Take Your Next Big Step: Full Moon Astrology Nov 2014

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Take Your Next Big Step: Full Moon Astrology Nov 2014

Take Your Next Big Step: Full Moon Astrology Nov 2014

  • Article Window: Nov 6 to Nov 22
  • The Full Moon is Thursday, Nov 6, 2:23 PM PST
  • Sun is 15° Scorpio, Moon is 15° Taurus
  • Current New Moon Theme (thru Nov 22): Widening of Experiences
  • Next New Moon Nov 22

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Taurus Full Moon in Seattle.

Astrology Article: Take Your Next Big Step

Each Full Moon is a powerful astrological event that facilitates growth to meld into the fabric of your being, especially in your life force and your ability to adapt and change. The power of this monthly cycle is dramatically amplified when the degree of the Full Moon occurs on one of the four power nodes of the Zodiac.

Passed down from ancient astrological traditions, these four Zodiac power nodes have been recognized as the four most potent releasers of energy in the entire year. These major release points are located at 15° Taurus, 15° Leo, 15° Scorpio, and 15° Aquarius.

This Full Moon is occurring at two of these four power points: The Moon is at 15° Taurus while the Sun is at 15° Scorpio. The entire Taurus/Scorpio Zodiac axis is being completely activated. As a result of this very strong Sun/Moon activation there is powerful energy being released.

In your personal experience, this powerful energy can be expressed along a full spectrum, from powerful challenges to powerful opportunities. In its most positive expression, the opportunity can result in the motivation you need to step forward toward a significant goal in your life.

The challenge can be expressed as a need to purposefully harness the power of these energies without feeling overwhelmed, lost, or confused.

Besides the release of these powerful energies associated with Taurus and Scorpio, this month’s Full Moon also carries with it an extra amount of tension resulting from the influence of Saturn and Venus conjunct the Sun. This is the type of tension that suggests “something big needs to shift to move forward.” It demands you do something positive in your life.

Unless it’s understood and expressed, this powerful Scorpio/Taurus energy release amplified by the natural tension of the Full Moon could easily be overwhelming.

The extra tension you may be feeling is a natural by-product of the ongoing and dynamic nature of our solar system. Once this dynamic tension is recognized for its potential, it’s much easier to tap in and create positive momentum to any area of your life.

In the current chart, Jupiter is providing the opportunity for release and positive expression of this powerful force.

This Full Moon opens the doorway to a perfect time to take “your next big step” in life. The Full Moon in Taurus is supporting your need to make your next big step feel real, or concrete. You can also experience a new perspective while working with some of the deeper energetic patterns contained within Scorpio.

The support and perspective of this Earth/Water duo of Taurus and Scorpio gives room for more transformative types of action to take hold in your everyday world. With Jupiter’s role strongly emphasized at the Full Moon, if you’re able to navigate the focused release of these energies, you have the opportunity to feel balanced and energized as you purposefully expand more fully into your larger destiny.

Astrology Pattern

Nov-Full-Moon-2014A Full Moon astrology pattern always places the Moon and Sun in opposite Zodiac signs exactly 180° apart. Our current pattern also groups the Sun with the two additional planets Saturn and Venus. With the Sun, Venus, and Saturn in Scorpio all focusing their energies through the Full Moon in Taurus, there is the possibility of a reaction of stubbornness to emerge. With so much energy being released in Taurus the possibility for implosion exists if there isn’t a sufficient avenue of release available.

Jupiter provides the perfect avenue for this type of positive release to occur. Jupiter’s position forms a T-square to the Scorpio/Taurus Sun/Moon polarity. This square is a positive influence once this energy is managed and directed. It offers an outlet and a needed direction for that energy to flow. Jupiter can act like an absorber to harness, organize, and convert the release of energy and direct it into your larger life’s work and purpose.

The shadow side of Jupiter absorbing all this energy is the feeling of being overwhelmed and losing faith in yourself. Unconscious patterns will more easily emerge and your imagination could become negatively activated, without any true sense of hope and growth. The key to Jupiter’s shadow in this pattern is centered on your determination for purpose, which allows an internal direction for the excessive energy to flow and release.

Mars in Capricorn can help here by supporting your ability to access will power and determination to expand into the positive potentials available.

The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s exact degree of 22° Leo clearly expresses this larger potential that is available to us all.


In the context of this chart, the symbol expresses the energy of you stepping into your life’s mission or destiny, or an aspect of your destiny being expressed.

Your capacity to tap into this Full Moon astrology pattern lies in your capacity to manage such a large release of energy.

Since it’s a Full Moon chart, this meaning applies on many levels, from personal, to group, to planetary.
Although this article’s focus is centered on a personal response, it’s important to remember that this pattern is happening at a world level as well.

Within the different societies of the world unconscious patterns will be activated and released. A conscious prayer and affirmation for the highest outcome for all through this process will fulfill one of your “carrier pigeon” missions.


There’s a tremendous amount of energy being released during this Full Moon. There is the potential for stress, implosion, and chaos but also simultaneously the opportunity for expansive growth.

The key to harnessing these energies in the highest possible way is through understanding the direction in which this energy will naturally want to flow. The planet Jupiter holds the key for positive release. It wants to use these energies to energize your life path and keep you moving in the right direction.

Your power these next two weeks lies in the opportunity to take the next big step in your life. Even if it looks like a small step from the outside, it will channel and focus all of this potential into the momentum of your life purpose. In the moments that you may be feeling overwhelmed, remember that you can tap into the power of hope as a tool to direct your energies in the right direction.

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful month,

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