New Moon Astrology Report
Dec 6 to Jan 5
• Sagittarius New Moon is Thursday, Dec 6, 11:20 PM PST
• Current New Moon Theme (Dec 6 to Jan 5): DEPENDENCY
• The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire Lunar cycle that follows. This creative momentum is for energizing your life’s purpose and personal growth, especially while adjusting to evolving circumstances.
Astrology Article
Too Little or Too Much?
Our Sagittarius New Moon energies have the signature of expanding our awareness through taking a closer look at what we depend on. What’s being depended upon in terms of this New Moon relates to what we’re ingesting from our culture, especially all forms of information, values and beliefs, as well as the principles we live by. As we take a closer look at these dependencies, we’ll look at the personal impact and then expand our view to the larger culture.
As we begin it will be helpful to review some key concepts of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is often misunderstood as simply a fun-loving zodiac sign with an ideological twist involving travel and sports, but this doesn’t really explain the qualities of the archetype that push Sagittarius toward its greatness.
Sagittarius is composed of two halves, each with 15°. Each half carries a theme that helps us understand the deeper meaning. The first theme is “Reflection,” and embodies the concept of that which is seen or understood through the process of objective perspective. The second theme is “Transmission,” and embodies the idea that what’s most important is understanding the “thing” or “idea” that’s be transmitted from one to another.
Reflection, the theme of the first half of Sagittarius, is a way to expand our understanding through an objective relationship. What’s reflected carries with it an expanded meaning or the deeper understanding of something in the same way a mirror reflects the essence of something that can become a shared experience.
Transmission, the theme of the second half of Sagittarius, carries with it the understanding of what’s being conveyed. It’s not the data itself that Sagittarius is concerned with, but the deeper meaning of the data, the understanding of what that data represents. Significantly, our New Moon occurs at 16°, the beginning of this second half of Sagittarius, so our New Moon holds the theme of understanding through a quality of inspiration around what is being transmitted or communicated.
So you may be thinking, “How does this tie into themes of ideology, sports and travel as they are related to the popular culture meaning of Sagittarius?”
At the highest level, the Sagittarius archetype holds the fundamental ideas and principles that form the basis for what we think of as good and right within humanity. These generalized ideas form the hidden structure and ideology behind philosophy, religion and our legal system. “Sports” promote more than a game, as there’s a principle of striving for greatness that inspires what’s good and principled. The rules of the sport are honored as a reflection of something greater at play, especially when groups are involved. With experiences of “travel” there’s an expansion of one’s perspective and viewpoint that ultimately establishes principles for living that are good and right everywhere one goes.
In each of these cases, what’s being transmitted are the hidden principles that form the basis for what a culture considers to be true, good and right, at the most fundamental level. What’s hidden in every experience is this larger understanding that in turn inspires humanity to live by principles that go beyond the superficialities and entertainment aspects that are often seen within cultural trends.
As we move from the depths of Scorpio and the energy of emotional power, it’s important to understand that Sagittarius has its own quality of depth, related to understanding and deeper meaning. What Sagittarius ultimately helps us do is create an understanding that goes beyond just information (represented by its polar opposite of Gemini), and leads us to ask “What’s the principle that really matters?” and “What’s the essence?” and “What’s most important?”
A Deeper Meaning of Our Current New Moon Energies
Now that we have a better grasp of the Sagittarius archetype let’s get back to our current New Moon in Sagittarius.
I titled this article “Too Little or Too Much” because of the overall signature of the chart. The energy of the New Moon is centered on our sense of dependency and the requirement to examine our own relationship to our society’s values and beliefs. What values and beliefs are we each dependent on and how healthy is this dependence? This Lunar cycle is urging each of us to develop a deeper understanding of just how dependent we are, and what we’re relying upon.
This quality of dependence can be understood and explored in two ways. The first is through what’s being transmitted and communicated, including through our current media such as news, movies, education, and the internet. This is a time to ask how much control we want placed on our access to information. Is this access to information a fundamental principle to be honored, or something to be controlled?
Secondly, we can look to the idea of security. Too little or too much protection can be seen with the current notion that we need more censorship under the guise of protection, even to the point that people are being encouraged to give up their ideas of freedom and liberty in the name of safety and protection.
In our current astrological period, with both Saturn and Pluto transiting Capricorn, the trend is for institutions to harness more and more control over the people. Taken to the extreme, the shadow of Pluto in Capricorn, leads to a state of totalitarianism, or total authoritarian control.
It is precisely this unsustainable level of control that makes the archetype of Aquarius so powerful. Aquarius, coming directly after the sign of Capricorn, addresses this type of suppressive control by inspiring a new love for freedom, individuality, and a rebellion against all forms of Capricorn control and protectionism.
Now that we’ve outlined how the dynamic of “too little or too much” is a precursor to the shadow side of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, it’s much easier to understand how our group dependencies are tied to the underlying need for stability and control.
The best way to take advantage of our New Moon energies this cycle is to work with a deeper understanding of your own dependencies. How much control do you want placed over you? And what forms of external control support your own freedom? “Too little or too much?” is the question that each of us must answer during this Lunar cycle.
Astrology Pattern
Our New Moon chart is in the shape of a bowl, signifying a quality of concentration and integration. This bowl pattern holds the frequency of challenging our values and empowering us to move in a direction of expanded thinking.
The North Node at midpoint opposite the bowl (representing the “handle”) reinforces our ability to challenge the way things are by using our intellect to move beyond simplistic or limiting values and traditions, especially those that are damaging to fundamental principles of freedom.
The next significant pattern is the Jupiter conjunction to the New Moon. Within the context of this pattern and as the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter signifies an expansion through a new style of social management. Jupiter organizes society’s interactions, and in turn expands the principles for managing social trends and ideology in a way that contributes to the health of a society.
As Jupiter works with Saturn these principles are put into laws and philosophies and then implemented through the structure of education and religion. A culture is able to expand through the hidden structure of these principles, operating as social management.
It’s interesting to note that this Jupiter new-phase conjunction supports the energy to better understand this larger issue of how our society uses structured organization to control and manage. The deeper question is whether this expansion is occurring organically, through a natural process of people expanding their ideals of what is good and right for everyone, or whether we are relying on expansion through control and dependency from those in authority and established institutions.
I have already briefly discussed the significance of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, with the shadow tendency to external authoritarian control. The bottom line is that there’s currently a concentrated increase in new systems and structures being built with the intention to provide a more powerful centralized authority for regulating society.
In addition, I would also point out that our New Moon is in a balsamic phase to these two planets, which requires a letting go of preconceived ideas in order to free up our own authority, the authority that lies within.
The influence of Saturn and Pluto will continue to strengthen, leading up to our next New Moon which will occur in Capricorn, directly between these two planets. In fact, the new Lunar cycle begins on Jan 5th with a Solar eclipse, which will represent a distinct turning point, forcing us to deal with what being transmitted to us at a cultural level.
The final aspect that reinforces our overall chart signature is the Neptune/Mars conjunction in Pisces. Although it happens to be exact to the degree, technically Mars is balsamic by only 11 minutes of separation. The significance of this balsamic influence is that it supports the institutionalized (Pisces) push of active resistance to change, and at the same time it’s also actively undermining that same element of control. The meaning and significance is dependent on which side of the “too little or too much” fence one stands.
When we take a deeper look at what we are dependent on, either individually or collectively, we start to put into perspective our New Moon energies. The title of this New Moon theme of “too little or too much” sums up the energies that enable you to explore which side of the fence you find yourself standing upon.
The theme of dependence and what’s being depended upon in terms of this New Moon relates to what we’re ingesting from our culture, especially all forms of information, values and beliefs, as well as the root, or fundamental, principles we live by. Each of us must examine, in some form, whether or not it’s healthy to rely on the Pluto in Capricorn controls designed to spoon feed us and control our daily life. Successfully moving forward in life requires all of us to expand our thinking about what is being transmitted to us by those same institutions upon which we have become dependent.