Big Change is in the Air
Libra New Moon
Our Moon is connecting all of us to a higher frequency as we experience the coming
Libra New Moon
Our Moon is connecting all of us to a higher frequency as we experience the coming
Pisces Full Moon
Our Moon brings a quality of sensitivity to our consciousness that can stir a new impulse
Virgo New Moon
Our Moon is stimulating a rise in worldwide awareness through a spiritual jump in consciousness. This
Aquarius Full Moon
Our Moon is the most powerful of our current year. There has been a tremendous amount
Our Leo New Moon is generating the potential to live life on your own terms, with the freedom to fully
Our Full Moon in Capricorn holds a tremendous of power that each person can use to leverage their personal potential
Our Cancer New Moon represents a balancing point between the past and the future, and the opportunity for a new
Our Gemini New Moon is bringing into play a new level of contrast, both personal and global, through the focus
Our Scorpio Full Moon eclipse opens a portal that provides a unique opportunity to establish a higher level of emotional
Our Taurus New Moon is potent with new life. Here in the northern hemisphere, Nature has come alive with abundance
Our Libra Full Moon is highlighting the ways in which we can more authentically participate in the world. Being authentic
Our Aries New Moon kicks off a new Lunar cycle as well as the new annual shift that comes with
The Reverse Engineering of Consciousness
Our current astrology projects are supporting the unveiling of the newly emerging Aquarian Age, also known as the Golden Age of Self-realization. During this shift to a higher frequency, both Light and dark forces are operating openly. The astrological shadow of the dark force is being exposed with the help of Uranus, Pluto and Aquarius.
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