Developing a Deeper Awareness to Expand Relationships: Full Moon Astrology Apr 2018

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Developing a Deeper Awareness to Expand Relationships: Full Moon Astrology Apr 2018

Developing a Deeper Awareness to Expand Relationships: Full Moon Astrology Apr 2018

Article Window:  Apr 29 –  May 15
• The Full Moon is Sunday, Apr 29, 5:58 PM PDT
• Sun is 10° Aries, Moon is 10°
• Next New Moon: May 15
• Current New Moon Theme (Apr 15 – May 15):  New Possibilities

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Astrology Article

By Steven Shroyer

Developing a Deeper Awareness to Expand Relationships

Our Scorpio Full Moon Astrology is having a direct and powerful impact on each of our experiences this Lunar month. This Lunar cycle is full of new possibilities, especially when you take the time to understand the type of power that is being activated by our Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon polarity.

There is a larger perspective created when we understand exactly why this polarity holds so much power, and how Scorpio and Taurus are working together for the mutual benefit of humanity. The easiest way to understand their connection is through the way they link and connect all of us together through relationships. Specifically, at this Full Moon, Taurus and Scorpio are working together to foster within each of us a deeper concern for all of humanity in order to make the world a better place for us all.

The overall theme of this Lunar month is the opportunity to build momentum in our lives in order to energize new possibilities. An important aspect of this theme is realizing that what is truly possible is more than we are able to see on the surface of our circumstances. We have the opportunity now to move beyond old patterns of limitation, including the ways we experience failure or disappointment, in order to remain in the creative momentum of a larger expansion.

The expanded perspective available to you now at this Full Moon will help you maximize all of these new possibilities, especially through your ability to move beyond what seem to be failures in order to experience the deeper power of our common humanity.  For more details on the signature of the current Lunar cycle, see the previous New Moon article.

In order to expand your understanding of how and why the Scorpio/Taurus energies contain so much power, we are going to dive into some deeper aspects of each of the individual signs.

A Deeper Look into the Compassionate Nature of Scorpio

Scorpio is a water sign. On the most basic level, water represents the power of our emotional connections to each other.

All water signs deal with some aspect of emotional integration. What makes Scorpio different from the other water signs is Scorpio’s depth. We can see this principle of depth as it works within nature through the root structure of plants, whose roots travel down into the earth seeking nourishment from the moist soil. This universal principle of the nourishment from water within the depths is both personal and collective.  Not only are individual roots nourished, but the inner depths of support also link the roots of life together through a commonality that provides substance for our growth as a collective.

Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio embodies the archetype of the Phoenix, which represents a quality of rebirth through the rising of new potential from the depths. The combination of Scorpio and Pluto gives us emotional access to the powerful symbol of the Phoenix rising. This sense of rising from deep inside is deeply felt within our personal psyche as well as our connection to the collective subconscious. It is this power of new potential rising from the depths that links and nourishes all of us from deep within the common roots of our humanity.

What nourishes and regenerates from deep within is also that which links us all together. Whenever you experience a sense of fellowship and mutual commonality you are tapping into the compassionate power of Scorpio.

A Deeper Look into the Beauty of Taurus

Taurus follows Aries as the first earth sign in the zodiac. On a practical level, Taurus is concerned with developing one’s personal identity through tangible experiences of resources, productivity and lineage.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus which is associated with qualities of love and beauty. One underlying principle of Venus is the infusion of true value through experiences of beauty and connection through the heart.

As an earth element, Taurus needs to find some type of value in everything that’s tangible in one’s personal experience. It is Venus that infuses Taurus with the idea that what we see as beautiful holds an inherent value as part of our personal identity.

Through Venus, Taurus sees the true beauty held within of that which has the deepest or most significant value. The connection of Taurus to lineage comes through this idea of passing on what has deeper value from generation to generation. Thus Taurus is concerned with preserving heritage, inheritance, bloodlines, and traditional values.

Through the same principle of the value of beauty, Venus also shows Taurus, that what we love in our hearts has value. Once Taurus is able to transcend mere physical substance and freely connect to the deeper value of life itself, then Taurus sees the beauty within all of humanity. The more beauty is associated with love as a connection to others, the easier it is for Taurus to incorporate the Scorpio polarity point of compassion as having true value.

Astrology Pattern: The Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus Triad

Society forms around structures capable of holding power. This Full Moon is all about the ways that our structures of power can transform and change to benefit all of humanity. An important key to understanding the unique power signature of this Scorpio Moon lies in understanding the ways that Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are working together now to expand society into a more positive direction of growth.

Let’s explore some of the ways that these three planets are working together in our Full Moon chart. With the Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, and Uranus conjunct the Sun, it is Saturn that unifies the pattern and explains exactly how to transcend the challenges within our current social trends.

First it’s important to recognize the sequential relationship of this triad within our Solar System. Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are the 6th, 7th, and 8th celestial bodies from the Sun (which holds the 1st position). Jupiter receives the personal energies of the inner planets and uses them for the larger collective, to expand the forms and norms of society. It is Saturn that creates structures that embody and anchor these forms. Then Uranus releases the power to expand those structures into new forms that until now have been held only as seeds within Saturn.

In the current chart, Jupiter in Scorpio points to the courage we possess to venture beyond traditional thinking rooted in our collective past. Saturn in Capricorn is emphasizing that once the fear of change is overcome, you are able to hold the power necessary to play your role in our changing world. This new world holds the higher frequency of Uranus in Taurus, which is transforming the consciousness on our planet. One effect of Uranian transformation is the dismantling of obsolete power structures. This is just one of the reasons our daily news is filled with stories that expose the deep levels of corruption everywhere.

Through a complex combination of a variety of factors, Saturn is the key to our Full Moon astrology this month. This current Full Moon signature is all about what truly holds power. It’s Saturn that holds the power here and anchors the power of the other signatures. Saturn in Capricorn also represents the potential abuse of power, while simultaneously representing the capacity for society to transcend these patterns and function in new and higher forms of expression.

It is Uranus, finally, that works with Saturn and Jupiter to transform and energize these existing forms within both individuals and groups in order to creatively expand individual thinking. Uranus is constantly transforming consciousness by raising the underlying frequencies to new levels of brilliance. In this way Uranus naturally works to fracture the established power structures that aren’t capable of holding its higher frequency and power. As a result, inadequate power structures begin to crumble.

The Signature of Five. An additional significant element of transformation with the Full Moon astrology lies in the energy of “FIVE.” One key principle within Sabian astrology is the understanding that every 5th degree of the zodiac holds the archetype of potential transformation. Thus, it’s important to note that all three bodies of this planetary configuration are located in degrees that hold this transformation factor of five: Jupiter is at 20° Scorpio , Saturn is at 10° Capricorn, and Uranus is at 30° Taurus.

Taken in concert with the transformative New Moon pattern of “New Possibility” and the key fact that the Full Moon and Sun are also both in a 5th degree frequency of transformation (10° Scorpio and 10° Taurus), we have an extraordinary example of universal energies coalescing for the purpose of transforming what’s possible for humanity in a tangible and practical way (Saturn in Capricorn).

It is through this compassionate linking of everyone on the planet through the power of the Scorpio Full Moon that Uranian qualities of freedom are being extended and anchored as core values across the planet. As Uranus continues to shake up the status quo, the beauty of Taurus shines through, allowing all to see the beauty and value of humanity having the courage to work together in a productive way for the common good of all.


Our Full Moon energies are helping each of us to expand our perspective and realize that larger connections within humanity are occurring. There is a definite shift in what is possible. A signature theme of our Full Moon is the deep feeling that the circumstances in our lives now have the opportunity to unfold and transform into something greater that benefits all.

The deeper meaning of significance here can be seen retrospectively in the dramatic way in which the astrological energies have been evolving, month by month. Society is shifting, and each New Moon and Full Moon cycle holds a unique signature that is supporting this shift. The overall frequencies are expanding our ideas of compassion and positive change as Uranian energies continue to break down old paradigms and help us enter our new age of Aquarius.

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