path. The New Moon impulse will specifically assist you in finding the necessary guidance to help you emotionally connect to your highest purpose. This guidance is will be available as increased access to your intuition and supports the deeper feelings associated with knowing your work in the world.

As you increase your expertise with this type of emotional connection, it allows you to enjoy more of life and, at the same time, become more conscious of your own embodiment of greatness, which is your fullest potential.

Your Emotional Connection and Intuition

Your emotions and your intuition have a unique relationship with your life path. The type of emotions I’m referring to here are the charged responses you have as you react to life’s experiences. These emotions can be instinctual or conscious.

Your instinctual drives are those biological urges motivating you to survive, raise a family, and fight for more security. Childhood conditioning is a bit different. The first 7 years of your life, you absorb your surroundings and environment without filtering the content. You download into your subconscious all the values, ideals, and fears of your family and surroundings. This programs your instinctual responses to life.

Both conscious and subconscious emotions can be used for guidance, but emotions stemming from childhood conditioning usually operate as instinctual drives. However, the New Moon energies are providing extra support in moving from mere instincts to a more intuitively guided emotional response involving conscious choice.

Mercury and Mars are providing the additional energy of skill, strength, and courage to open you up to new possibilities, and the energy to transcend obstacles in your way. These obstacles include your own early childhood conditioning.

Conscious access to your emotions leads to a greater access of intuition. Intuition is a form of guidance and perception based on your relationship to the bigger picture, often referred to the “Greater Whole.”

Your Life Path

The art of embodying your life path is to live “pure of heart.” This means you’re constantly checking in with yourself to see if you’re following your heart’s desire rather than living to support someone else’s values.

Success in following your life path involves connecting with your highest good, including the mental awareness that you can make life decisions based on your intuition rather than instinct alone.

The New Moon energies are providing the opportunity to release your old conditioning and replace it with intuition. As you move forward pursuing your life path, your highest success will come from intuitive decisions rather than from your unconscious patterns.

Connecting and Bring it All Together

Emotions are a necessary ingredient in successfully connecting to your life path. They allow you to connect and be present to your highest good, allowing you to connect to the bigger picture of life itself.  Our Pisces New Moon is providing you the opportunity to transcend your instinctual drives by replacing them with conscious emotional responses, connecting to your intuitive guidance and perceptions.

Your life path involves the balance of pursuing what’s best for you as you work to fulfill a specific function in the greater good of the world. This life path connects you and intersects with others and the world in a way which ultimately connects you with your higher-self and spirit.

This is the Lunar month to connect with the present moment and follow your highest joy.

Steven Shroyer guides others to fully discover their life path and to identify specific untapped intuitive gifts needed for self-realization. Learn more and book a Complete Astrology and Life Path Reading here.

New Moon Astrology

New Moon Tarot Video

By Elizabeth Schermer – Visit website for a complete explanation of the tarot reading.

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In Closing

It is our deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.

Have a wonderful week,
Steven and Elizabeth

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