Taking Your Next Big Step — Aries Full Moon Astrology Report

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Taking Your Next Big Step — Aries Full Moon Astrology Report

Taking Your Next Big Step — Aries Full Moon Astrology Report

Full Moon Astrology Report
Oct 13 to Oct 27

Aries Full Moon is Sunday, Oct 13, 2:08 PM PDT
• Current New Moon Theme (Sept 28 to Oct 27): INNER VISION
The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago.

Astrology Article — Taking Your Next Big Step

Our Aires Full Moon is helping and supporting the type of inner vision that’s required to take the next big step in your life. A ‘big step; in the context of an Aries Moon is totally subjective, meaning, that a ‘big step’ for you might look like a baby step to someone else. However big or small, your next step in life will be significant, and therefore considered a big step forward.

Our Full Moon energy has been building on the current theme of Inner Vision. (See the Libra New Moon article, The Strategic Use of Inner Vision, which outlines your capacity to visualize the bigger picture of your life.) Now that we are at the Full Moon, these same energies are pushing consciousness toward an ability to connect with that bigger picture so that you can take that next big step in your life.

The principle of Libra that we are most interested in at our current Full Moon is the principle of participating in something larger than yourself. What this looks like will vary greatly from person to person, but in every case there’s a need to attune ourselves to the large rhythm of life.

These are the larger rhythms of nature and consciousness that are working together with the evolutionary growth of our planet as the beginning stages of the Aquarian age take root. Feeling these larger rhythms allows us mentally engage in the process (Libra) and plan for your next step in moving forward in life (Aries Moon).

In the next section we’ll go over some of the key astrology patterns we’re working with. Seeing how the different energies are working together, you’ll begin to understand how to apply this principle to your individualized situation.

Astrology Pattern

When we look at the overall pattern in the chart, it’s easy to see that everything in the chart is keying off of the T-square of our historic Saturn/Pluto conjunction to the Full Moon. It’s also important notice how Mars is also squaring Saturn/Pluto.

As a quick review, remember that our current Saturn/Pluto conjunction has two aspects. One is individual, the other is collective. Individually, Saturn/Pluto provides a tremendous amount of inner strength and discipline, supporting us to act responsibly in alignment with our spiritual values.

The collective aspect of the conjunction is predominately playing out through the shadow of authoritarian control and false narratives. Ultimately this abuse of power within the collective is expressed through complete control over individual freedoms.

Because our chart’s T-square is so prominent, it’s good to remember that any T-square requires a combination of decisive action and a new perspective. With a T-square we know right from the start that something is going to change. To successfully work with a T-square, in order for that change to be positive, the decision to move forward has to stem from an enhanced perspective. Without a new personal perspective, T-squares often manifest as bad decision making.

To make sense of the changes that will occur with this Full Moon we can look at a unique connection between the archetypes of the Moon and Mars.

The archetype of Mars at 7° Libra involves ‘facing the powers of darkness.’ Whenever a big release of potential occurs, it brings with it a naturally occurring type of polarization that must be faced. Mars square Pluto/Saturn is enabling us to move forward with momentum even when we’re facing challenge or difficulty.

The archetype of the Moon at 21° Aries is ‘a boxer entering the ring.’ What’s most interesting about the Moon’s archetype is that it involves a release of ‘unpredictable social power.’ This symbol involves social power for a variety of reasons, including boxing being a public spectacle.

Combined with the energy of Mars, the release of social power with the Moon runs the real risk of being too aggressive, including the abuse of power. Whenever social power is released with too much aggression, the outcome becomes extremely unpredictable.

Our current astrological situation is already extremely unpredictable with our historic Saturn/Pluto conjunction. With the current Full Moon, both Mars and the Moon are holding a similar frequency, squared to the conjunction. Together they are bringing about the need to connect with the larger picture in order to prevent getting caught up in something volatile, or at least, unpredictable.

The Sun’s archetype, in relationship to the overall pattern, is connecting with the larger rhythms of nature and life, supporting our ability to see and feel the bigger picture.

A Positive Outlook

On an extremely positive note, Saturn and Pluto are both sitting on archetypes that indicate a positive outlook toward your personal future. At least for the duration of this lunar cycle, Saturn/Pluto’s energies are enabling you to see beyond current patterns of disruption in order to move beyond fear and step into new possibilities.

With the challenges of the current T-square, your ability to step into this positive outlook requires you tapping into the inner strength that the Pluto/Saturn conjunction provides. This quality of inner strength and positivity will enable you to deal with any unpredictability inherent in your life.

A conversation that includes unpredictability must also consider the impact of Uranus. The energy of Uranus in this chart, opposed the Venus/Mercury conjunction, is also all about taking the next big step in life.

There is the very real possibility here of making a big shift toward a positive future. What’s required is for you to look beyond the immediate reactions around you, especially of all the shadow elements that are taking place with our Saturn/Pluto conjunction. The shadow of our historic Saturn/Pluto conjunction is activating fear, and is highlighting other trajectories based on lack, loss of freedom, and being controlled through abuse of power.

A more positive outlook to the future lies in tuning into the large rhythms of what is truly happening (influence of the Sun). Because of the unpredictability of the larger patterns of change, your ability to move forward with positivity rests on connecting with, and adjusting to, where you are in the bigger picture of your own life (influence of the Moon).


This Full Moon in Aries is all about you taking the next big step in life, based the context of your particular circumstances. As we tune into the larger rhythms of life, the unpredictable nature of our current energies is minimized and we are able to tap into inner vision to see life trajectories that are void of fear and transcend the authoritarian powers that seek to aggressively control our reality.

As we all move forward we’re each being called to step into new values that reinforce positive forward momentum for us all. It’s time for your next big step.

Happy Full Moon,

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