Aquarian Age Update
We are only 26 days from Pluto’s final return to Capricorn. Over the past several years, starting in the fall of 2019, we have written extensively about Pluto’s historic movement through the zodiac energies of Capricorn.
Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, however the strongest activations didn’t begin until January 2020 with the ongoing historic Capricorn conjunctions, including the planets Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and all the inner planets. Neptune and Uranus were also indirectly involved. At that time we began covering the effects of these historic Capricorn conjunctions extensively.
The major conjunctions in Capricorn took place over two years and activated an intense period of transformation that began realigning all systems of authority. This included a planetary activation of dark forces in an attempt to seize control of the world through a pandemic, lockdowns, censorship, and a general shift away from personal freedom and liberty. Over the past five years these dark forces have continued working through the shadow of Capricorn in an ongoing attempt to seize power and control before our Aquarian energies become completely activated. These dark shadow Capricorn energies are about to come to an end.
This past year has marked an additional activation of turbulence as Pluto has transited back and forth across the early degrees of Aquarius and final degrees of Capricorn. On Sept 1st, humanity will experience the final activation of these historic conjunctions as the dark makes its final attempt to seize control of the world using the shadow energies of Capricorn. Regardless of now intense and shocking events will look, these attempt will fail. The increase of light on the planet has already tipped the scales toward the new era of light. On Nov 20th, Pluto will leave Capricorn and remain in Aquarius, which will initiate the next phase of our new era and begin rebuilding the world with positive Aquarian energies.
This energetic shadow will especially be felt and be apparent within those systems of control that are already beginning to fail. Although these dramatic energies signify a window of opportunity for the dark to work through a shadow of control and manipulation, it’s important to know that we don’t have to be controlled by their efforts or any external chaos that will attempt to create disruption in the world.
At a personal level, Pluto’s return to Capricorn will have a positive effect, marked by collaboration with others who are also on a spiritual path. Although we may be entering a turbulent period, by collaborating with like-minded individuals who are also able to remain balanced and neutral, we will be able to maintain the peace energy necessary to navigate this period.
In preparation, you can think of the coming days leading up to September 1st as a time of calm before the storm. This is a valuable time to use the energies of summer, specifically Leo, to recharge, have fun, and build inspiration for the future.
We are on the verge of a spectacular high frequency era of prosperity. As we witness the unfolding drama all around us, it’s important to continually bring our awareness away from all types of chaos and firmly anchor ourselves to our peace energy within.
The Integrating Power of Leo
Leo is an incredibly powerful and creative zodiac energy. When the Sun is in Leo our consciousness is activated in a very specific way. The solar principle of life is fully active in Leo through its ability to harness and integrate the highest frequencies within our realm. Our spirit, which is source energy, responds as inspiration because the Sun’s frequency is extremely high and our consciousness recognizes this connection. It is for this reason that Leo is said to be ruled by the Sun.
The current active energies of Leo include: Self-expression, energetic vitality, creativity, and spontaneity. Leo loves to utilize the energies in its environment to spontaneously interact in the moment. As a fire element, Leo has the power to use the energy of the present moment as fuel to create. In its highest expression, Leo is always perfectly in the moment. Leo’s power helps us creatively engage and integrate our Spirit in expressing life, liberty, and freedom.
The shadow energies of Leo include: Pride and superiority of all types, self-centered leadership, and using mind-energy to promote oneself. Another powerful aspect of Leo’s shadow is to look for light and inspiration outside oneself instead of finding it within.
It is helpful to recognize the qualities of Leo’s powerful shadow. When Leo’s shadow is recognized, it helps us to differentiate between the false light of mind-energy and the light of our heart energy which is in natural resonance with the Sun.
As these higher qualities develop, the solar principle of Leo is able to help us integrate Source energy. This is why Leo is associated with creativity, because it helps us expand our creative connection to Source. As we continue to integrate these higher frequencies of solar energy we not only increase our connection to creativity but also peace energy.
Leo New Moon: An Ultimate Expression of Peace Energy
Our Leo new moon is amplifying the availability of the very unique Leo quality of peace energy which knows no fear, anxiety, or guilt. Leo’s energy helps us connect to this natural aspect of our true nature. The Sabian for 13° Leo is one of my all-time favorites as it directly highlights our capacity to choose how we express ourselves.
ARCHETYPE: The quieted mind sits in complete peace energy as it observes the wonders of our realm.
COMMENTARY: Once the mind retires from judging, analyzing, and reacting to the endless maze of mind-energy, all that’s left is peace. When the world traveler returns to their natural state of peace energy, the heart is able to realize the past is but a memory. The past maybe gone, but the wisdom of adventure is eternally alive in the present moment. The mind, calmed by the peace of Source energy, is now completely free in the moment of infinite possibility where the wisdom of eternal knowledge is active beyond time and space.
This Sabian’s theme of quiet recollection is a unique expression of Leo energy. As the old sea captain is able to retire from his life of adventure, he is still able to hold all of his experiences in perfect peace. The eternal moment encompasses all experiences beyond time and space.
What we learn from this Sabian is that creative energy (Leo) exists only in the eternal now, not the past, nor the future. For those of us on a spiritual path this resonates with the universal truth that all creative power exists in the present moment. As we continuously bring more and more of our Spirit back into our body, we naturally integrate our creative energies and return to our true nature of inner balance and peace energy.
Our new moon message of peace is quite important in the context of the changing energy patterns that we’ll be navigating over the next several months, especially between Sept 1st and Nov 20th of this year. In retrospect, this Leo lunar cycle may well be seen as the calm before the storm. Regardless of the chaos that may appear in the short-term, all is well. This is a great opportunity to strengthen inner balance and anchor yourself in peace energy.
We are about to enter a period in which major energy shifts will dominate the horizon. When we are able to keep our focus in the present moment, knowing that our future is bright, we can relax with a calm spirit capable of navigating turbulent times. Any chaos we experience can be tempered with peace energy and inner knowing, trusting that the Aquarian Age of enlightenment and prosperity is unfolding in a beautiful way.