Aquarius Full Moon Astrology Report
Aug 15 to Aug 30
• Aquarius Full Moon is Thursday, Aug 15, 5:29 AM PDT
• Current New Moon Theme (July 31 to Aug 30): Spiritual Creativity
• The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago.
Astrology Article — New Tools For Accessing Your Creative Potential
Our Aquarius Full Moon expands upon the current New Moon theme of ‘spiritual creativity’ through an awareness of the role that self-discipline can play within all of our creative endeavors. The mental aspect of Aquarius (air element) is quite beneficial in directing Leo’s creative power, both in terms of focus as well as through understanding the context of any given situation.
With the Aquarius Moon being in the opposite sign to Leo (current position of the Sun), there is a great deal of power contained in this Full Moon. In part, this power currently stems from the Aquarian momentum generated by the social upheavals we are witnessing. We’ll dive deeper in this unique form of momentum later.
Currently, the Aquarius Full Moon is giving us the ability to access a greater degree of self-discipline, and to use it to enhance self-expression and all forms of creative endeavor. At this point of time, self-discipline is the key to harnessing the power we have available in Aquarius. This is not only true of the current Full Moon; it’s also an important factor of the overall larger cycle of time. In other words, our Full Moon is connecting these two qualities of self discipline and freedom in an unusual and powerful way.
The Unconscious and Raw Power Behind Aquarius
The power behind Aquarius is two-fold, both individual and collective, and develops through the individual’s ability to respond and participate in new collective horizons.
One aspect of this Aquarian power of new realization is directly related to the raw desire to be free and independent of any restrictive agendas and social norms that make you feel like the world is tightening around you. This desire for freedom (Uranus rules Aquarius) drives us toward independent thinking and prompts us to naturally rebel against all forms of political correctness or a stifling status quo.
Another aspect of Aquarian power involves a more unconscious type of power that stems from Uranus and the larger cycles that are bringing us into what we are calling the Age of Aquarius. This power is based on the pure momentum of change. It’s currently being felt socially through conflict with the regressive elements of our society which are calling for more censorship, less freedoms, and more dependence on the government.
Uranus’ energy is absolutely independent and freedom oriented. This urge for freedom is commonly referred to as the Aquarian quality of personal liberty.
Self-Discipline and Aquarian Energies
Self-discipline is a quality of the creative focus (Leo/Aquarius) that’s introduced at our Full Moon. At first glance, the Aquarian desire for freedom may seem antithetical to self-discipline, so let’s explore the connection between the two.
To understand this connection between discipline and creativity, it’s helpful to view self-discipline as the management of powerful energies. Powerful energies such as those experienced in Aquarius and Leo, when managed through self-discipline, result in the experience of greater freedom and ease in life.
This is mainly because the path of freedom often requires the discipline to go against group norms, and at times, even to fight for independence, which requires the strength to resist peer pressure or the status quo.
To emphasize this value of self-discipline, let’s look at the Sabian archetype for the Full Moon at 23° Aquarius.
ARCHETYPE: The self-discipline which results from an intelligent development of individual faculties under proper training.
COMMENTARY: The soul is the true trainer. Powerful energies can be trained once the realization occurs of the value and power contained in self-discipline which comes directly from source. Training is only truly successful when self-discipline is learned.
This Sabian archetype clearly points to the idea that there’s a greater personal power that can be accessed once the value of self-discipline is learned. This leads us back to the unique qualities of spiritual creativity that were released at the New Moon. (See article here: A Rare Infusion of Spiritual Creativity.)
Sun and Venus in Leo – The Power of Individual Expression
One significant aspect of the Full Moon chart is the Sun’s exact conjunction with Venus. This position in Leo is emphasizing the value of turning discipline into creative expression that is extremely focused, highlighting personal excellence.
The Sabian archetype for 23° Leo perfectly expresses this unique quality of skill.
ARCHETYPE: The audacity and perseverance required to control and play with the powerful energies of the vital realm in human existence.
COMMENTARY: The skill required to control vital energies, or libido, in all their different forms for the purpose of inspiring the younger generation towards greatness, using dramatic showmanship, skill, and vitality.
The self-discipline illustrated in this archetype highlights the amount of control required, so that when we undertake scary, difficult, or even dangerous endeavors we have the tools and confidence needed to excel. This archetype shows us how we can turn challenge and danger into a positive endeavor.
The shadow of Leo’s creative power can be involved in somewhat reckless activity, but with the right training, focus, and attitude (Aquarian qualities), self-discipline leads to the ability to harness power into creative precision.
Through proper training and self-discipline, one’s personal creativity and creative powers can be enhanced. From a more transcendent or spiritual point of view, Aquarian self-discipline provides the practical tools needed to see the larger picture. It also provides the discipline we need for training to develop the self-expression and creativity required to improve our circumstances for the better. This is true, even if it means being uncomfortable while we creatively harness these powerful Aquarian energies.
Happy Full Moon,
Steven Shroyer