Finding the Elusive Inner Calm: New Moon Astrology Oct 2016

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Finding the Elusive Inner Calm: New Moon Astrology Oct 2016

Finding the Elusive Inner Calm: New Moon Astrology Oct 2016

Finding the Elusive Inner Calm: New Moon Astrology Oct 2016

Article Window: Oct 30 to Nov 29
• The New Moon is Oct 30, 2016  10:38am PDT
• Sun is 8° Scorpio, Moon is 8° Scorpio
• New Moon Theme (Oct 30 to Nov 29): Inner Calmness
• Next Full Moon is Nov 14, 2016

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar Cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.

Photo of the Milky Way at New Moon

Astrology Article: Finding the Elusive Inner Calm

Our New Moon Astrology for the coming month brings a new cycle of mental clarity. This new level of clear thinking will utilize a calmness and inner peace, especially available to those who can access the emotional depths of Scorpio’s archetype of inner power.

Scorpio, being a water sign, has great depth of feeling and connectedness. This depth of feeling can be harnessed into a powerful social force to be used for common goals and group purpose. On occasion Scorpio gets a bad rap for being controlling and/or emotionally out of control, but this shadow element only becomes an obstacle for those who haven’t learned to connect with the power of their own depths.

Superficial Turbulence on the Horizon

The days immediately following the New Moon have the potential to be somewhat rocky and turbulent, but not catastrophic. This unsettling period is akin to a bumpy flight on a commercial plane. If you’re not careful you may spill your coffee, but the plane is in no real danger.

I call the potential turbulence superficial, because one of the most significant elements of this New Moon chart is the underlying energy of calm. The Sun/Moon conjunction with Mercury emphasizes the significance of the mental component of this Moon, enabling you to access inner clarity. The conjunction also follows right after the Moon crossed over Jupiter, which is in the positive position of supporting the clarity of new information, and the ability to use this information to expand into a new cycle of activity.

Understanding the importance of connecting with inner calm, it may be helpful for you to know that most of the action, or potential turbulence this month, will occur in the first two weeks, between now and the Full Moon.  Significantly, toward the end of this cycle, you can anticipate an activation of optimism when the Moon goes conjunct Uranus on Nov 12, just two days before the Full Moon.

Leading up to that activation with Uranus, the Moon is going to transit all of the other planets. Each of these conjunctions will offer an opportunity, however if we’re not able to maintain inner calm and clear perspective then the opposite can also happen. In other words, the pattern of concentrated planetary conjunctions could lead to ongoing challenges through experiences of irritation, misunderstanding and stress.

This is where the power of Scorpio comes in to provide some depth of feeling to help you anchor your mind and connect with clarity and that elusive sense of inner calm. The key is to have a depth of perception coupled with feelings that are anchored in calmness.

The good news is that for a select number of people this is going to be a time of creative expansion, especially through the experience of new levels of inner clarity and calm. This internal calm will be in contrast to the confusion that you may experience around you and within the larger culture. This is important because we are each going to need to be ready to receive the clarity, not just for ourselves but in order to contribute to the world.

Astrology Patterns

Astrology Chart for the New Moon Oct 2016Because of the astrological complexity of this cycle, it may be helpful to touch on the potential energy signatures of the coming two weeks.


With this New Moon Sabian symbol of inner calm conjunct Mercury, we’re talking about moving within, keeping your head on straight, and not getting activated with all of the external intensity and craziness that’s happening right now.

Our Saturn/Venus conjunction on November 2nd may activate uncertainty. Venus will challenge the type of value we place on our own dependencies. At the same time, Saturn may trigger an awareness that anticipates a turn of events that challenges your dependence on the status quo. Calmly redefining your relationship to the status quo is the key for your success.

Our Pluto conjunction on November 5th will be stimulating and may trigger a kind of unhealthy activation. All that’s needed here is to make sure you get enough exercise and to realize that that your experience of stimulation doesn’t need to turn into agitation or anxiety.

Our Mars conjunction on November 6th may activate insecurity and feelings that your circumstances don’t feel safe. There are too many scenarios to describe all the possibilities, but the antidote is to connect to security within, through the depths of your personal spirituality.

Election day is November 8th, which occurs during the 1st Quarter Moon. Without your connection to inner calmness and clarity, this First Quarter Moon can bring a high-degree of uncertainty and indecision.

Our Neptune conjunction on November 9th will further require internal calm. Otherwise, it may activate disillusionment with the entire world. A sense of what’s the use of even trying with a strong desire for escapism may be predominate. Your sense of spirituality and clear thinking is required.

Our Uranus conjunction on November 12th, as mentioned before, completes the cycle of planetary transits and will give you complete access to a new level of cosmic optimism. This conjunction occurs right before the Full Moon and sets the stage for you to move forward with hope and clarity.

Your ability to stay connected to the inner mental calmness of this New Moon through the coming days will enable you to connect with this optimism and carry forward the highest potentials of this cycle.


The overall signature of this Lunar Month is that of using a calm perspective to deal with life’s circumstances. The positive potential and opportunity of this lunar cycle can’t be accessed without this perspective of inner calm. You’ll recognize your alignment with this potential by your capacity for clear, calm thinking. (This is of course in direct opposition to what is being currently encouraged in the larger culture.)

The Moon transits all the planets in the first half of this cycle, leading up to the Full Moon. Each conjunction will activate a specific pattern which can open new opportunities in your life, or alternately contribute to stress if not properly understood and accessed.

The only sure avenue to success this month is the commitment to your connection to internal calm. From there the creative opportunities will be clearly available. This connection with inner equilibrium provides a clear avenue for rising above the activations of disorder and distress that are apparent all around us, and also enables you to contribute much-needed frequencies of calm and order.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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