Claiming Your Life Instead of Reacting to Chaos
- Sun in 8 Aquarius
- Moon in 8 Leo
- Lunar phase is Full
- Full Moon Jan 26th, 8:38p Pacific
The Full Moon energies are supporting a shift toward embracing a new level of “claiming” your life experience, instead of reacting to circumstances that don’t seem to fit into your life plan. The realization that “creative response” can be used as a replacement to reaction has been building in our consciousness since the last New Moon.
The recent New Moon was focused on a new capacity for inner strength as we expand into new ways of overcoming internal resistance toward “doing the right thing.” This right thing is of course, specific to your personal life and circumstances. But one thing is clear, doing the right thing often produces unforeseen consequences and may even perhaps lead to a new level chaos in you life as new potentials emerge.
Our current Full Moon holds a new opportunity which directly addresses the consequences of how you have been handling the events and circumstances in your life during the last two weeks.
Let’s consider three possible outcomes which could have transpired as a result of how you approached your recent life circumstances and synchronicities calling for your attention.
- The first possible outcome is that you were faced with the opportunity to act, but didn’t. This very likely did, or will, create some additional feeling of chaos or problems, as the unresolved circumstances are waiting your attention.
- The second possibility is that you claimed your power and did the right thing, but doing the right created a secondary problem or related event.
- The third possibility is that you took care of business and your life has improved, with every aspect of your life running more smoothly than ever.
Regardless of which of the three outcomes you may have encountered, this Full Moon carries with it a powerful opportunity for you to move forward, even if you are carrying old or “unfinished business.”
This new opportunity we will explore is called “authentic living.”
You Live in a Compassionate Universe
The Universe is compassionate and loving. It doesn’t give you just one chance to make things right, with the result ended in failure or success. You have as many chances as you need in life, or even future lives. The old dualistic idea that life is only a choice between good and evil is now moving out of our reality. This subversive idea is rooted in fear and designed to create feelings of vulnerability. It makes us feel powerless against the inevitable challenges in life.
In contrast, the compassionate Universe offers you a new source of power and a fresh start in every moment to handle these old challenges.
The compassionate Universe presents a bigger picture. This larger view says that life, growth, and transformation is a process. Each of us has a unique path in a compassionate world of changing opportunity and unlimited chances to “get it right.” You will grow at whatever pace suits your desire and destiny for becoming more that you currently are. You will receive as many chances and opportunities as you need for success and personal transformation.
Having discussed the compassionate nature of the Universe, I feel it is important to relate it to our current Full Moon opportunity. Regardless of the choices you have made in the past, or the current level of disorder or chaos in your life circumstances, the Full Moon is providing a clear solution for moving forward in your life.
This solution is based on the realization that your ability to make new decisions rests solely on your ability to address old challenges with fresh creative ideas from a new source of inspiration. This ability is what I am calling “Authentic Living.”
The Challenge of Authentic Living – Claiming Your Power
Living a life of authenticity requires you to move forward based who you are, and not on what’s popular, easy, or acceptable to friends and family. The challenge of authentic living is that it’s often inconvenient in a world which judges your life based on national averages and consensus thinking. We are conditioned from our first schooling experiences that “fitting in” is a basic necessity of survival.
So, how do you live authentically in a world that doesn’t support unique thinking unless it is fashionable?
This Full Moon is about expressing yourself in new ways which reflect how you feel about your future success in the world. Your new ideas of success are flowing from visions of a new world, just beginning to form in your consciousness. This new vision of the world supports relationships which feel genuine and are aligned inclusiveness and unique expression. This is a world void of judgment and “average-ness.”
The qualities needed for this new level of expression and vision stem from both inner strength and the resolve to make the necessary shifts in your life toward what inspires you. As you may recall, these were the basic Lunar themes of the past two weeks.
Authentic Living is a Creative Process
Two types of creativity exist. There is creativity which flows as a personal expression of your individual identity. This creativity flows like a river of light, up from the Earth, through you and out to the world. This is your individual creative power.
There is a second type of creativity, related to larger group consciousness. Instead of flowing from your personal connection to earth, up and out, this creative light flows from above. This creative light from above flows from the collective imagination, and higher realms of awareness. When you access this energy you are tapped into creativity that’s larger than yourself. It flows down through you, and out to the world. This is the creative power of the collective.
Authentic living unlocks the power of this new creative process. Esoteric astrology offers the keys to understanding these new forms of creativity.
This realization that creative power can flow from higher to lower is anchored in the symbolism of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. As water flows it descends. Imagine this flowing creative light can produce power in the same way a hydro-electric plant harnesses the power of water, flowing from a higher to a lower source.
Descending power is a group endeavor. In order to express this new higher form of authenticity you need the feeling of personal success, however you also need the feeling of supporting the success of others.
This type of authenticity is more than just being personally genuine. It’s also being genuine in how you participate in the energies of the creative collective. This power from above, descending power, flows from the collective and becomes focused in the world through individual expression. Then it becomes available for the benefit of all.
As creative inspiration flows from above and is freely offered to the world, inspiring new inventions, new skills, and new ways of living, it is also a spiritual process. Thus, Authentic Living is also a spiritual practice.
Authenticity is also a Social Process
Understanding your new access to creative power, you have the ability now to uniquely express your life purpose at a new level, expressing both your own individuality as well as your embodiment of the larger whole.
When you claim your authenticity and bring your ideas into form, you become a channel for a new form of creative power which is spiritual and allows to participate in a larger reality. In practical terms being authentic means embodying your creative power, your creative insight, and your unique expression of what it means to be human.
It’s important to give back to humanity your own genius and access to creative ideas. In order to participate at this higher level, you must share your new connection to creative power with your circle of friends, family, and sphere of influence your “Authentic Self.”
Ideas for a Full Moon Circle
Your Full Moon opportunity this month can be maximized by creating a Full Moon circle.
At some point after the Full Moon on Saturday at 8:38p (Pacific), ideally within 48 hours, get together with at least one other person, creating a container or circle. Sit with the intention of receiving the creative flow from the power of the Full Moon.
Living authentically now, in this moment, means to draw from the power of inspiration and to express your creative connection to the realm of humanity in which group ideas are formed.
- Sit with at least one other person and acknowledge the power of the moment and the creative potential for authentic ideas.
- Use spontaneity and creativity to share ideas back and forth, or through the circle.
- Let your ideas flow like a refreshing rain from above. Imagine a waterfall of light pouring through you.
- Use your imagination to picture and vision a better future for you and the world.
- Allow your ideas to trigger new possible directions or choices in your life that you haven’t even yet considered.
- Share your own experience of power as it flows from the collective through you.
- Feel the creative power of your Ideas.
In the coming days, respond to your new creative awareness. Express your new ideas, share them, live them, Be them. Feel your own authenticity from a new perspective.
Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer