The Dawning of the Golden Age of Aquarius: Eclipse Astrology Aug 2017
The upcoming Aquarius Lunar Eclipse holds a spectacular signature that has attracted a lot of astrological attention. My personal excitement
The upcoming Aquarius Lunar Eclipse holds a spectacular signature that has attracted a lot of astrological attention. My personal excitement
Our New Moon astrology is bringing a wave of energy that’s promoting self-reliance and independence to help us orient toward
Our Full Moon Astrology brings all of us to a crossroads of realization regarding the nature of our reality. These
Our New Moon astrology occurs only three days after the Summer Solstice, creating a consolidation of potentials that are needed
Our Sagittarius Full Moon astrology is giving each of us insight into how best to prepare for a better future.
Our New Moon astrology is focused through the lens of Gemini. The archetype of the Gemini twins expresses the dualistic
Our New Moon astrology brings a new focus to the idea of inner freedom. This short article expands on the
Our New Moon Astrology is coming into view through the lens of our experiences of several months of increasing intensity
• Article Window: Apr 10 to Apr 26 • The Full Moon is Monday, April 10, 11:08 PM PDT •
Our New Moon Astrology for this month indicates the potential for a major transformational shift in consciousness. On the personal
This month’s New Moon Astrology is focused through the broad lens of Pisces. The expansive scope of Pisces’ power is
Our Lunar eclipse in Virgo is perhaps the most significant and important Full Moon in a multi-year span. A Lunar
The Reverse Engineering of Consciousness
Our current astrology projects are supporting the unveiling of the newly emerging Aquarian Age, also known as the Golden Age of Self-realization. During this shift to a higher frequency, both Light and dark forces are operating openly. The astrological shadow of the dark force is being exposed with the help of Uranus, Pluto and Aquarius.
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