Learning through Inner Freedom for Greater Fulfillment: Full Moon Astrology Mar 31, 2018

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Learning through Inner Freedom for Greater Fulfillment: Full Moon Astrology Mar 31, 2018

Learning through Inner Freedom for Greater Fulfillment: Full Moon Astrology Mar 31, 2018

Article Window:  Mar 31 –  Apr 15
• The Full Moon is Saturday, Mar 31, 5:37 AM PST
• Sun is 11° Aries, Moon is 11° Libra
• Next New Moon: Apr 15
• Current New Moon Theme (Mar 17 – Apr 15):  Finding Fulfillment

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Astrology Article: Learning through Inner Freedom for Greater Fulfillment

Our Libra Full Moon Astrology is reinforcing the current Lunar message of finding fulfillment, which was introduced at our March 17th New Moon. This article focuses on the potential each of us has to take learning to a new level. Authentic learning is a key aspect of personal freedom.

Over the next two weeks you have the opportunity to focus on HOW and WHAT you learn, especially through your direct connection to personal creativity and what inspires you. This Full Moon realization can have a direct impact on how to use the process of learning as a direct path to finding greater fulfillment in your life.

Two Distinct Types of Learning

The ability to learn is a key aspect of human consciousness. HOW and WHAT we learn shapes our perceptions of reality, our self-concept, and our perspective of the world around us. It’s important that we begin by exploring the word learning itself, and realize that it can be used in two distinct ways.

In today’s traditional “learning centers” or schools, students are told WHAT to learn and HOW to do it. Learning in this definition involves a kind of surrender of personal will and freedom. This system of learning tied to external information, goals, and measures of success detaches the learner from their natural impulse to explore. We are taught from a young age to follow external guidelines, and as an entire culture, we have been programmed to follow external authority rather than inner guidance. In the extreme this inevitably leads to an impoverished sense of fulfillment and a great deal of personal dissatisfaction.

In this way, the process of learning itself has been controlled to the detriment of our world. As a culture we are awakening to the limitations of this approach to learning, especially what is handed down through a centralized authoritarian system that decides what we should learn and how we should develop. We’re realizing the ways in which this approach to learning limits our freedom and shapes our very view of reality. What is now being openly explored is a more enlightened view of learning that shifts the focus to the learner, and how it is that we learn from within.

The Importance of Self-Empowered Learning

Self-empowerment stems from the realization that all true learning is only accomplished by the individual and develops from within. A book or teacher doesn’t make you learn! Learning is an internal process that requires both freedom and creativity. Each of us needs the freedom to explore what inspires us and then apply what we learn in creative and unique ways.

WHAT inspires each of us has a dramatic effect on HOW we learn. It’s the freedom to choose what you learn that is fulfilling. HOW you learn is directly related to your uniqueness and your connection to your purpose. Once you understand your own learning style or most useful learning techniques, you are able to learn whatever you decide is important. No longer are you subservient to a higher authority that decides what you should or shouldn’t learn. This approach fully empowers you with the understanding that all learning truly comes from within one’s own consciousness and connection to something larger.

Learning through Creative Freedom

Being able to connect with one’s power of creative freedom is needed in order to pursue the type of knowledge that is truly fulfilling and inspiring at the individual level. When we learn to reorient and trust our inner guidance and our own unique processes of HOW we learn, then we have the creative freedom to think for ourselves in ways that are truly fulfilling.

When our learning and access to knowledge is reduced to official standards and external achievement, true critical and creative thinking is discouraged and the human soul becomes impoverished.

By reconnecting with our natural power to learn from within we can begin to expand our perceptions and abilities to discover the world around us. As we align with our natural creative desire to learn, each of us can then share what we find individually inspiring with others. This inspiring and empowering approach to learning will lead to new knowledge and new understandings that can be used to challenge the official and controlled narratives that have shaped our world view.

This new perspective of self-empowered learning has the chance to transform the status quo through a new freedom of thought based on inner authority, and new standards of HOW and WHAT and WHY we learn.

Astrology Pattern

Full Moon ChartThe Libra Full Moon follows Spring Equinox, which is the point in the year that initiates a new cycle of individualized growth. For the coming six months, from Aries through Virgo, we are each expanding into new and more empowering forms of individuality. The theme of our current Full Moon holds an energizing quality that enables you to explore what interests you. As you watch the world around you, you begin to transform based on how you learn and what inspires your personal growth.

There are two key sets of planets that stand out in our Full Moon chart. We have a conjunction with a Venus/Uranus pairing as well as a conjunction of a Mars/Saturn pairing. What is also interesting in this pattern of conjunctions is that Venus is trine to Mars. As we take a closer look at what these planetary pairings mean, it is important to remember to place the meaning or context of the pattern within the overall meaning of the Full Moon.

The Mars/Saturn pair is a balsamic relationship that requires the balsamic action (Mars) of letting go of the hidden structures (Saturn) that have dominated our unconscious thinking processes. In the context of the Full Moon chart, it is necessary to actively examine (Mars) how those in cultural authority have structured and controlled information and knowledge, specifically deciding what we should know and shouldn’t know (Saturn in Capricorn).

The Venus/Uranus pair is in a new-phase relationship that is directly supported by our Aries Sun. Venus indicates the need to revalue our personal relationship to learning. Uranus is shaking up the status quo and creating the unconscious desire to think for ourselves with creative freedom and individuality. The pattern says that it’s time now to make this process more conscious.

The trine between Venus and Mars indicates the possibility for harmony to dominate between these two planetary pairs of planets. Harmony in this context demands new ways of thinking about WHAT and HOW you learn and who controls your access to information.

Fulfillment is supported by Venus’ ability to create new meaning with what is in alignment with the structure of the whole (Venus trine Mars/Saturn). This structure is represented by Saturn’s support for any form (Saturn) that freedom needs to take in order for fulfillment to be fully realized.

The Full Moon Sabian – Establishing a New Paradigm of Learning

The Sabian archetypes for both the Moon and Sun emphasize the contrast around systems of centralized authority and the potential for moving away from any system that limit your freedom and opportunity to self-direct.

The MOON at 11° Libra symbolizes a professor teaching students. The emphasis here is that the instructor who operates from an authoritarian model is telling the students what and how to learn whether it interests them or not. The transcendent responsibility and opportunity here is a new paradigm that teaches the students how to learn for themselves.

The SUN at 11° Aries is a symbol of large scale centralization. This, too, shows how authoritative systems of organization can be used for external control. Centralization within all systems, however, ultimately only works for the whole if resources and information can be freely distributed so that there is freedom and creativity for all.

The Full Moon is directly focused on what it takes to find fulfillment by reclaiming our authority and the creative freedom to learn from what inspires each of us.


With our Libra Full Moon we have the opportunity to become more aware of our own authentic learning processes. By focusing on what is self-empowering we can learn in any environment by accessing curiosity and exploration.

When we realize that “how” we learn can be aligned with our inner freedom and creativity, then we can shift away from outside authorities determining “what” we learn and what information we have access to. As our awareness increases, we awaken to the realization of all the ways in which our culture is dominated by what we are told to learn. This Lunar cycle is an opportunity to turn the tables on those who have told us what to learn and, by extension, what to think.

All authentic learning originates within ourselves. The signature of individuality that is now emerging is empowering us to rethink and revalue what and how we learn. One of the secrets to finding true fulfillment lies in using your creative freedom to explore the world and learn what is inspiring to you. In the coming two weeks take the time to connect with your inner creativity and feel the freedom you have to explore what inspires you. This is the path to true fulfillment.

Happy Full Moon

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